I have a neat nettles story to share.
Last week my teenage son was harvesting green beans at the farm where he works. He had a terrible reaction to the green bean plants. He developed welts on his arms. (The plants are grown organically, so it wasn't from pesticides.) Two days later when he showed me his arms, there were still red marks on them. He said he would be harvesting green beans the next day. I told him to take 4 nettles capsules before bed and 4 more before he left for work, which he did.
He had no reaction on his arms that day! He said his fingers felt a little itchy that day but no welts, marks etc.
Nettles are amazing. I love how they help allergic reactions of so many different types. We have used it for seasonal allergies, hives, a reaction to jalapeno peppers, and now for a reaction to green bean plants. It is fascinating that a plant that can cause a skin reaction if touched, can heal skin reactions that are cause by other plants.
Nettles are wonderfully nutritive, too. Meeya mentioned using a tea for this purpose here at EC today. And Rachel Weaver suggests it as part of a nutritive tea for pregnant and nursing mothers in her book, Be Your Own Doctor. We always have powdered nettles, dried nettle leaf, and nettle tincture in the house. I love that it is gentle and safe for all ages, pregnancy and breastfeeding. I never know when it will be needed!
Thus ends my commercial for nettles. :)
~Mama to Many~
Stinging Nettles User Reviews
Stinging Nettles User Reviews
EC: Here's a old nettles and dock leaves rhyme, as referenced in "A Modern Herbal" (1931) by Mrs. M. Grieve:
'Nettle in, dock out.
Dock rub nettle out!'