Natural Remedies

Glowing Skin Remedies

Turmeric and Tiger Nut Mask
Posted by Bodacious (Kaduna, Nigeria) on 12/30/2009

I made a face mask using a tspn each of turmeric, ground tiger nuts, honey & acv with a few drops of black cumin seed oil. i cannot get my hands off my face. it's so smooth.

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Joy (Vancouver, Wa) on 12/27/2009 1 posts

Where do you put the honey and tumeric? On your face or body. Do you use oil afterwards? I want to try it.
thank you. Joy

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Pam (Brooklyn, Ny) on 12/26/2009

Honey has a heaping amount of Vitamins and minerals, All i do is; 1 tablespoon of honey to a teaspoon of Turmeric. Does not stain, but you know its working because you feel the heat! Keep it cheap and simple! Why waste money on extra stuff, when simple does the job as well! I've tried many other ways, and honey is the only way it does not stain. It takes away that winter dry face and your face does not have that after wash tight dry face feeling, but rather a refreshed one. Maybe you guys should use them oils after the wash, but massage your face with it instead. It works and gives you a youthful look! I've also used Honey on a cut that needed stitches. I didnt want to go to hospital, so i poured honey into it, the wound closed up and no puss or keloids! I do however have a scar, but thats because i gave up soon after! Good luck and keep researching, this is one of the best sights! EVER!

PS: Look into Primrose oil and Rose hip oils or anything in the alpha omegas, they renew skin!

Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
Posted by Shirley (Perth, Western Australia) on 12/16/2009

I have lots of brown scars all over my body because of dermatitis.. I just wanna know if this mixture can help to lessen the darkness of the scars all over me. Its really embarrassing!!!! Please help.. I started to lose my self confidence because of this..

Posted by Patricia (Sanford, Fl) on 12/11/2009

I will definitely try this, Auset! I have Lupus, so my face will break out in a rash occasionally, and when it dries up my skin is very flakey and tender. Tell long do you leave the cucumber "juice" on your skin before rinsing?

Posted by Auset (Northern California, California Usa) on 12/09/2009

Beautiful Skin

I had been using a 22 dollar natural chamomile cream on my face. I am 42 and take heavy medication for an autoimmune disorder. Btwn the meds and age, I was beginning to wrinkle. I do a lot of computer work and am into natural healing and looked up natural eye relief remedies for strained eyes. Cucumber came up and I also saw that wrinkle creams use cucumber extract. So, I decided to slice off 1/2 inch cucumber circle and rub it on my face as well as my eyes. I rubbed both sides of the cucumber circle all over my face til it was soggy and limp. It was an instant oil free moisturizer! My face has always been oily and the least bit of oil in something clogged my pores. I have dry parts on my face as well. Not any more! My skin absolutely glows, is super smooth and looks young. The wrinkles have been lessening and it's been about i month. I do this 2 to 3 times a day and the more I do it, the better my skin looks. I am African American and have uneven skin tone and it is evening out my dark eye circles. I dont even use the cream any more and just spend a 1.00 or two for naturally beautiful skin.

Stephanie's Remedies
Posted by Maeryn (Calgary, Ab) on 12/06/2009

Hi Stephanie, what type of skin do you have? I have combination skin. oily in T -zone, dry on cheeks. Just wondering what skin type this treatment would work best with. Thanks!!

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Sheila (Singapore) on 12/02/2009

if your skin is dull and sallow it could be lacking moisture and dead cells on the surface may be reason. use papaya to slough off the dead skin = simply pulp the flesh or the fleshy peel and slap it on for 30 mins and wash off as normal. the natural AHA does its thing and takes off the dead cells. To improve moisture eat fruits NOT fruit juice - i dont know how come but it simply works - esp tomatoes, and of course organic if you can find them.

Posted by Sp (Nashville, Tn) on 11/25/2009

I decided to try BORAX after reading the posts about BORAX on EC. I have been using BORAX for 3 months to wash my body, scalp and face and love the result. Doesn't dry out my skin, scalp, just a clean feeling. Helps with acne breakouts.

I even clean my house with BORAX. One box cost $3.00 and lasts me a whole month. I love BORAX. Highly recommend to others.

Castor Oil
Posted by Mila (Hixson, Tn) on 11/23/2009

What kind of facial exercises helps to tone the facial skin?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Ratgirldjh (Austin, Texas, USA) on 11/20/2009

organic cold pressed sesame oil... wow! i have begun using this oil for everything!!!

my skin loves it - i use it for moisturizing and before i get in the bath - and massage.

it is wonderful to massage your whole body (face included) and then scrub with handfuls of epsom salts!!! then just rinse off the epsom salts and massage the rest of the sesame oil into your skin!!!

i also use this as nose drops - and it really helps my allergies!!!

and of course i use it for oil pulling!

i have tried VCO, EVOO, etc. and organic cold pressed sesame oil is the best for me!!!

try it if you have dry or aging skin - i promise you will love it. and if the smell bothers you a few drops of lavender or other essential oil fixes this!!!


Avoid Sugar
Posted by Taleen (Ft. Lauderdale, Fl) on 11/16/2009

One important thing about the skin I have learned over the years is that sugar really affects it. If I have something sweet to eat at night, I wake up the next morning with dark circles under my eyes and dry, cracked skin that looks like it has aged something fierce overnight. I have been diligent lately and cutting back my sugar intake throughout the day and I can see a difference in my skin. You know the saying, you are what you eat? I believe it! What you eat immediately shows through your pores. I am also starting to juice every day too with greens like kale and swiss chard, apples and lemons. It gets expensive buying organic produce to juice, but the weight loss is great and my skin is glowing.

Oil Cleansing Method
Posted by Saysouda (Nashville, Tn) on 10/12/2009

For a few months now I have been using this method and it has really worked for me. My skin is softer, smoother, and is clearer. I have always have problem skin and now at 36 yrs old I feel like I have found something that really works for me and is less expansive.

In the morning, I clean my face with witchhazel using cotton ball; then use warm damp cloth over face and neck. Sometimes I use BORAX when my skin feels oily, just sprinkle a little and add water to make paste, then rub on face and splash it off with warm water. The borax paste also works like an exfoliant.

At night, I rub VCO on face and neck. Wipe off with tissue, then use warm/damp cloth.

After cleaning, I moisturize with jojoba oil both day and night. In the daytime, I add sunscreen to my routine.

Recently I have tried the mask using honey and milk (a recipe I found here on EC) and I love the way the mask makes my skin feels. Soft and the lines are less noticeable.

I used VCO as a moisturize and found it was not hydrating enough for my skin. But I love it a cleanser. I even take 1 TBSP VCO internally every day and I feel like I have more energy and my skin feels clearer also. Oh, one more thing, yes, I did break out during the first week of trying this method. I think it was due to the impurities coming out of my skin.

Good luck and hang in there if you do break out some. Your skin is just detoxing itself.

Rice, Egg Whites
Posted by Tee (Chicago, IL) on 10/11/2009

So do you use the water left from the rice the rice itself? Do you wash it off after a while or leave it? How often should it be done?

Rice, Egg Whites
Posted by Lauren (Whitehorse, Yt) on 10/11/2009

There are two different treatments you can use to get beautiful glowing skin.

1.Use organic rice to clear your skin problems. All you do is add water to a cup of organic rice, let it soak for about 5-10 mins. Then use paper towel or a sponge of some sort to put it on your face. People who work with rice have very soft hands.

2. Egg whites. Use organic eggs, no pesticides are in them. Drain whites into a bowl, whip them till foamy. Then put on your face. Leave it on till it dries like a mask. Then wash it off. Leave on for about 5 mins (until crusty)

Other things you can do is take ACV, vitamin e and primerose oil. Good luck

Oil Cleansing Method
Posted by Twitch (Nw, Ohio) on 10/06/2009

For those of you that have experienced acne breakouts from the oil cleansing method, this is really a detoxing period or reaction brought on by doing the OCM. What is happening is the oils are pulling toxins and debris out of the layers of the skin. If you keep it up it will eventually subside because it will have pulled all the gunk out over time. Also, to the one who used soap in the morning and OCM in the evening...using the soap is just defeating the purpose of doing OCM. What I do is do the OCM in the evening which also helps remove any makeup that was worn, then I just use a warm wet washcloth in the morning. Overnight there hasn't been much to contaminate my skin to warrant using much else on my face and it doesn't strip the skin of its natural oils.

Oil Cleansing Method
Posted by Ratgirldjh (Austin, Texas, USA) on 09/30/2009

the oil cleansing method did did not work for me either. it ended up making my skin drier (i guess it really does remove oil) and also gave me cystic pimples too.

what helped me a lot - was to start using a tiny bit of baking soda and a wet face to exfoliate. then i use very diluted ACV afterwards to balance my skin back out.

after a few days of this my cystic pimples started clearing up. some are taking longer.

i think that why the oil cleansing method doesn't work for everyone is that you are actually massaging the oil into the pores and some pores are too small for it to come back out very well...

even with the steaming hot washcloth i still has this problem :(

i thought about steaming my face to try and get rid of the cystic pimples and it did help when i did it with water alone or a little ACV over a pot and then used a washcloth on my skin - or did the baking soda afterwards...

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Jayne (Pensacola, Florida) on 09/29/2009

Turmeric for face mask

I've been drinking turmeric milk and am ready to try it for skin. I see some people have turned yellow using the face mask recipes. One thing I notice is that Lita's recipe only calls for a teaspoon of turmeric, while some of the people who turned yellow used as much as 1-2 tablespoons of turmeric--that's 3-6 times more! I plan to start with just 1/2 tsp and to do a test first on my inner arm near the elbow crease. Even natural remedies have to be used responsibly--no one thing works perfectly for every one. And that said, I love this site!

Oil Cleansing Method
Posted by Tee (Chicago, Il) on 09/28/2009

Well I wasn't so lucky with the oil cleansing method. I wanted to know is there any kind of tool or product that can just suck the junk from under my skin. I saw a pore cleanser advertised a few years ago any recommedations? The stuff is like stuck in my skin til i squeeze it out and it stinks bad. I also have patches of these tiny bumps they never seems to go away on there own. Is there a name for this condition or is it just acne?

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Gaynor (Manaton, Devon Uk) on 09/28/2009

Hi Lita,

The mask I use is based on the Fountain of Youth mask with the following ingredients :-

Tumeric Teaspoon
honey teaspoon
neem oil four drops
acv half teaspoon
rose water half teaspoon
almond oil four drops
jojoba four drops
blackseed oil four drops
yoghut teaspoon

Apply to face and leave for about one hour-I rinse with cold water and then use a mild cream to remove residue. This works well -I try not to make it too runny.

Oil Cleansing Method
Posted by Azg (Toronto, On) on 09/28/2009

Oil Cleansing Method for Beautiful Skin

I have always had perfect skin... and then I had my baby who's now 2 years old...and suddenly I have skin like a teenager. This has been pretty rough for me, considering I am over 30 years old. I've always had great skin and suddenly having to deal with this has been difficult.

When I became pregnant I more or less swore off all the store bought skin care. Which is ironic because I am a cosmetician and make-up artist.

Oil Cleansing has been AMAZING for took a little while to find the right combinations of oils for my skin. I have pretty normal skin that borders on slightly dehydrated. I'm a make-up artist, so I wear make-up almost every day. I'm not a fan of concealer/foundations so I rarely wear those but I ALWAYS wear at least mascara and blush. I hate having to use a make-up remover and then a face wash - I want it gone in one step. I've also always had black-heads on my nose. Tiny little black/brown/grey dots on the sides of my nose...driving me crazy.

So my mix (in a 3 oz bottle) is approx. 40% Castor Oil, 30% Olive Oil, 30% Coconut Oil, a few drops of Rose Hip Seed Oil, 3 or 4 drops of Lavender Essential Oil, and about 10 drops of Sage Essential Oil. I put about 3 pumps of this oil onto my dry face and massage for about 3-5 minutes. Then I soak a washcloth in hot hot water and squeeze out the excess. I bring it to my face and let the steam rise up out of the washcloth and as the washcloth cools I bring it closer to my face until I have it pressed against my face while still hot (but not too hot). I leave it there for about a minute then gently wipe the oil off. I repeat this process another 2 times until all traces of oil are removed from my face.

The week before my period I will add an extra couple of drops of either Sage Essential Oil into the mix in my hand or a couple of drops of Lemon Essential Oil for extra deep-cleaning.

After I pat my face dry I will use ACV as a toner. I moisturize with a mixture of about 60% Jojoba Oil, 39% Coconut Oil and 1% Sage Essential Oil. I use pure Olive Oil or Jojoba Oil around my eyes, and then seal that in with an organic home-made lip balm (you can use a store brought brand, just make sure it's all-natural/organic and free of mint).

I am completely wrinkle free, have an even and bright complexion. I don't wear sunscreen (as I don't believe in those chemicals), except when I go to the beach, in which case I *may* wear an all-natural sunscreen that uses Physical Sunscreens (Zinc Oxide/Titanium Dioxide) and a wide-brimmed hat.

The break-outs I've been dealing with are clearing up, THANKS TO THIS WEBSITE. I have been doing the Turmeric Masks, drinking ACV as well as using it as an astringent twice a day, I just started incorporating Blackstrap Molasses into my routine as well (internally AND externally). I just started with Organic, High-Lignan Flax Seed Oil from the refridgerated section. I am drinking at least 8 cups of water a day (I have been for a while) and am a pretty healthy eater...most of my meals are cooked at home from scratch and we rarely eat junk (we follow the 80/20 rule - healthy at least 80% of the time).

Thank you Earth Clinic (and everyone who contributes) for teaching me how to holistically take better care of me and my skin!

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Lita (Sanford, Fl) on 09/28/2009

Can you post your recipe for the turmeric mask so we can compare to what we are using? Thanks!

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Gaynor (Manaton, Devon Uk) on 09/28/2009

Hi Azg,

I have been suffering with acne rosacea -red face horrible acne break outs- for 18 months and I have been using a number of remedies to try to clear my skin- My husband said to me yesterday morning "Are you alright? You look pale."-- Yes I do look pale and I could not be happier- my long struggle to rid myself of this debilitating condition has paid off. I take ACV 3 x one tablespoon x three times a day with water. I use ACV topically about three times a day. Sometimes I follow this with a yoghurt face mask- I also use the Turmeric face mask about twice a week. I take turmeric in my breakfast apple with Yogurt ( I always grind a little balck pepper on the tumeric as this helps the body to absorb the it ). I have been using a mixture of a few drops of blackseed oil, neem oil and jojoba oil, triple strenth rosewater, colloidal silver and MSM before bed.

Plus in the last four days I started the Mini beet protocol which I think is responsible for getting rid of the spots on my face- as this was all that was left after all the above treatments- I had controlled the redness almost completly but now the spots have all but faded. The problem is it is hard to say what has done the trick. Using the minibeet protocol needs care because of detox effects - thus far I have had no problems. My skin is glowing, soft and smooth and no spots!!! I hope this helps- best of luck.

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Azg (Toronto, On) on 09/27/2009

Thank you to Lita209 from Sanford who recommended I try the Turmeric Mask without Lemon Juice... I just did that and it came out great! I changed the mask up a little bit and I'll post that recipe as well... I did turn a tiny bit yellow, but rinsing well and toning with ACV on a cotton pad helped to remove the residual yellow tinge from my skin!

My skin feels taut and supple. My pores appear smaller, my skin is smoother and softer. If only someone had a remedy for helping fade the reddish/brownish spots that the pimples have left behind.

I have been drinking 2 tsp of ACV in 1 cup of water AT LEAST 3 x per day. My water intake has been about 8 cups of water every day. I've just added Vitamin C to my diet and am slowly building up to 3000mg... I want to get it up to 5000mg but don't want to do it suddenly as I've heard that can cause diarrhea. I've done this Turmeric Mask twice now, but plan to do one every day for the next little while to see if it can help my skin. I've also been toning my skin at least once a day with a mild ACV/Water combo on a cotton pad and it's been helping.

I discovered sage essential oil is really really nice for balancing the oils in my skin. You should premix about 3 drops of it in 5-10mL of a carrier oil (try Organic Coconut Oil or Organic Jojoba Oil). Be careful to not overdo it as it can dehydrate your skin... your skin should feel smooth and supple after you've applied the oil combo (as a moisturizer). If it feels rough you've overdone it with the Sage Oil, dilute the combo with some more Coconut/Jojoba Oil for the next time you moisturize..

I've been cooking with Turmeric for a long time now, as a long time ago I read that people in India have the lowest incidences of cancers and Alzheimer's Disease in the world and that a lot of people attribute it to Turmeric. I think I'll try drinking it with milk to see if I can increase Turmeric content in my day-to-day life...

Does anyone have any all natural at home remedies for helping to fade my acne spots (they're not really scars, just spots) internally and/or externally? THANKS!

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by T (Maryland, Usa) on 09/24/2009

I tried this last night on my fair skin using Che's recipe, and it washed off ok. After rinsing I used a microfiber cloth to get the last residue off due to the oil. Then I rubbed in some VCO and blotted off the excess. My skin was very smooth and felt well hydrated. The oil may be a key to preventing staining. I have also read of masks using turmeric mixed with yogurt...will have to look into that.

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Lita209 (Sanford, Fl) on 09/23/2009

I too have done the turmeric mask with coconut oil and honey and I haven't had any problems taking it off. I am thinking that when I make salads with cilantro I usually put lemon juice because it accentuates the flavor of the cilantro, so maybe the lemon juice had to do with it? Just try it without the lemon juice. Good luck!

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Bee (Mo, Usa) on 09/23/2009

I was worried about turmeric staining as I have fair skin, but I put some turmeric with raw honey and used it as a mask (didn't measure, just threw some together). It washed off just fine, only problem was my fingernails stayed a bit yellow. It seems to tone the skin a bit, I'm hoping it will help reduce my acne.

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 09/23/2009 84 posts

I know the feeling. I had to lie through my teeth after mixing HP with ACV instead of HP with borax......very embarrassing and all you can do is laugh. I have very fair skin with a lot of redness. When I want a tumeric mask I just mix it with VCO and leave it on for 10 min at the most and it always comes off quite easily. Maybe it was the type of oils that you used.

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Stephanie (East Grand Forks, Mn Usa) on 09/22/2009

I also tried putting on a "turmeric face mask" but I didn't add any oils and my face also turned yellow. My fingers were yellow as well as my pillow case. Maybe turmeric is better being ingested rather than applied topically.

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Azg (Toronto, On) on 09/22/2009

So I thought I'd make a Turmeric Face Mask as I did some research and discovered it's great for toning oily skin and helping to clear up blemishes.

A little bit of background. I've pretty much had perfect skin my whole life. Then I had my son. He's now 2. Ever since I was pregnant I started having problem skin. It's gone up and down, but about 2 or 3 weeks ago it got really bad. It's mostly on my cheeks and there are a ton of tiny bumps and a few of the deep red puffy ones. It's driving me crazy.

I came across this site two days ago and I've been drinking 2 teaspoons of Raw, Unfiltered Organic ACV in 1 cup of water, three times a day. I feel energized! I read about people having reactions to the bad bacteria dying off, so I thought I'd combat it with some hydrated Bentonite in the morning on an empty stomach. So far, so good. (but I'm pretty healthy and I eat really healthy and have done mini-cleanses in the past on a fairly regular basis, so the "die off reactions" weren't really a concern for me). I'm also adding about 30 drops of an organic liver tonic (that's mostly Milk Thistle based) to a shot of water, 3 times a day. I think I'll start oil pulling next week too.

Anyway, I came across this thread here and thought I'd do a turmeric mask.

So I made my own and I'll give you reasons for each ingredient added:

2 tablespoons Turmeric (it's the active ingredient here right?)
1 teaspoon honey (it's in most Turmeric masks, plus it's a humectant - meaning it pulls moisture out of the air and into your's great for skin health)
1 teaspoon castor oil (it's a deep cleanser and slightly drying)
3 drops Sage Oil (it's great for oily skin)
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice (it's toning and tightening)
1 tablespoon of milk (to make a paste)

I put it on my freshly washed face and let it sit for 15 minutes. It tingled a little. Maybe it was the lemon juice? Maybe it was the copious amounts of turmeric?!?

I'm yellow. My face is yellow. I rinsed it off and everyone in the house had a good laugh at my expense. I'm like an Oompah Loompah...but yellow.

I applied a 50/50 ACV/Water combo to my face with cotton pads, twice. Both pads came away YELLOW. I rinsed with more water. I gently rubbed with a towel (more yellow came off). But I gave up... I don't want to overdo it with the exfoliation. I figure I can try to get some more of it off tomorrow morning.

I moisturized with a little organic jojoba oil and 1 drop of organic sage essential oil.

I did some thinking... I think the reason I turned yellow is because of the oils I added to the mask. The turmeric stains the oils yellow, which penetrate deeply into the skin and leave their yellow tinge behind.

So be warned. If you decide to do this turmeric mask, DON'T ADD OILS.

I will try this mask again in a few days but without the oils... I shall report back then.

In the meantime feel free to laugh at me. LOL. I am...

Ozonated Olive Oil
Posted by Aul (Tampa, Florida) on 09/20/2009

Where do you purchase ozonated oil? Any certain brand? My local health stores do not carry this product. Thank you!

Fountain of Youth Mask
Posted by Deliz (Powell River, B.c.) on 08/26/2009

re black seed oil- i get mine at to mention a website, but after looking high and low ,its the only place i could get it.btw,its wonderful stuff!

Posted by Kyra (Cortlandt Manor, New York, Usa) on 08/12/2009

You can even try mixing it with yogurt which offers great benefits to the skin.

Posted by Kavi (El Dorado, Tunapuna, Trinidad ) on 08/11/2009

Turmeric for beautiful skin -

My mom suggested that I use tumeric powder as a paste on my face to remove some dark spots around the crease of my mouth. Having tried it several times over the past 2 weeks (not quite every day), I can say pretty confidently that it has been the best thing I have ever used on my skin, even beating ACV.

It is a commonly known home remedy among Indian people, since we use tumeric powder (or hardi/haldi, as we call it here) daily in curries, in tea and also in Hindu prayers. In fact, during Hindu weddings, which can last for days, we have something called Hardi ki Raat (the Night of Tumeric, lol), when the bride's whole body is consistently rubbed down with tumeric and coconut oil for hours during general festivities so that her skin looks amazing on her wedding night. Well, I wonder why we ever switched to store-bought stuff, since this works so well!

Needless to say, it did remove those marks and the dark areas under my eyes which I've always had (and my mom and grandma also have). It generally evens the tone of my skin to a very noticeable extent. It tightens the pores and makes my skin very smooth and even gives it a beautiful warm, healthy glow - which is amazing as I have PCOS and my skin has suffered many hormonal ravages. Though my PCOS is under control, I sometimes get one or two pimples and the tumeric starts drying them up upon application so that they never develop. It is also the only thing that helped the dry patches of skin on my legs left from recently using a soap that I was allergic to - clearing it up and leaving it healed in 2 days after a few days of it not healing on its own.

I basically use it by mixing 1 tbsp. in a small bowl with some milk and a bit of sugar (as a mild exfoliant). I rub my face and any other problem areas with this and leave it on for as long as possible before I shower, usually for about 15-20 mins.

One **major warning** is that tumeric stains very easily and it is difficult to get out of fabric, which is why I apply it while naked and before a bath. It can slightly stain your nails too, so I use it at night and the color fades by morning. I'm experimenting with using something thicker than milk as a base, such as honey or beeswax, so it doesn't drip everywhere. I tried using 1 tbsp. tumeric in some honey with a tiny splash of ACV and sugar, which worked fantastically, even better than the milk.

You can try a lot of different things, but the tumeric itself is great for your skin!

Over the Counter
Posted by Rebecca (Las Vegas, Nv) on 08/03/2009


Beware of product ingredients: Even though my Dermotogist recommended Cetaphil, I am not comfortable with the ingredients. Cetaphil has PARABENS (a preservative that is linked with allergic reations, skin rashes and has shown up in breast cancer tumors), PEG (enhances the absortion of other ingredients in cetaphil and is know to cause ezcema, hives and can interfere with your reproductive health), SLS (cheap detergent in soaps/shampoos and causes eye irritation, dry scalp, and strips skins natural oils), PETROLATUM (inexpensive moisturizer that leaves a film on your skin preventing it from breathing, sweating, and releasing toxins in your skin).If you look up POD, you will find that most websites do not recommend using any SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate). Also, if you look up CETAPHIL FAQ on their website you will find some information about parabens without informing you of its causes. FYI, Galderma is also linked with acne prescription drugs which is linked to our dermotologist who get kick backs from this company. Be aware of how these companies work together for money. I have tried the ACV and recommend using it. I am going to my local health food store to get more information on a natural cure. My derm did give me antibiotics and doxy...which Im not wanting to take. Best wishes.

EC: Thanks, Rebecca. What condition are you treating? Until we hear back, we're putting your post on the skin care remedies page!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Sasha (Sav, Jamaica) on 07/29/2009

What is oil pulling? How do you do it?

Omega Oils: 3, 6, and 9
Posted by Teekup (Metrowest, MA) on 07/02/2009

I started taking two 1200 mgs capsules of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 (fish, flax & borage oils) this week. I noticed in just a few days that my skin was glowing! I have mild rosacea (looks like I have a permanent sunburn across my cheeks and nose), sensitive, combination skin. I usually have dry patches and the occasional pimple as well. It's frustrating to find any products that my skin can tolerate and make it look good! I usually just use castile soap to wash. I had no idea how fast my skin would turn around for the better! It's smooth, glowing (not shiny) with no dry spots and no new acne. I highly recommend the omegas for beautiful skin!

Korean Glove
Posted by Jonna (Los Angeles, California USA) on 06/10/2009

I've been going to one of the Korean spas in Koreatown once a week for the past month, mostly to dunk in the hot and cold baths that they have. One of the daily rituals that I noticed the elderly Korean women at the spa do is to to scrub their skin vigorously, every inch of it, with one of those cheap exfoliating gloves (sold in asian markets for $2). Their skin looks incredible, very youthful. I decided to try it at home and every day at the end of my shower I scrub away. Then I end with a one minute cold shower. It works, my skin is glowing! I don't do this on my face, I think the glove is too rough for that, but everywhere else on my body that I can reach.

I am very curious to know if, because of this daily ritual and staying out of the sun, Korean women don't get age spots. It would be very rude of me to siddle up to someone at the spa and inspect their forearms to check for age spots, lol, so I hope someone on Earth Clinic will be able to answer that!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Shygirllatina (Sun City, Ca) on 05/28/2009

How much collodial silver do you use in how much water?

Oil Cleansing Method
Posted by Misha (Binghamton, New York) on 04/28/2009

I tried the oil cleansing method for about a month. It did not work for my skin, fairly balanced, normal skin with a slightly oily T-zone. I combined olive oil and castor oil (1/2 a drop of each), applied to my face, then steamed my face with a hot wash cloth for about 5-10 minutes. I then used the damp wash cloth to wipe away the excess oil. I did this process 1x per day at night and used olive oil soap in the morning. My skin absolutely glowed...for four days. AFTERWARDS, my skin broke out like never before! Hard cystic acne that hurt to the touch! Yikes!!! I actually contemplated going to the dermatologist it was so bad! I figured I was using the wrong combination of oils for my skin, so then I tried jojoba and castor oil for three weeks. This oil combination improved the condition of my skin, but not significantly.

I have since discontinued use of the oil cleansing method as I find it does not work for my skin. I have resumed my use of oil free cleansers and my skin is starting to clear up, however it still has quite a way to go before it returns to its "normal state"!

I still use jojoba oil as a light moisturizer for my face with good results.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Audrey (Baltimore, MD, USA) on 04/23/2009

I even heard that kind of remedy, long time ago back in my country when I was kid. I wish I had that courage..but I am satisfied with apple cider vinegar and yoghurt as my facial wash :)

Urine Therapy
Posted by Suzi (Missoula, MT) on 04/22/2009

wow !!!! I cannot wait to read the feedback on this remedy....

Urine Therapy
Posted by Shirty (Beverly, MA, USA) on 04/22/2009

Re the comments about urine for the complexion: A Russian nurse told me about a middle aged woman who had the most beautiful, clear ski. Apparently, she applied her own urine to her skin. When you think of it, it is not that strange. The most expensive facial creams contain uremia, basically urine. So, why not give it a try.

Baths, Aloe Vera, Water
Posted by Jaya (Whakatane, New Zealand) on 04/19/2009

Hi Joe how much acv do you take daily?

Olive, Coconut, Avocado Oil
Posted by Sarah (Vero Beach, Fl) on 04/15/2009

Beautiful Skin: There were scientific studies done in the cosmetic industry to determine the best oil for penetration into the skin. The 3 that were able to actually penetrate the deepest were Olive oil, Coconut oil and Avocado oil. I personally think Avocado oil is the best, it has the closest composition to olive oil though. However, I love coconut milk for my face as well.. it is baby soft and absorbs very quickly. Shea butter for the body is wonderful as well!

Castor Oil
Posted by Dianna (Austin, TX) on 04/15/2009

I love castor oil! I started using it on my eyelashes and the first night I could tell that where I had gotten it on my face - that it was smooth and healthy looking. Now I apply it every night after I wash my face. For some reason it seems to me that the refined castor oil works better for this than the cold-pressed. For face washing I either use a wash cloth and water - or a bit of chandan powder on damp skin. Then I rinse and leave my skin damp and apply the castor oil first to my eyelashes, and then rub about a quarter sized amount into my palms and massage it all over my face and neck. I also add several drops of lavender essential oil to my castor oil.

In the morning I just splash my face with cool water and use a tiny bit of either virgin coconut oil or jojoba/sandalwood oil. My face feels sooo smooth and my forehead lines are much diminished! Try it! It is cheap and easy to do. You will see results the first morning! I promise :) It also makes your eyelashes and eyebrows grow to their full potential because they will not be so dry and break off. I also use it on the ends of my hair and sometimes on my scalp before bed.

Posted by Holly (Sydney, Australia) on 04/08/2009

I have been using borax as a facial cleanser, and it's been great - clean soft skin. However, more than a month later, I'm beginning to see some discoloration, dark pigment, appearing on my left cheek and slowly forming on my right also. Does anyone know what this is all about? I would love continue with the borax, but am thinking of going back to my cosmetic cleanser. Thanks for any feedback.
