Then I realized that the little gland under my tongue had a very white "thing" in it, in addition to the redness and swelling. It did not look like pus and it did not look like a canker sore. I had heard of salivary duct stones and after some research realized that was probably what it was.
Of course, the first place to check for remedies was Earth Clinic. I had orange and lemon essential oils on hand, which were two oils with positive results. I used a q-tip to apply straight orange essential oil to the swollen salivary duct, right where the "stone" was. I did this every few hours. It wasn't seeming to cause any change so I switched to lemon essential oil. I applied it before bed and again when I got up in the morning. A couple of hours later, I applied the lemon oil again, while I was massaging the gland with the q-tip, out popped the little stone! It was perhaps just 1 mm, like a large grain of sand. But hard as a rock. For as small as it was it was causing an awful lot of trouble!
It was not long before the gland in my neck felt better and the swelling was almost completely gone.
For the record, the lemon essential oil was not a high end oil. It was a "Now" oil and it wasn't organic. (I usually try to get organic essential oils, but I keep this around for cleaning and don't bother with organic for that usually.) I was using it straight but a very small amount (much less than a drop) on a q-tip each time. It did not irritate my mouth at all or even taste strong.
I was tickled that this simple remedy helped so quickly.
~Mama to Many~
Lemon or Orange Essential Oil
Lemon or Orange Essential Oil