So I started using natural anti-parasitics (like tea tree and clove oil, neem soap, pine tar shampoo, drinking teas that are anti-parasitic from herbal plants I grow, etc.), but most helpful was simply bathing in a cup or two of natural Borax in very hot water, submerging the entire body except my eyes (and I put some drops of black tea in my eyes to kill anything there - the floaters you may see when you close your eyes which are gone now. It stings for a moment but is harmless). Since boron is naturally part of your cells you can't really have an allergic reaction, but initially the skin can turn red from the heat and from parasites dying so I drank a couple glasses of cold water afterwards.
I started improving immediately and over a period of months my vitiligo went away in addition to many of my other symptoms. I took photos as it progressed. I believe from what the journal paper found that since these parasites were observed to consume keratin cells and collagen cells (that make up Morgellon's fibers), as well as myelin sheath that surrounds nerve cells, maybe these parasites also consume the cells that produce color in our skin. Anyways, all of my symptoms continue to improve from having more energy to better skin, gray hair went away, migraine headaches are gone, I sleep better, seem to be less hungry, no more chemical sensitivity (as I believe the parasites were the ones reacting to the chemical that kills them), etc. The improvement is amazing and I can only assume it is because my cells are no longer being damaged or to a lesser degree - I will continue to use these treatments indefinitely at a maintenance dose, and hope others will find the same success as I did.