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MMS and Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy Question

2 days ago
Posted by Sabrina (France) on 02/03/2025

Hello, I wanted to know if I could use hydrogen peroxide with a nebilisator while using the mms? I am currently undergoing the Humble Jim HRP procedure. I have had MS and severe SJSR for years. Do you think that using the H202 and humble jim procedure with the mms at the same time is a good idea? or take h2o2 orally? Thank you, Good day

 Re: Wrist Hurts 3 Weeks After IV Placed During Surgery

2 days ago
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 02/03/2025

No way. If you can repair something remotely then you can also damage something remotely. As a Christian, I will never willingly allow someone else to do something like this to me. Sounds demonic, really. Go ahead, haters, but that's my belief and throwing shade on me won't change it.

Latex in Aloe Vera

2 days ago
Posted by Loretta (New York) on 02/02/2025

Aloe vera leaf or inner jel. I know that the outer leaf contains latex, which is problematic. I checked brand Lily of the Valley who told me that their manufacturing process minimizes the latex to an amount so small that is has no effect. I have found aloe useful for digestive issues, but I don't know whether to use juice, which is outer leaf aloe, inner gel, inside of leaf, or a combination of both for digestive and kidney issues. Any advice of this issue would be very helpful. Tks

 Re: Wrist Hurts 3 Weeks After IV Placed During Surgery

2 days ago
Posted by Cheryl (Highland Park, NJ) on 02/02/2025

Gert, When I offered to do a Biofield Repair on your wrist, I forgot to mention there is no charge. Sorry. I just need your permission.

 Re: Need Guidance on Food Grade Peroxide for Lung and Potential Throat Cancer

2 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/02/2025

@ Aliza

Please read my post in stomach cancer hydrogen peroxide 3%.

Need Guidance on Food Grade Peroxide for Lung and Potential Throat Cancer

3 days ago
Posted by Aliza (NY) on 02/01/2025

I have the food grade which is like 3% not 35%. I was reading that some of you are drinking this stuff. I'm really scared about doing this.

They found one nodule on my left lung one nodule on my right lung a year ago. I'm going in next month for another scan. They were also keeping an eye out on my throat for throat cancer. They said I was close to getting throat cancer. Unfortunately, with the symptoms I have I think I already have throat cancer now. My neck hurts, my throat hurts, I kind of feel like a sore throat. I have a cough that normally you can tell with the cough is in this one doesn't feel like it's caused by any cold or flu or anything like that. It's not a normal cough. My eyes hurt. I could sleep 10 hours and wake up tired. I'm fatigued.

Inhaling hydrogen peroxide is one thing, but ingesting it is another.

How would I ingest it with the 3% food grade? Like how much HP do I mix to distilled water?

 Re: Low Pulse Rate

3 days ago
Posted by Bob (The US) on 02/02/2025

Please confirm you are talking about pulse rate not HR. "Pulse rate" refers to the rate at which your arteries expand due to blood pressure changes caused by your heartbeat, while "heart rate" refers to the actual number of times your heart beats per minute. In a healthy person, the pulse rate is very close to the heart rate, meaning they are practically the same thing, but technically distinct.

It is impossible to give advice without knowing her BP, HR and PR

There is a homeopathic remedy Digitalis that might benefit your Mom, but only a practicing homeopath should make such a decision. Luckily there are plenty practicing partitioners in the UK.

 Re: Bumps Inside Nose - Question for Mama to Many

3 days ago
Posted by Debbie (West Bend, WI) on 02/01/2025

Thank you Mama to Many. I thought ACV would be too strong. I don't know if this is staph or not, I have multiple chemical sensitivities due to so many antibiotics. Yes they are very reachable (in the nasal vestibule), and have been here for over 6 months. The ENT thought it was excessive cartilage that was growing but I don't think so. Thank you for the advice. Is it right that garlic does not hurt gut flora? Thank you, Debbie ♥

 Re: Oregano Oil for Chronic Sinusitis

3 days ago
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 02/01/2025

Hi Sandra,

I also use a 300ml neti pot daily for clearing and disinfecting my nasal passages and nasopharanx region(area behind the nose and above the throat).

At different times, I have regularly and individually used the following for killing all manner of stubborn bacteria, fungus and viruses in my nasal passages and throat.

Using a 300ml neti pot filled with mineral water:

1.) 5% Lugol's Iodine -- 4 drops.

2.) Xylitol -- one teaspoon of powder.

3.) 3% Hydrogen Peroxide -- 6 drops.

I currently favor using just the 5% Lugol's Iodine for my own reasons, but the other methods also work well. I also always add sea salt(1%) to the neti pot solution, which helps to prevent a runny nose.

Another tactic I use if my sinus problems don't go away or keep coming back is to disinfect both ears with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide using a dropper. All manner of pathogens can exist and breed happily in the outer ear region, which is technically outside of your body, because the throat region can easily transport pathogens to the outer ear region via the Eustachian Tube(used for equalizing ear pressure). For both ears, I just tip my head over flat, squirt the HP into an ear with a dropper and wait a few minutes until all the "bubbling" in the ear stops. The "bubbling" occurs as the HP kills all the pathogens residing in your ear. It's very effective.

 Bumps Inside Nose - Question for Mama to Many

3 days ago
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 02/01/2025

Dear Debbie,

It sounds like the bumps in your nose are reachable? I would be concerned that ACV would be too strong and also hard on the skin that is healing.

Frankincense essential oil, diluted in a little coconut oil could be used on top of the bumps if you can reach them.

If an oral antibiotic was helping, how about trying a garlic supplement? We find garlic supplements cure strep infections better than antibiotics. Nature's Bounty has an odorless version that I really like and Walgreens usually has it. (I just ordered more online as I use it often and never want to be without it.) When using it as an antibiotic I take 4 pills 4 times a day.

If it is a staph infection, turmeric might be good instead, or in addition to the garlic. 4 capsules 4 times a day.

Since you have had so many antibiotics in the past, a good probiotic would also be a good idea. Fage yogurt or a milk kefir would are my favorite sources of probiotics. (I tend to be suspicious of probiotic supplements.)

While you are healing, avoid sugar. I find that for stubborn infections that is pretty important.

Let me know how it goes!

~Mama to Many~

 Re: Issues With Nightmares and People Who Have Passed in Dreams

3 days ago
Posted by Sleepless_in_Amerca (Dallas) on 02/01/2025

Cheryl, how can I contact you? It's getting more complicated. I can't post it here for others start thinking I am crazy. Thank you.

 Re: Issues With Nightmares and People Who Have Passed in Dreams

3 days ago
Posted by Sleepless_in_America (Dallas) on 02/01/2025

Thank you.

 Re: Issues With Nightmares and People Who Have Passed in Dreams

3 days ago
Posted by Sleepless_in_America (Dallas) on 02/01/2025

Thank you. It is sort of kind of make sense but confusing when it comes to what should I do, if anything. I am not “getting the message”, so to speak.

 Low Pulse Rate

3 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 02/01/2025

Hi MissOz,

Since you are in the UK, I don't know where to buy what I wanted you to consider, but here is a link to the product on US Amazon and it is called magnesium orotate by KAL brand :,aps,137&sr=8-7

Ask her doctor if he can approve the magnesium orotate for her to be sure whether it will be compatible with all of her current medications. The doctor may also know where to buy it in the UK.


 Re: Issues With Nightmares and People Who Have Passed in Dreams

4 days ago
Posted by Cheryl (central NJ) on 02/01/2025

Sleepless, Very generally, people in dreams represent certain qualities of the self from when you knew them, OR from their actions in the dreams at that time. Generally, they are fractals of self that the subconscious and superconscious use to make you aware of certain aspects of self to look at and see what they could be telling you about your earthly conscious experience. They are not dead people coming to bother you. They are useful symbols to express things you might need to look at. When they get to be at the level of nightmares, this just means that the superconscious is REALLY trying to get your attention. So try not to be freaked out by the people whether dead or alive in the world. Try to understand what they could symbolize to you and see if there's a learning opportunity or a message for you to pay attention to. Hope this helps.

 Low Pulse Rate

4 days ago
Posted by MissOz (United Kingdom) on 02/01/2025

My mum is over 75 and has low pulse -- any suggestions?

 Re: Oregano Oil for Chronic Sinusitis

4 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 01/31/2025

@ Sandra (Scotland)

Start with one drop of oregano oil in your neti-pot and increase to tolerance. Be sure to add salt and baking soda to your neti wash solution and mix til uniformed. I can't do over 3 drops per 8oz. neti wash.

Bumps Inside Nose - Question for Mama to Many

4 days ago
Posted by Debbie (West Bend, WI) on 02/01/2025

Question for Mama to Many

Art kindly gave me some advice about bumps in the nose (thank you Art). I'm too scared to try BA and have a question to Mama to Many about what to do. Antibiotics have made me really sick using 20 years for acne. Currently on another antibiotic for my nose haven't used antibiotics for long time. it must be some sort of infection because parts of the bumps left but not all. I have multiple chemical sensitivities from all the antibiotics. Colloidial silver not working. Can I put ACV in my nose for the resistent bumps? Part of the problem is not being able to leave my nose alone.What else can I do. This all started from wearing a face mask in a hospital. Have issues with eyes too. Please pray for me in the name of precious Jesus.

 Re: 14 Month Old Baby Sick From Recurring Congestion and Fever

4 days ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 02/01/2025

Vaccinations may be what's causing these symptoms. I would recommend stopping any further vaccines.


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