A cousin of mine based in India has been on schizophrenia medication Benzyzine last 25 years and made a miraculous recovery. Now last 18 months she has reduced her medication on her own and is on 1/4 so the symptoms have returned in a passive manner - she does no work and is not productive. I read all of Dr Hoffer's books and we tried introducing small particles around 10-20 gms in her food and drink (she catches any higher quantity). Niacin B3 did not help - he complains of rise in BP; Niacinamide did not help - she was unable to sleep - We are now trying Inositol Hexaniacinate.
With VIT C she complains of high BP
Where are we going wrong? I am seeing a LOT of Copper related issues in schizophrenia.
The above subject has grey hair and hence it looks like he has both copper toxicity and copper biounavailabilty and imbalance
Niacin B3 is NOT working and I know it will work but we are not doing something right
Could someone please help? thanks in advance