Borax Feedback
Borax Feedback
Borax Feedback
Borax Feedback
mix 1 teaspoon borax with a quart of water. It's about as toxic as table salt, just use responsibly.
Borax Feedback
Borax Feedback
You are definitely missing something :-)
Borax has the same toxicity as table salt; take in too much table salt and you will get very sick. Same with water; drinking too much water *will* kill you.
If your dog ingests borax by licking it off it's coat, if it gets *too much* it might get diarrhea. 1/4 teaspoon borax in the drinking water - a common dose for humans and pets alike - may cause stomach upset if you take it all in one go in 8 ounces of water, but in a liter of water taken by a sip here or there throughout the day generally poses no upset.
I use borax both in my laundry - and orally and externally for me and my pets and all with good result.