Posted by Sean (Houston, Texas) on 09/19/2009
Thanks for your website. I developed a skin infection several weeks ago. I manifested itself by an itchy, red rash that developed into blister/boil type skin irritation just north of the knee. I soaked a piece of cotton gauze with apple cider vinegar and applied it directly to the area secured by a piece of paper tape overnight for 4 or 5 nights and also during the day a couple times. It completely healed up and is gone. Thank you.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Adam (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/05/2008
Over a year ago I got some skin disorder from wearing dirty gloves. I ended up with about 10 patches on my hand where the skin would constantly peel off. I tried all sorts of moisterisers, then I had positive results from fungle creams and lotions but still kept coming back.So the Doctor was next, His medication never worked either. Then a bloke I know who proclaims to be an Alchemist said "Half water, half apple cider vinegar in a squirter bottle. Spray on the hands a couple of times a day. Plus drink a cap full". And wulla, its gone. Apparently it evens out the PH levels in the skin. I advise to use natural oils (eg. Coconut) to moisterise the skin also. Now to see if it can cure my reflux.