Achieving Thyroid Balance with Natural Remedies and Nutrition

Thyroid Disease and Virus Connection
Posted by Zander (Anytown USA) on 09/15/2024

Thyroid Disease - a Virus? Hashimoto's Graves Thyroiditis Autoimmune

Both conventional and functional medicine practitioners will agree: a virus can "trigger" auto-immune and thyroid diseases:

Lymphocytic infiltration of the thyroid, as seen in the proliferation of thyroid anti-bodies, is happening because there is an infection present.

Functional and conventional medicine practitioners promote the theory that one's immune system has subsequently become "confused" and is launching an attack upon one's own organs and tissues. This occurs because of "molecular mimicry" where the immune system is mistaking one's healthy tissue for virus, they claim.

But what if the virus itself is producing the disease state?

What if one's immune system is not "confused" but acutely aware of where this virus has hidden in the body? And this hiding of a virus in the body can last a very long time. Here's an example of Covid being the culprit, the hidden virus, which has led to secondary conditions in the long-term aftermath:

What if treating the virus itself is the winning strategy to cure even so-called "auto-immune" thyroid disease?

What if one's immune system is NOT "confused?"

Well, if these premises are correct, then one would need to look at the characteristics of the suspected virus still present whether by malingering or re-activation* in the body.

The two most common such would arguably be Covid and Epstein-Barr.

What do these viruses look like, at a molecular level?

Well, they are "spiky" - they have points like a "crown."

And guess what gums up the spikes on viruses so they can no longer proliferate? Ivermectin

In my case only a micro-dose of Ivermectin every other night stopped my trembling upon awakening that was attributed to Hashitoxicosis and Hashimoto's, initially. A functional medicine doctor put me on the path to the viral connection in regard to these tremors upon awakening. The Medical Medium put me on the path to look at the viral connection to thyroid diseases.

I'm currently having success - and by that I mean symptom free - with 3 mg Ivermectin every other night. Ivermectin remains in the body for 18 hours so I thought I'd try this every other night interval.

I'm afraid that by missing this viral connection people have suffered needlessly, been treated erroneously and been taught to believe their own body is working against them. In my view, that is NOT what is happening.

Functional medicine practitioners will provide elaborate diet restrictions and conventional medicine practitioners will provide thyroid hormone and/or beta blockers to mask the effects of the high octane thyroid hormone in the blood (the latter in cases of hashitoxicosis and/or Grave's.) But claim these thyroid conditions are nearly always incurable and can only "go into remission" - maybe. But both of these approaches are only treating symptoms if the virus model is correct.

Treat the virus. Cure the disease?

It's working for me.

*in my case and also in the case of one of the most well-known functional medicine doctors for thyroid, the onset of the thyroid disease state occurred right after performing a liver cleanse. Was the liver working as a sort of "virus vault" where it had safely isolated such? But then released it in due course of the "cleanse?"
