Plaque is held together by fibrin, which is a protein. Serrapeptase dissolves that protein. Blood clots are also held together by fibrin. After clearing up these problems, I continue to take Serrapeptase as a "longevity pill", because blood clots are what cause heart attack and strokes. Blood clots can also be produced by so-called sticky platelets. Ordinary aspirin takes care of that and is often prescribed following a heart attack or stroke.
A single 120,000 SPU daily capsule of Serrapeptase, plus 81 mg of aspirin, does the trick. Doctor's Best brand of Serapeptase is one such source.
Caution: Serrapeptase MUST be taken on an empty stomach -- not having eaten for several hours -- in order to be effective. Serrapeptase is an enzyme, not a drug, and there are no side effects other than possible diarrhea if you take too much. For some people, 40,000 SPU daily (low dose) is all that can be tolerated.
Slow digestion, acid reflux or other digestive issues can spoil the uptake of Serrapeptase. So it may not work for everyone. The problem is not Serrapeptase. It's the blocked uptake. Then again, everyone's body chemistry is different. There are no guarantees. But enzyme therapy, which is widely used in the Orient, is worth a try.