I did more research and memory loss from Long-Covid can mimic Alzheimer Symptoms. It was pretty alarming.
I have recently been taking Maca for a host of reasons. Balancing hormones for post-menopause. Vaginal dryness. Depression. Adrenal exhaustion. Boosting my Energy. After taking Maca for several weeks, I realized my memory issues have improved significantly.
I did more research into the Maca and found it supports good memory and cognitive function. Stress relief. It supports a healthy libido and fertility issues. Maca supports the whole endocrine system. It is referred to as the South American ginseng. My memory issues have improved 75% ... oh and so has my sex drive.
I found an Organic brand that combines red, black and yellow Maca.The dosage on supplements are generally for maintenance and not therapeutic ... so I usually double or triple the dosage if I am treating for something. If the bowels become loose, you've over done it.
Very impressed with Maca.