Now, I'm not sure if saliva only works for viral conjunctivitis or bacterial as well...So.... having had pink eye for 2 days now (and I'm almost 100% sure it is bacterial conjunctivitis due to the massive discharge I'm having, mostly in the morning, but also periodically throughout the day)... I just tried it. No swishing, no water, just a teaspoon and a tissue. I spit in the spoon, tilted my head back and poured the spit in my left eye while holding the tissue against my temple. Then I did the same for my right eye. The slimyness of my spit made my lashes hold together for a minute. I just kept blinking to try and be sure the saliva was spreed into all areas of my eyeball. Then I wipped the excess off of my lashes. 10 MINUTES LATER AND I AM AMAZED !!!! The burning and discomfort I have been experiencing for 2 days was gone in minutes. My vision is clearer, and yes in only 10 minutes I can for sure see that the veins and dark red lines that were throughout my eyeballs is VERY diminished. My eyes feel SO MUCH better ! I will report back tomorrow to update my progress.