Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/13/2024
Povidone-Iodine drops for Infant Eyes – [Drs. Sherwin J. Isenberg, M.D., Leonard Apt, M.D., and Mark Wood, M.D.] When infants pass through the birth canal, they have ophthalmic bacteria that are similar to that in the mother's birth canal. An aqueous solution of povidone-iodine prevents conjunctivitis caused by aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, richettsia, viruses and fungi. The solution also prevents conjunctivitis caused by gonococus and chlamydia microorganisms. Povidone-iodine is a non-irritating form of iodine that has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action and has a low possibility of micoorganisms developing resistance.
From the book Iodine Remedies: Secrets From The Sea, by Mary Jo Fahey, Pub. 2007, Page 50.
Posted by Redducky1 (Ohio) on 06/11/2021
I've had pink eye 3xs in the last 6 months. Mostly due to using an old eye liner pencil. The first time I didn't know what caused it. The 2nd time I figured it out. The third time was because an eye liner ordered from Amazon may have sat in a warehouse too long.
Anyway, I've tried the Apple cider vinegar, which usually works on most maladies. But it took longer than the iodine remedy did, so I've been using the Povidone iodine. About 20 drops in 2 oz of distilled water. Wet cotton ball with the solution and wipe over eyes so that it gets into the eyes and at the root of the lashes. It doesn't hurt. It may feel odd for a few minutes. But I use it every 3 hrs for 2 days and it completely clears up the infection.