Posted by Christin (Westfield, Ny) on 05/31/2013
My daughter had these bumps on her elbows that kept getting better and now they're virtually gone from applying virgin coconut oil! It's like a miracle cure for practically anything! I have become a believer in coconut oil. Also, I started using it instead of butter so we love it on toast or even a piece of bread, which my daughter loves and it's a great way for her to add the coconut oil in her diet.
Posted by Woundedkarma (East Coast, Usa) on 09/27/2012
My mother (aged 56), is on diuretics which causes bumps, brusing and bleeding very easily. It usually takes my mom months to heal from these. I had been researching organic coconut oil for a while and had finally decided to try some on her. I had her rub a thin layer of coconut oil on her arms and hands (this is where her wounds were), three times a day. It surprised both of us when it only took
four days to clear her skin up! This was a year ago, but she is still averaging four days in the healing process. This beats months of healing time!
I don't even have to remind her to use it. She's so happy about it that as soon as she bumps her arm/hand, causing a bruise or bump, she goes right for the coconut oil. We absolutely love coconut oil now.
For specifics, the coconut oil is: organic, extra-virgin, unrefined, cold-pressed, non-deodorized, non-bleached, made without pesticides, GMOs, or hexane.