Oil Pulling with Olive Oil - A Healthy Choice!

Olive Oil
Posted by Leighroy (Stockport, Cheshire) on 01/05/2009

Having spent the whole of the festive period wallowing in my own self pity due to a severe case of the flu, which I shared with the rest of my family, I was fortunate to find your website in the search for a remedy for my affliction.

I became engrossed in reading at least 10 pages of post's relating to "oil pulling" and its benefits. Being probably as sceptical as most are when they told that a tablespoon of oil swilled in the mouth for 15 minutes could change your life. I decided that I had nothing to lose and that I might even benefit.

Wooooooooow!!! the following day, my fever had subsided leaving me with just the "snotty congested remnants" of the flu - I kept an open mind as I had consumed several cloves of garlic that night and had enough "flu remedy tablets" to put a whale to sleep. The following day however I felt optomistic about the whole affair and pre breakfast treated myself to another bout of OP.

THe reason for my post is to give a huge thumbs up for the benefits of this treament which if nothing else has boosted my enthusiasm for life. More importantly I gave up smoking after my second treatment due to the fact that the taste of the tobacco was no longer pleasant. I have managed to remain a non smoker for the last seven days which is the longest I have been without tobacco for 27 years. Prior to OP I had absolutely no inclination to quit and rather enjoyed it smoking at least 10-15 per day.

I am in no way saying that OP will make you stop smoking .......but for at least 7 days it has been the driving force behind my new found love of fresh air. Each morning I use 1 tablespoon of cold pressed olive oil as I cant seem to source sesame. I swish for 20 minutes before rinsing out with a solution of 1tps rock salt/1tps bi carb soda and 8 oz water taking care to lightly brush everywhere.

As such I would recommend OP to everyone and have done so. I would be interested to know if there are any other documented cases where OP has directly contributed to a smoker giving up. Thanks again and yes my teeth are whiter but that may just be the absence of tobacco. I have also found that I need less caffein and have hardly touched alcohol but again this may be due to the flu residue or just the fact that sub conciously I am making a real effort to stay healthy.

Whatever.... OP for life

Olive Oil
Posted by Arlene (Findlay, OH) on 07/16/2007

I have been using extra virgin olive oil. My psychologist told me about this after studying Native American history. I am bipolar. I have noticed increased metabolism, teeth tightening, weight loss of 12 pounds since starting the oil pulling June 1, 2007. I have so much more energy, teeth seem to be whitening. A clearer mind. The weight loss has been the best for me.

Olive Oil
Posted by Kimberly (Mineral, Virginia) on 07/08/2007

Hello Everyone, I hadn't intended to responded this soon, but I am so amazed at how well the OP is going that I just had to give my 2 cents. I decided to try OP because I am desperate to feel better. I am 45 years old and am sick of feeling sick all the time. I stumbled on to the web sight reading about ACV and looked at the OP while I was here. I decided to give it a try as I had extra virgin olive light oil in my kitchen at the moment and a number of reader said they had used different oils with success. I did decide I would order the cold pressed seseame oil as soon as I could though. Well, I've been oil pulling now for a week and here is what I have to report. My teeth look fantastic! I have NEVER had white teeth even as a kid!! And my face, I have had oily skin and large pores with blackheads sense I was a kid as well. I'm talking 10 year old kid! Well last night I went to do my normal, you know express the pores so they don't look so large and OMG they were so small, it was unbelievable!! I could not really find anything to express. Then I realize that my face had not been as oily has it had been in the past and I actually had two dry patches on my chin which in the past has only happened when I was pregnant with my two girls and that was 25 years ago!

And now for my hair. I have always, again sense I was a kid oily hair. My hair looks great!! It is soft and shiny and it doesn't look like an oil pit 24 hours after the last washing. It is wonderful to have my hair looking nice the entire time between washings!! I can't wait to see what other benefits come out of OP!! You have one sold customer here! I will check back later on and let you all know what else has happened. Oh yeah, one more thing, I had some generalized tooth pain that I could not pin point on one side of my right upper jaw when I started, well after the second session of OP, the tooth pain was all but gone! This is GREAT!! Kim

Olive Oil
Posted by Denise (Pembroke, GA) on 04/04/2007

I have severe arthritis and started using ACV & molasses and noticed better energy. This morning, I had real difficulty getting out of bed and decided I'd try oil pulling. To say I was amazed with the results is putting it lightly. After suffering with it for 25 years, the pain in my back is now gone! I am stunned! I used cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil - have done it twice today so far. Also, the mucous is coming up. Will do another one tonight. Thank God for this site. THANK YOU!!!!

Olive Oil
Posted by Jenn (Cork, Ireland) on 01/12/2013

I have been oil pulling with olive oil for six months. I would use a different toothbrush for oil pulling and another for normal tooth brushing, and alway rinse my mouth out with warm salt water (one teaspoon in a small glass). I feel I am less likely to cross contaminate my mouth by using a different toothbrush.

My mouth feels much healther and my teeth are stronger, my dentist recommended for me to use a filler toothpaste as I have sensitive enamel. I choose to oil pull instead, and six months later my teeth are not as sensitive. I would recommend everyone giving it a try as it is inexpensive. It's just getting into a routine, like brushing and flossing teeth. Soon it becomes second nature. Of course you should follow your dentist advice also, I just made my own decision that suited me.

Olive Oil
Posted by Bart (Brooklyn, Ny) on 08/19/2010

I've had a really bad tooth infection for the past couple days, so after scouring the internet for solutions, I found oil pulling. I'm a bit skeptical, but my good friend is currently on the regime, which seemed harmless to her. The only thing I had on the pantry was Extra Virgin Olive Oil.... Swished around 2 tablespoons worth for approximately 15 minutes, and the pain was leaving me! It kind of blew my mind. The next morning, the swelling in my gum went down slightly. It was pretty much gone the day after. I haven't noticed anything else with using it. The infected tooth is chipped in half from an accident awhile ago, and I've been waiting for a root canal. Luckily this will hold me over for another week.

Olive Oil
Posted by Jerry (Florida) on 08/01/2009


Hi. I recently started Oilpulling, (EVOO) before breakfast. For the first 2 weeks it was fine, I felt, more energetic, my skin started looking new, dewy, soft to the touch. Plaque started falling off my teeth, which looks whiter, gums healthier. I started to sweat, (which I havent done in years, no matter how much outdoor work I did.) I wasnt aware the sweet cravings had gone away, untill I went to my snack pantry and saw it filled.

After that I started getting chest pains, (I do have a mitral valve prolapse, which I was told, will repair itself after a period of time.) The first night with chestpains, I just laid down and waited to die, the pain being so severe. I stopped the OP because I was scared to try it again. I do want it to work because of all the positive results Ive seen so far.

Do you think that the pain was part of the detox process, or should I switch oils, or do you think its not for me.

Olive Oil
Posted by Jane (Cork, Ireland) on 07/23/2009

I read all the feedback and at my wits end decided to try Oil Pulling

I have suffered from excema for 10 years - quite bad to look at. Have Not itchy but goes quite red after spicy food/vinegar.

Tried Olive Oil first and found that I broke out in loads of spots. I have great skin on my face and the excema is only on my body. I never get spots on my face and the first day after oil pulling i broke out. I take a very tiny amount in my mouth and need to pull for about half an hour before it turns white. One of the things i have noticed since i have been doing it for a while, its quite easy to just leave it sit in your mouth. I think you have to swirl it round continously. I do it for 20 mins and get some results but a good half hour for me and i see such a reduction in my excema. Its not completely clear but when i think of the amount of money on steroids! Oil pulling is by far the most effective. I have done it over the 4 month, one month without and the oil pulling is definelty helping.

I also tried coconut oil and that excaberated my excema - flared up immediately.
Tried evening primrose oil - made my excema worse.

Have tried avocado oil as well but think olive oil is better. Hadn't done the oil pulling for a week and had drank soda drinks over the week end - pulled for 5 minutes and the oil had turned white.

So think oil pulling is improving my excema

Have bought some apple cider vinegar but don't know if i should drink it with the baking soda.

Have also tried the baking soda paste on excema and it worked a bit but burned and hurt a lot

Olive Oil
Posted by Andy (Burnley, Lancashire, England) on 06/24/2009

Yesterday, I was in excrutiating pain from a tooth I broke and had filled about a month ago. Could'nt get an appointment for a week at the dentist. I looked online for anything that could possibly help with the pain (strong painkilers did not even touch it).

I tried raw garlic, garlic mouthwash, cold water with salt (hit the roof with pain) warm water with salt (hit the roof again) nothing worked. I had read about oil pulling but discounted it as I needed an instant fix. At 3.00 am (3 hours before going to work) after 16 hours of constant pain,In desperation I decided to give OP a try with extra virgin olive oil. Five minutes after swilling and cleaning my teeth I was asleep.

I woke up with no pain at all. Another thing I noticed during the day was when I had a drink of water from the cooler, although I did feel a slight throbbing after, there was no sensitivity to the cold water at all. (I have always had sensitive teeth even before the toothache)

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. CONVERTED. I am going to carry on with OP and see what long term benefits I get.

Also I have not had a cigarette today yet and its nearly bedtime ! not even thought about it until now.

Olive Oil
Posted by Audrey (Larnaca, Cyprus) on 04/20/2009

Olive Oil Pulling Remedy improves my tooth and jaw discomfort within hours.

I discovered this site a few hours ago seeking a remedy for my white coated tongue. As today is a public holiday in Cyprus I could not rush out and get some coconut oil which is what I wanted to do after reading the recommendations. So I opened the cupboard and took a shot of olive oil instead. (No mediterranean kitchen is ever without olive oil!). I managed to swish for about 12 minutes before I felt as if I was going to choke. I spat it out and rinsed thoroughly.

That was about 3 hours ago. I am so excited that I had to come back to the site to share my results. The sensitive tooth and jaw pain I have had for months, has almost completely disappeared. I coughed up a lot of phlegm and now feel so much clearer in my ears and throat.

I am stunned! I thought I was familiar with most of the well-known natural remedies but this is a new (and extremely effective) one on me. Thanks so much Earth Clinic and all it's users. I'm converted!

Olive Oil
Posted by Francesca (Merseyside, UK) on 03/03/2009

hi everyone came about your site by accident. Began op about 5 days ago. I used ordinary extra virgin olive oil pulled for 20mins in the morning yet oil still remained yellow when i spat out yet the next morning when i woke up the first thing i noticed was i felt energised, a totally different person who is normally lethargic upon waking. I had a lot more mental clarity . On the second day my cracked heels which were sore every time i walked were healed and soft. My hair which was dry felt softer and my skin feels softer too. I have stopped coughing as well. I have suffered from bad chest infections since i was a child yet op has stopped the wheeze and the cough dead in its tracks. Every morning - wake now i feel i am being propelled in the right way towards super health thankyou so much for this site i will report back with more news

Olive Oil
Posted by Celleste (Penang, Malaysia) on 02/09/2009

I tried Oil Pulling for the very first time 30min. ago. Been reading about the great results it brings, so I was really curious. I tried it with 1 TSP. EV Olive Oil; when it first entered my mouth the taste was horrible. I almost spitted it back out but told myself to hold it. Then 5 min. later I really couldn't stand the taste anymore, so after gagging repeatedly, I spit it out. Was rather disappointed at myself for not keeping it in long enough. BUT...interestingly, the oil already turned white & frothy (I'm down with flu, so I guess I must be really toxic now). Then as I was brushing my teeth, I blew out a significant amount of mucus from the left side of my nose (which had been stuffy all night), & after I finished brushing, as I was checking my teeth (do this every morning by habit), I again blew out a significant amount of mucus from the right side of my nose. So now my nose is clear & I'm breathing so much better. As I was looking in the mirror, I happened to notice that my teeth are whiter already & my tongue has a prettier pinkish shade (it had been coated for the past week coz of my flu). I have to say I'm pleasantly shocked. I didn't expect any of this after just 5 min. of what I thought to be a 'failed' OP. One thing, though, the after-taste of Olive Oil is still there, & I don't find that pleasant at all. So I'll definitely continue OP to find some more surprises, but I'll try other oils. Finally, my heartfelt thanks to Earth Clinic for running a true site like this without any gimmick of promoting certain products & to all of you out there for sharing your experiences.

Olive Oil
Posted by Marci (Tucson, Arizona) on 02/25/2008

OP First Time--Surprising Results. While doing a little research on activated charcoal, happened upon your OP info today 2-25-08. Thought I was getting the flu today due to appetite loss and diarrhea. Took 2 charcoal capsules which cured the latter, then found your articles and tried with 1 tbsp. olive oil. Since I had slight gag reflex initially, I calmed myself and was careful about rinsing my mouth after spitting out (tea tree oil w/mouthwash then brushing). My headache and stomachache are gone and my mouth has never felt so clean. My mood is definitely lighter and could it be that my teeth look brighter?? Speaking of which, would you please clarify the effect on tooth enamel? My teeth are rather porous, stain easily and the dentist says the enamel is eroding. Many thanks for all your hard work and inspiration. /M

Olive Oil
Posted by Antoinette (Raleigh, NC) on 01/05/2008

WOW! I was just reading about the oil pulling. I have severe sinus problems, as well as a host of other ailments, which I will relate at another time. I woke up this morning severely congested, with thick green mucuous. I searched the computer under sinus treatments and found this website. I decided to try it although I was scared. I didnt have sesame or sunflower oil, I only had extra virgin olive oil, so I tried it. I just tried right now for the first time. Within 2 minutes....yes!! 2 minutes! my nose opened up, and I could breathe!!! I started feeling more alert in my mind, and I was so shocked. I just spit out the solution a few minutes ago...... and I brushed my teeth, and Im going to drink the 2 to 3 glasses of water. I will post again soon. I will do it again tonight. Thanks!!!

Olive Oil
Posted by Arlene (Findlay, Ohio) on 07/27/2007

I have been doing oil pulling since June 1st. I have used extra virgin olive oil but today bought some sunflower oil to try. I cleaned my mouth before and after oil pulling but read today that you do it after. Anyway, I have lost 12 pounds so metabolism has increased. My mouth feels healthier. I have more energy. I plan to do it for a very long time. Let me know about cleaning mouth before and after. Thanks

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