HI U OLE PATOOTS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, posting too much lately, but just had to pass this on after picking up a tick at the farm today.. Apply DMSO gel and it works within minutes. Must be the DMSO gel to work this fast. Been doing this all summer. ====ORH====
Ticks are bad this summer at our farm even though I have Guineas , which are supposed to rid you of this parasite. We use DMSO for some of our ailments and I had a brain storm. This is one of the most powerful solvents known. When I find a tick, I no longer try to pull it out of my hide. I just cover it with DMSO and it is dead within a few minutes and you can just roll it off. I buy DMSO gel from the Doctor in Oregon who did all the initial research, but you can buy it at any Farm Co-op. If it works on million dollar horses, it will work on you. ATS.