I don't recommend the inclined bed therapy, having used it myself. It made my varicose veins and leg swelling worse! After hearing about inclined bed therapy, I bought a mattress, mainly to help reduce congestion in my nose at night, and to reduce acid reflex. I also had some varicose veins. Unfortunately, I have had to remove the special mattress, because within six months, the varicose veins got much worse, and swelling in my legs, ankles and feet increased! There was also a lot of uncomfortable itching in my legs in the varicose and swollen areas. I researched for natural cures for varicose veins, and ALL of the sites say to raise the legs 6 inches higher than the heart whenever possible, especially at night when sleeping. Google for the full explanations for why this is necessary, there are many good websites. The human vascular system, with it's arteries and veins and valves, is NOT designed like a tree! My acid reflux didn't improve either. The congestion in my nose did decrease, so for sleeping, I raise my head a bit on a pillow that molds around my head and neck (down or whatever works), and put pillows under my legs to gently raise them.