I began to see an acupuncturist, two weeks ago. I have had two visits. She let my body tell her what I needed. She administered acupuncture, then cupping, followed by massage. She adjusted my OTC herbs, which closely follow what I have already read on this site. She suggested using the book "Eat Right 4 Your Type" (D'Adamo). I am eating 50% organic, and follow my blood type recommendations to a T. "Good food is medicine" she says.
I feel SO much better. I can get thru the day without a nap, my muscles hurt less, my temp at night is lower, I have less heartburn, and am HAPPY!
I would never have tried acupuncture unless I felt cornered. I felt no solution otherwise. Feel free to use what ever info you would like. I am 60 years old, and work full time. God bless.