Sinus Infections Link
Natural Remedies

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections: Artificial Flavorings Link

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Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback

177 User Reviews
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Posted by Tyler (Sherman Oaks, CA) on 01/13/2007

I have been battling a sinus infection all week that is also accompanied by a sort of flu which has mostly receded. I found it interesting to note that, the day before i was taken ill i had indulged in a very sugary frozen yogurt, something i never usually eat. if i find a remedy(I'm allergic to antibiotics) ill let you know. thanks.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Jennifer (Raleigh, NC) on 12/21/2006

Ice Cream/Sinus Connection: I have been in utter pain for the past couple of days & after just reading the ice cream/sinus theory I recalled that Sunday evening before I had the headache I had a Frostee @ Wendy's. I don't eat them very often, as I don't like chocolate ice cream, but they have vanilla now. If I hadn't been so miserable, I would might think this theory is ridiculous, but it isn't. I eat lots of dairy, but never milk, just soy milk.. keep up the good work!

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Laura (Covington, LA) on 11/12/2006

I wanted to tell you that I thought my family was having a mass attack of sinuses! I believe it started last weekend with the purchase of 1/2 gallon of Blue Belle ice cream We don't eat it all the time but maybe with the onset of fall it seems to have brought about a horrible round of infections for all of us! To make it worse, I bought a pint of Marsha Marsha Marshmallow by Ben & Jerry's on Monday, November 6. I ate a little bit but not much and put it in the freezer at work. On Tuesday, November 7, I ate the rest of it by late afternoon.

Now my son and I have been having chronic stuffiness for several weeks. The clogging was stuck behind my nose and would not budge and I got no relief from over the counter decongestants.

On Wednesday I started getting a headache which continued into the Thursday when I started getting a sore throat and even more stuffiness with no way to get it out. Saline spray wasn't working and still got no relief from any over the counter medications.

Friday I woke up with the worst feeling ever - I couldn't even move or function. I was literally glued to the bed with flu-like symptoms, a raging sore throat with no was to get rid of the mucous clogged up in the back of my nose. It was horrible.By Saturday I had to go to the doctor for a shot of cortisone, a prescription for antibiotics and a prescription decongestant.

So now today, Sunday, I have to take my daughter in because her throat is sore, her ear hurts and she is stuffy too. Poor thing! I was reading online about natural remedies for sinusitis and stumbled on the ice cream connection.

It totally makes sense! I will be more valiant in avoiding ice cream and switch to italian ice or some other milk-free product. Tofutti makes great soy products (and I now drink only soy milk which I think is the next step for my kids.) It seems we need to get back to more natural products and stay away from processed foods. I'm definitely putting apple cider vinegar on my shopping list today to give it a try.

Replied by Dkay
(San Diego, Ca)

Please!!! Do NOT start your children on soy products! You will be trading one problem for another one. As one who suffers from hypothyroidism, soy products deplete thyroid hormones. Many children who were given soy based infant formulas as babies started suffering from hypothyroidism by the time they were about 12 years old. Do NOT do this to your children. Almond or rice milk is better and tastes pretty good--but watch the sugar content--some have no sugar added.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Marian (Central Lk) on 09/10/2006

Concerning sinus infections and their relationship to ice cream, I would like to comment on the pasteurization of milk and its products there of. The pasteurization of milk kills the enzymes that enables the body to process and assimilates its benefits. When products of pasteurized milk are consumed, it basically sits rotting in the small intestine, which resides in the same meridian as the sinuses, thus, causing inflammation and quite often sinus infection. Raw milk products from cows raised in mineral rich pastures, fed only grasses and no grain, produce a milk highly beneficial and easily assimilated by our human bodies. It is loaded with fat soluble vitamins, A , D, and E, minerals and enzymes. So don't knock out ice cream all together, it can still be enjoyed by making your own with fresh raw milk.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by David (Terry, Mississippi) on 08/29/2006

There is a definite link between milk and sinus/throat infection. For years I have been pestered with 'quinsy' or infection, swelling, nausea, congestion of back of the sinuses, which spreads up and down and sometimes into chest. Anyway, twice a year (in sync with the AC/heat turning on and drying out the air) I would wake up with my nose passages bone dry right to the back of my skull. Then the mucus built up in the back up of my nose and things swelled up, got nauseous, and generally nasty. After my last case I realized that it had come directly after a warm milk craze in which I would drink a big cup of warm milk with honey every night for several days. This was no ordinary milk either, this was all natural organic milk (but pasteurized). I gave up milk and no problems since. Pasteurized milk links directly to your sinuses.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Maria (San Antonio, TX) on 07/16/2006

I really like spicy chili and herbs for clearing the sinuses. However, dairy is not the problem. Homogenized, pasteurized dairy is. It is too bad that raw milk, butter, and cheese are not allowed in most states.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by CASIE (BOURBONNAIS IL) on 06/16/2006


Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Armin (Milwaukee, WI) on 06/15/2006

A week ago Monday I had a large Frosty at Wendys, by Wednesday pm I felt like I had the flu and a day or two later my head was pounding and I invested in tissue stocks. I'm trying Advil and Nyquil, no luck.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Elayne (Johannesburg South Africa) on 06/13/2006

I normally do not suffer from Sinusitis or eat ice cream, but since I gave up smoking 4 years ago, I love eating the stuff and cannot believe how ill I have been. Sinusitis is one of my problems. I will definitely stop eating the stuff till I can prove otherwise.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Paul (Minooka, IL) on 06/11/2006

I couldn't believe what i was reading. i had flu like symptoms, took my temperature and everything and two days later i had a full blown sinus infection. the ice cream that i ate was Breyers ice cream. unfortunately i didn't find your web site in time for a home cure. i got a prescript for an antibiotic today. ten days was long enough with the sinus and headaches.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Sherry (Kalispell, MT) on 06/10/2006

I was looking for an at-home remedy and seen that ice cream is linked to sinus infections. Believe it or not I had eaten ice cream at Dairy Queen and went home, hours later I felt like I was coming down with something. It started just with a running nose. While sleeping off and on the symptoms worsened. It's the next morning were I have a sinus infection. It hit hard and fast, with no warning. No cold, not anything. I believe that the ice cream sent me into overdrive.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Debra (IA) on 05/31/2006

I do not think it is the ice cream or dairy products that are causing the infection or more likely inflammation. There is a link though. The calcium in dairy products is probably triggering the release of gastrin that results in increased stomach acid. Gastric reflux of this acid can cause both sinusitis and asthma like symptoms. I would say this is GERD causing your problems.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Pete (Sacramento, CA) on 05/30/2006

Wanted to correct an earlier posting by an individual claiming that Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream contains sorbitol. Only the sugar-free varieties contain sorbitol, not the regular stuff.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Tom (Memphis) on 05/28/2006

I read your article on ice cream being the cause of sinus infection. I have a severe case right now and just as you stated 48 hours ago I had some ice cream, which I normally don't eat. Thanks for the info.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Lee (Philadelphia) on 05/27/2006

i just wanted to comment on the ice cream issue. it definitely causes sinus infections. i have suffered for years with my sinuses. as much as i love it i have vowed never to take another spoonful of the stuff. i can be ok and somewhat clear outside of my allergies and the moment i get weak and eat that vanilla i develop so much mucus as a result that i can hardly breath. take my advice don't touch it.
