Garlic is reportedly the oldest, safest, and surest remedy for ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and other RESPIRATORY AILMENTS. The Greek physician DIOSCORIDES specified garlic for all LUNG DISORDERS. PLINY, that first century Roman naturalist maintained that garlic cured CONSUMPTION (TB). Against garlic, COLD, FLU VIRUS, and ALLERGY GERMS don't stand a chance. The ETHERS (solvents) of garlic are so potent that they DISSOLVE MUCUS in the sinuses, bronchial tubes, and lungs. Garlic is a widely used ANTIBIOTIC which has no harmful side effects, as might be evident with PENICILLIN. It is NATURE'S OWN ANTIBIOTIC. It contains a bacteriocide called CROTONALDEHYDE. There is no limit to the dosage, and no danger of disrupting the delicate relationships among the various bacteria that exist in our bodies. At the turn of the century, garlic ointments, compresses, and inhalents were the drug of choice against TUBERCULOSIS.