Alternating Constipation and Diarrhea
2 hours agoHi Rosie,
If I understand you correctly, you are saying that you have a cycling digestive issue that manifests as diarrhea then becomes constipation and then returns to diarrhea and back to constipation in a repetitive cycle. This may be a form of IBS, called IBS-M?
If that is correct, you may find the following article of interest : (the M stands, may suffer from IBS-M.
Here is a relevant quote from the article :
' IBS-M (the M stands for ‘mixed') is a subtype when a person with IBS suffers from alternating diarrhea and constipation. Nearly everyone has suffered from diarrhea or constipation at one point or another, however, if these are constant, recurring problems, you may suffer from IBS-M. Especially, if these problems are paired with other symptoms, such as bloating, cramping and abdominal pain. '
' People who suffer from IBS-M can switch from constipation to diarrhea, often very quickly, and tend to suffer more stomach pain than someone who suffers from IBS-D (diarrhea) or IBS-C (constipation). '
The deep orange stool color you describe is often seen in IBS as discussed here :
Here is a relevant quote from the article link above :
' Different changes in stool color may appear as follows:
So this is information that describes the same symptoms you mentioned and suggests that you may have IBS-M, which is new to me. You didn't explain why you have not been able to get a doctor, but this gives a doctor a quick starting point for diagnosis, once you are able to get one.
I don't want to make a recommendation since you have no actual diagnosis and the fact that, if it is IBS-M, I have had no experience with it. With IBS-C and IBS-D, melatonin would normally be worth considering as a modest and relatively safe starting point for potential remedies, but I don't know if that would be a consideration for IBS-M also. Melatonin can help improve gut dysbiosis that is normally seen in IBS and its anti inflammatory effects and potent antioxidant effects can help quell many symptoms of IBS.
Here is a 2023 link discussing the use of melatonin in IBS patients :
Here is a relevant quote from the study :
' Results In both groups of patients with and without sleep disorders, a significant improvement was observed in IBS score and GI symptoms, including the severity and the frequency of abdominal pain, the severity of abdominal bloating, satisfaction with bowel habits, disease's impact on patient's life, and stool consistency; however, there was no significant improvement in the frequency of defecations per week. In patients with sleep disorders, significant improvement in sleep parameters, including subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and daytime dysfunction, was observed, while in patients without sleep disorders, there was no significant improvement in sleep parameters. In addition, quality-of-life improvement was observed in a significant number of melatonin recipients compared to placebo in both groups of patients. '
There are quite a few other supplements such as vitamin D, saffron, taurine, L-theanine etc. that have shown significant benefit for IBS, but I don't want to suggest them as you do not have an actual diagnosis yet and I do not know if they would have similar effects for IBS-M, if that is what you actually have. On myself, I wouldn't mind experimenting as most of the supplements have very good safety profiles, but I do not want to experiment on you.
Re: Sebaceous Cysts in Nose
5 hours agoHello Debbie,
You are welcome and I hope you also had a wonderful Christmas & New Years.
You mention a significant clue, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), which could provide an answer.
MCS is most often caused by mold and other biotoxins associated with water damaged-buildings, WDB (heavy metal toxicity is often additionally involved.)
And, over 90% of chronic sinus conditions (cysts/ulcers) involve a fungal infection which is why antibiotic therapy fails.
Since you have both conditions the odds of a mold issue are higher. And, if you have had any water damage to your home, car or work site then it is almost certain.
I cleared MCS and several sinus conditions (as did my husband) when MOLD/WDB issues were addressed & we learned that this was a missing link to other health issues. Washington/PNW is one of the top four states for mold illness (rainy, humid, temperate climate).
Two common causes for sinus ulcers and cysts:
1. MAI - Mold Associated Illnesses
MAI & WDB illnesses (CIRS - Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) are used interchangeably, both are biotoxin illnesses.
WDB toxins SEVERLY damage the sinus mucosal tissues and include mold spores, mycotoxins (produced by mold/fungi), endotoxins (produced by bacteria), and many chemical toxins such as mVOCs (multiple volatile organic compounds).
These infections can be caused by mites or very tiny parasitic flies such as Drosophilus suzuki, midge flies, etc. There are increasing cases of “Paedogenesis” fly infections in the US (larval reproduction under the skin without fertilization). This is one of the reasons for the boom in the once rare head, nose, face and throat cancers.
Sometimes, both infections are present since many ectoparasites require yeast/fungus or bacteria in their growth cycles (reproduction, food source); and, yeast/fungus attract many of these insects.
20% of the population develop sinus ulcers/cysts due to a gene defect in the T-cell receptor site - called “SUPER ANTIGEN DISEASE MECHANISM.”
This causes an extreme hyper-inflammatory response (9000X) in the sinuses and systemic toxicity which damages every system in the body - this is an abnormal immune reaction.
The other 80% of the population do not get severe symptoms though they are getting damage which worsens over time since their sinuses are also colonized with mold/fungus.
This gene defect causes eosinophil infiltration into the sinus mucosa which destroys the cilia & creates a pit in the mucosal lining allowing for a fungal/bacterial/biofilm infection to dig in causing ulcerations/cysts, sinusitis, polyp formation or MARCoNS. These form due to an abnormal immune reaction to the fungus, 93% of the time.
Polyps can become so bad that meningitis or a brain abscess can develop so these polyps have to be removed.
IF THERE IS PUS (STAPH infection), sinuses must be treated - see an ENT:
1. DOC - see an ENT to verify a fungus problem. Can get a CT scan, to identify possible fungal masses, without dyes since there will still be enough data. However, CT scans can look normal because they don't show fungal spores, mycotoxins and MVOCs so a nasal culture will show this.
Get rid of the fungus/mold in the air (remove source & use air purifiers such as Medify Air MA40 &/or a fan ionizer called the Ultimatum - best).
First - lavage/irrigate with saline using Nasopure or Grossan irrigator, BID.
Second, lavage with SSKI, 5 drops/8 oz of saline. Or, use CitriDrops same amount. These kill fungi, viruses and bacteria.
Third, nebulize with Amp B or Vorionazole, 2x/day. Lavage alone is not enough.
Fourth, ideally you also want to use O2 face mask 100%, must be 10 liter/min 1 hour BID or 2h QD. Do not use an oxygen concentrator in a bad environment unless it is backed up to an IQ Air Purifier. Otherwise, use oxygen tank. Need to use oxygen to open the closed sinus capillaries which will then enable all the other treatments to work much faster. These toxins are very caustic in the capillary wall and slam it shut with inflammation.
May be required to remove the fungal infection especially if all other treatments do not work.
Cyclone Endoscopy opens up all 8 sinus cavities which are then irrigated & suctioned with the Cyclone machine using AMP B or Voriconazole antifungals. This kills and sucks out all the mycotoxins, fungal spores, masses, etc. Many severe symptoms & illnesses disappear after this procedure.
Below are some of the most accurate, easy and up-to-date tests that anyone can do to see if mold mycotoxins are present:
Take test on Grade your condition, slight to severe. People that are really sick, severe, need to get into a mold-free environment - this is the number one treatment.
Easily tests the quality of the air you live in - this is better than the traditional ERMI test.
Take an SDA Agar Mold Plate, turn it upside down and “tap” it 3-4 times on the clothes you are wearing - back of legs, arms, chest, etc. Send it to Order SDA Agar Mold Plates from Colony count must be 0.4 or less.
NOTE: high fungal counts are always seen when “tap testing” pets - never sleep with pets or you will not get better.
This tests your home for mold spores and mycotoxins.
If you are chronically or severely ill you want a score of 0-2 mold count colonies with a 1 hour gravity plate exposure. Otherwise, 0-4 is normal.
Test the rooms you spend the most time in and include your car and work site. Or, the Particle Count should be under 50,000 @ 0.2 - 0.3 microns per 0.1 cu ft.
Real Time Labs, Mosaic Dx or Vibrant Wellness.
If mycotoxins test in the urine then you know it is EVERYWHERE in the body, including the brain and nasal mucosa which have the highest concentrations of mycotoxins in the body.
So you will find it on an MRI scan, in the nasal culture and in a blood test.
* Serum fungal IgG test - shows antibodies to mold
* CT or MRI Scan of sinuses to check for fungal masses. Many can not handle the dyes but there is still enough data to make the diagnosis.
NOTE: a “negative” test can either mean it is truly negative or the person tested is highly infected and their body is unable to detoxify the mycotoxins. Hence, it is always best to do a “Provocation Test” prior to collecting urine to ensure that mycotoxins are mobilized into the urine:
1. Sweat Therapy
Near IR sauna, Hot Tub, Hot Bath, etc. to induce profuse sweating the night before and even up to 1 hour prior to collecting urine. Contraindicated for those with POTS, adrenal issues or MS.
2. Liposomal Oral Glutathione
Liposomal glutathione or acetyl glutathione is used for a week prior to the urine collection to mobilize the mycotoxins so they will show up in the urine. Take 500 mg, 2x/day, for 1 week prior to urine collection. May need to start at 100 mg, 2x/day, and work up to 500 mg, 2x/day, empty stomach, am & pm.
Both methods mobilize these toxins and if they make a person feel worse this means mycotoxins are indeed being released so they don't need to wait a week to take the urine test. A person feels far worse because their body is now able to mobilize and detoxify these toxins but at a rate that is too high for their body to clear hence, the symptoms.
See Labs or physician - if this tests positive it is not necessary to do a urine test since it will automatically be positive.
And, must determine if there is a fungal mass which must be removed.
Almost all patients have cognitive symptoms and these don't leave unless the mycotoxins are out of the sinuses and brain.
Do you smell and/or see mold/mildew? If so, you have a “mold issue.” This is a super easy & accurate test, do not discount.
People that have been exposed to WDBs/Mold for a while can damage olfactory nerves and lose the ability to smell mold which is why “seeing” the mold or water-damaged area is also important.
There are many other blood tests that can be done though they are prescribed by a practitioner and are often used during treatment.
This requires a long post.
However, the single most powerful treatment is removing the fungus/mold from the air, body and belongings/environment. This is THE KEY, focus on this first.
1. CLEAN AIR - more important than ANY other treatment since no other treatment works long term, or even short term, until this is corrected. FIRST & #1 TREATMENT STEP.
Also, high EMF sources (5G, other “Gs”, Wi-Fi, cellphones, towers, etc) induce exponential mold growth in the environment and in the human body in addition to knocking out melatonin production in the brain. MELATONIN is a huge immune system component with powerful anti-cancer properties - "hello ART!"
Dr Donald Dennis, MD, FACS (Atlanta Center for ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery) - “… the more mold or mycotoxins you breathe in the worse your symptoms become … in addition, if you are living, working or driving in a high mold environment your chance of recovery is small and the likelihood of developing opportunistic diseases is high … the good news is that it is easy to test your environment and, various air purifiers and Micro Balance Health Products … can reduce the fungal load until the source of the problem is corrected.”
Wishing you complete healing,
* Integr Med (Encinitas). 2016 Jun;15(3):8-14. Is Mold Toxicity Really a Problem for Our Patients? Part 2 - Nonrespiratory Conditions. Joseph Pizzorno, Ann Shippy. PMID: 27547160.
*, “Mold Illness is More Than a Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome”, Nov 29,2023. Dr Todd Maderis.
* htpps://
* - to buy mold plates and EC3
* - for patient evaluation & how to start protocol
Donald Dennis, MD, FACS, Atlanta Center for ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery(Endoscopic Cyclone procedure, mold treatment)
* Jill Crista, ND or Neil Nathan, MD - mold illness specialistist
* Smith SR, Montgomery LG, Williams JW Jr. Treatment of mild to moderate sinusitis. Arch Intern Med. 2012 Mar 26;172(6):510-3. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2012.253
Re: Need Help for Virus Symptoms
5 hours agoHello again Rob,
Thank you for the quick response.
How can one obtain or make your proprietary Anti Viral Remedy?
Thank you,
Re: Need Help for Virus Symptoms
7 hours agoHi kaybeebee,
For the throat issue, 1.5% hydrogen peroxide gargled 3 times per day should help fairly quickly.
For various flus and flu like symptoms, I have had very good results using a popular homeopathic remedy that works fairly quickly, but like most remedies it works best and fastest if used at the very first signs and symptoms. A standard course is 6 vials over two days and that usually gets you well at the end of two days if taken at the first signs and symptoms, but do not be afraid to follow the first course with a second course because you have had the symptoms for awhile already. Here is a link to the product on Amazon, but I usually get it from Sams Club as they generally have the best price :
The box contains 5 flu treatments in it. I highly recommend that you read some of the over 29, 000 reviews to get a better idea of how well it works for people who have used it regularly for years and keep it in stock in their medicine cabinets. Sam's Club's package has 7 flu treatments at a price of $29.98.
I have recommended it to many friends over the years and their results have been similar to mine and they generally keep it in their medicine cabinets to be prepared for the flu season ahead of time as I do also, but they have also reported using it to good effect whenever they have flu like symptoms or colds and especially when used at the earliest symptoms. I have also found it effective for colds which is important to me because, for me, colds tend to settle into my chest which can be a problem. With this homeopathic remedy I do not seem to have that problem any more.
For the cough, I have had good results using melatonin lozenges or pills that you dissolve slowly in the mouth to bathe the throat. This is of course if you tolerate melatonin well.
These three very simple remedies are flu and flu like symptom mainstays for me. Very straightforward and the melatonin also has antiviral characteristics afforded by its multiple methods of action which include anti inflammatory, highly potent antioxidative stress effects and antiapoptotic effects among others. Melatonin also has among it anti-Covid-19 effects the ability to help prevent blood clots. I previously wrote about melatonin for Covid-19 on EC here :
I also wrote about melatonin and other supplements for Long Covid here :
Please keep us posted on your progress!
Alternating Constipation and Diarrhea
9 hours agoI have more than 20 visits to the toilet day and night, with net to no control and it is worse after I have been laying down. The colour is deep orange even though over the months I have checked and it is not anything I eat, drink or supplements and I am not on medication. In comparison I am always constipated and when it does arrive is an orange colour too. Keep trying to get a doctor for the last year but no luck so far and wondered if anyone had any ideas. I eat healthy, have one coffee a day and the rest is water and I am not hydrated or drink too much. Completely baffled. Also, I tried fasting on water only with the same results.
Re: Tinnitus, Inner Ear Swelling
9 hours agoHello Marsh,
Sorry to hear about your condition.
Did anyone test your sinuses for chronic mold/fungal infection? Which also entails bacterial infections (STAPH). Or check for dental cavitations/abscesses?
This would seem to be very important considering:
1. The symptoms you list are classic for mold illness: vertigo, sinus congestion, tinnitus, bone/cell damage, deviated septum, hypersensitivities.
2. Chronic/acute infections in the sinus cavities easily travel to the ears through the Eustachian tube - fungal/mold, mycotoxins, bacteria, viruses.
3. The highly caustic and fat soluble nature of mycotoxins allow them to permeate the blood stream and damage any cell, tissue, organ and body system.
See an ENT who specializes in fungal/mold illness and get a nasal culture, urine mycotoxin test, and CT sinus scan without dye.
Consult with mold illness experts such as Dr Donald Dennis, MD, FACS (Atlanta Center for ENT), Dr Neil Nathan, MD, or Jill Crista, ND. May need and Endoscopic Cyclone procedure for symptom relief - see Dr Dennis for procedure description.
Wishing you answers and healing,
Re: Need Help for Virus Symptoms
9 hours ago@ Sherri
My Anti-Viral Remedy is a formula (blended tincture) I started working on back in 2010. I was trying to figure out HOW TO KILL ALL 300 VARIANTS OF THE INFLUENZA VIRUS (i.e. bird, swine, and all their sub-variants…). It took 2 years of trial and error and tweeking the formula using my friends as guinea pigs when they got sick.
If you are sick with an influenza virus and start taking this formula orally every 2 hours within 48 hours of getting sick… you WILL BE OVER THE FLU IN 14 HOURS! Yes you read that right.
Based on my observations using this formula over the last 12 years and during COVID, if you have been sick for a week, it will take alittle longer. If you have a weak immune system, the same result applies.
At the end of 2018, everyone was getting sick. They were negative of bird and swine flu so I classified it as an SSV (some sort of virus). All I had to offer them was my Cold and Flu Remedy… everyone got better. Continued to give it to people diagnosed with Covid into 2019-20-21… everyone got better.
Folding is a technique of compounding a formula to increase its potency. An Amish doctor showed me how to do it. It was practiced in Old England by their chemist.
Re: Need Help for Virus Symptoms
13 hours agoHi Rob,
What is your Antiviral Cold & Flu Remedy? And, what do you mean by folding it 33 times? Thank you for sharing. Sherri
Tinnitus, Inner Ear Swelling
1 day agoAll the comments are so interesting, thank you. I was diagnosed with SSCD, had surgery 2-1/2 years ago. Since the constant whish has become louder, vertigo occurs and it's miserable in restaurants, around more than 3-4 people, loud engines or mufflers - all will cause sudden hearing loss. It can take 2-4 days for hearing to return. I wear an ear plug that I can push in when a loud noise occurs. Keep extra pairs everywhere. A special MRI indicated my inner ear was swollen (we guess from surgery). The specialist (there's 3 in the US who perform this surgery) put me on acetazolamide for 6 weeks in hopes the swelling decreases. If it doesn't work, it sounds like he's about to throw his hands up in the air.
My nasal cavities are typically stuffed after a grandbaby lifted his head causing a deviated septum. I'm sure there's bacteria in there.
I'm going to try all these remedies, but if anyone has any other suggestions, please post. I just want, pray for my life back.
Re: Need Help for Virus Symptoms
1 day ago1-1/2 TBS whole cloves
1 oz fresh ginger root - thumb-sized
2 Star Anise - whole
.5 oz. Or 1-1/2 teaspoons Ceylon cinnamon powder - do not use any other cinnamon other than Ceylon Cinnamon
1 Clove Garlic
Healthy sweetener, such as coconut sugar, to taste
Combine above ingredients in a pot. Bring to boil over high heat.
Reduce to low heat. Simmer 20 minutes. Strain the contents into
a container using a fine mesh filter. Drink the tea after filtering out the
Re: Need Help for Virus Symptoms
2 days ago@ kaybeebee
My buds at the hospital are saying that one of the bugs going around is a bacterial strain of antibiotic-resistant Mycoplasm Pneumonia, and it's HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. I've seen first hand it's resistant to Z-Pak and Amoxicillin. Other diseases that are showing up are Influenza A (Bird flu), RSV, and good old COVID...
Note: Most (not all) of my relatives have gotten this bug. They followed my advise and all recovered in 2-3 days. Long hauler may take a week.
Here is my protocol for telling my people to do:
Lemon-aid for the fever and chills – Make a pitch of fresh lemon-aid and drink this all day to combat fever and chills.
Nebulizing the lungs for infection – I make a nebulizing solution that goes into the nebulizing medicine cup. The ingredients I use are Colloidal Silver with 3% FGHP Hydrogen Peroxide.
Super Formula 225 – Taking internally for infection. It's my own proprietary house blend. Ingredients are: Tulsi, Olive leaf, Thyme, Mullein, Oregano oil (83% Carvacrol) in Grain Spirits.
My Anti-Viral Cold & Flu Remedy – Another one of my own proprietary house blend. Got over 1,000 people in my area thru COVID and still working strong. I've folded it 33 times to increase potency.
Hope this helps you to finding a cure on your end...
Re: Need Help for Virus Symptoms
2 days agoDear kaybeebee,
Coconut oil is an amazing antiviral. 1 Tablespoon of virgin coconut oil 3 times a day.
Melatonin is also a great antiviral. I take 20 mg 4 x a day for viruses. If you need to work during the day, just try a dose at bedtime and repeat it if you wake up in the night.
~Mama to Many~
Re: Need Help for Virus Symptoms
2 days agoFlorida was one of the places recently affected by a weird chemical "fog". Many people reported the symptoms that you have. So far, there are no answers from government as to what it really was, but individuals are working on it privately. You may want to do regular internet searches for updates on the situation. When we get some answers to what it was, we will know better on how to proceed. For now, various detox methods can be used, such as detox baths, activated charcoal internally, and Zeolite as well. Earth Clinic will have more info on those if you do a search.
Re: Need Help for Virus Symptoms
2 days agoVersuchen sie mit CDS-CDL Klordioksit. Bitte informieren sie vorher. Auch Salbei tee Gurgeln hilft gegen Hals schmerzen...
Gute Besserung Nejdet
Try CDS-CDL Klordioksitol. Please inform in advance. Gargling sage tea also helps against sore throats...
Get well soon Nejdet
Need Help for Virus Symptoms
3 days agoLow grade fever, went to clinic, tested no flu, no COVID. Given anti biotics to keep it from going into pnumonia, also given cough meds. This disease that so many people are suffering has no name. It is flu-like. Aspirin, Tylenol and ibuprofen all help with aches and headaches. When initial problems are gone, coughing remains. Then aches and general lethargy return. Cough is the worst though and it comes and goes to keep you up at night and make your throat sore to the point of spitting out some bloody mucus from back of the throat. Any idea?
Urolithin A for Weak Muscles?
4 days agoHi Anna,
You might also consider using Astaxanthin along with the Urolithin A because it also helps with muscle mitochondrial function and is a very potent inhibitor of the high level inflammatory mediator, NF Kappa beta (NF Kappa b) which is overactivated by Lyme disease bacteria and results in a significantly reduced inflammatory response.
I wrote about my personal experience with the benefit of Astaxanthin for improving my walking performance relatively quickly with backing studies here :
Astaxanthin is also helpful when exercise is first started to help the muscles cope with the new stress they take on as discussed in the following literature :
Here is a relevant quote from the link :
' Previous research conducted in both in vitro cell-cultures and in vivo animal models provide evidence to support the use of astaxanthin as a dietary supplement for recreationally active individuals and athletes. According to these models, exercise metabolism, performance and recovery is improved following 3–5 weeks of intake; with each function attributed in part to the potent antioxidant capacity of this xanthophyll carotenoid. '
Good luck to both of you!
Urolithin A for Weak Muscles?
5 days agoi just ordered it. My husband is very weak after being bedridden for most of 2024--i think it is LYME...
Questions About DMSO for RA
5 days agoafter only finding out about the many benefits of this "solvent" I purchased it a few weeks ago...;I find many articles here also on Dr Mercola's website BUT can find NO nooks on mainly the applications..and protocol... even here many opinions BUT also I read that when applying D' for Rheu Arthritis as it gets absorbed it also "heals" other .... problems??? HOW long does one need to apply onto hands and heels, knees... for R Arth to see any change... I am applying 2 droppers full into my hand and applying it to the problem areas... Mini changes>>> yes I know how long is a string...BUT some indication to how many times a day or not more than.. and a time frame for us more impatient readers...?? Thanks
Need Help for Breast Nodules and Patellar Constipation
6 days agoHello, I have been diagnosed with breast nodules. What treatments do you recommend? Can spirulina be consumed in these conditions, or could it amplify hormonal activity? I am a vegetarian and was considering its benefits. Additionally, could you recommend a treatment for patellar constipation (former performance athlete)? Thank you!
Natural Cancer Treatments and Mixing Remedies
7 days agoDo you think it would be fine to mix most of the below leaves and maybe also turmeric together in a juice to be stored for few days in the fridge? A friend suggested it may be best not to include turmeric in the mix and instead to keep it separate.
Does the below read well?
Many people claim there are natural treatments or cures for cancer with little or no side effects. Some of the most promising are as follows. The suggested daily dosage of the raw material is listed. However, use the manufacturer's recommended dosage for capsules or powder. This is also recommended for people that do not have cancer so it can be prevented.
Turmeric. 1-2 teaspoons of powder or crushed tuber. Needs to be mixed with black pepper.
Herb Robert. 1-2 teaspoons of crushed leaves or 2-4 grams of dried herb.
Mushroom plant. (Rungia klossii). 20-30 grams of fresh leaves.
Gynura procumbens. 5-10 grams of raw leaves.
Spirulina. 1-3 grams.
Moringa 1/3 of a cup of the small leafs if they were broken off.
Young Soursop leaves. 1-2 square inches.
Pawpaw leaves. 4 square inches.
A good way to consume them is by blending to make a drink. You could add something that tastes good like organic apples. However, you could remove any bad taste by eating or drinking something tasty afterwards. Drink the mix first in the morning about half an hour before food. Alternatively, powders and capsules may be available containing these leaves if you are not able to blend the fresh ones. However, we are thinking of making up the juice for people. Does anyone have any suggestions on which of the above are good to mix together or what should not mixed? It would be more convenient if several could be mixed together and the drink stored in the refrigerate for a few days.
Selenium is good if you have 100-200 micrograms (mcg) per day. However, more than 400 mcg per day can cause toxicity. You can get this by eating 2 Brazil nuts per day which will give approximately 60-120 mcg. Salmon and sardines are also good sources.
Some people suggest no red meat for people with cancer. However, others suggest it is fine if it is organic and has not been chemically treated or vaccinated. Some suggest it is important to wash or boil the blood off the meat before cooking as this is what can cause the cancer The cancer council also suggests issues with red meat at . However, a small amount is fine. Some fish is good like salmon and sardines.
Sugar is not good. However, there are other sweets that are reasonably healthy like honey, Xylitol, fruit and dates.
Don't eat take away or processed or pre-cooked food or food cooked at most restaurants. It is best to cook your own food. Don't eat vegetable oil or canola oil because many claim it causes skin cancer. Have extra virgin oil instead.
Slice egg plant fruit and put it on skin cancers. Change it every day until the cancer hopefully disappears. Olive leaf extract is also good and can be purchased in a bottle.
Some suggest the body should also be alkaline and alkaline water is best to drink. However, other reports indicates there is little evidence indicating this.
Some claim that Black salve can cure skin cancer. However, many websites suggest it could cause harm.
Other treatments or cures like Blushwood are being tested but need further research. Some carnivorous plants like the Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), Sarracenia Purpurea and Nepenthes miranda contain powerful compounds that prevent and cure cancer. See and
Please let me know of any other natural remedies that have been tried and tested and have been successful. Also, do you have any other suggestions regarding the daily dosages?
Regards Richard.