It strengthens enamel and dentine which is under enamel.
It creates elasticity in muscles, ligaments, tendons, gums, organs, etc.
Everyone: lt helps dissolve scar tissue on skin(make a paste from the powder- like Hylands 6X tablets or rub liquid Calc fluor on scar or use small amount by mixing in the liquid Calc fluor 6X amount with aloe gel and cover with a paste on pad -and in the body.It creates hydrofluoric acid to dissolve scar tissue.
Full spectrum vitamin E good too for scar tissue.
Nonfunctional scar tissue can increase and cause the loss of functionality in organs and tissue.It can cause pain too.
For wrinkles- a form of scaring or cross linkage :l advise some to mix organic aloe gel with Calc fluor 6X together and vitamin E and rub in scar then covering with a paste on pad at night. If forehead involved then use a wide head band.
Cal fluor 6X good for cataracts. It causes the. Eye and ocular muscles to be more elastic to cause the eyeball to be more spherical.Read the book Better Eyesight without Glasses.By dr Bates.You Will see the importance of the rectii and oblique muscles to shape the eye retina to receive clearer images, etc.
l highly recommend “pinhole glasses” use Google search.l knew the original creator of this wonderful concept. Inexpensive too.