Could you also apply it to the PETS section of borax as little info seems to be in that section except for people thinking its toxic. Thanks, Mark
Below is my email to intralabs and their reply stating the safety of borax, the only toxic effects apply to unborn babies whose mother ingests. The 'powers that be' have left that bit out to make us think toxicity applies to all of us, hence shops removing borax and replacing with borax substitute (which really is toxic!! ). Email intralabs yourselves for reassurance. They are very cheap too. Label warnings of dangers and toxicity are put on Borax by law.
From: mark speed Sent: 24 October 2014 06:26 To: [email protected] Subject: Borax or Borax?
Hi, Im confused about 'Borax' mainly as my nan used to drink small amounts to rid herself from arthritus, also using it as shampoo then rinsing afterwards with citric acid, she fed her plants with it as every living organisms cells require borax! So I dont understand why yr Material Safety Data Sheet says it is toxic ingested and a skin irritant?
She is still alive & free from arthritus and swears by the stuff. When talking with a few oldies at my mums residential care home it became clear that a fair few in their generation used borax on skin and ingested with no problems, I think the borax product was called '20 mule' or similar.
Please could you tell me why yours is so toxic please?? Also...I always understood that borax and boric acid are the same substance apart from one of them has more water molecules than the other, any advice on this lol?
I want to purchase from you but not if you sell a toxic form as im removing all mainstream pollutant chemicals from my home, then just using borax, citris acid, soap flakes, soda crystals, bicarb of soda and white vinegar for everything from hardcore cleaning, laundry, personal hygiene, pet and my shampoo, insecticide etc (the oldies convinced me there is no need for the squillions of products poisoning us everyday just so some fat cat corporate ****rs can rake in the profits at our expense).
Hope you can help me aquire the borax I talk of if you dont supply the safe version, all I can find is a substitute which my gran says is not borax either!!
Thanks in advance Mark
Sent: Friday, October 24,2014 at 4:27 PM From: "Intralabs - Dan" To: "'mark speed'" Subject: RE: Borax or Borax?
Borax was reclassified 4 years ago as Repro-toxic by the EU which means that it could damage fertilitiy or an unborn child if eaten.
Borax is not toxic to your general health (other than that just stated) and is actually less toxic than table salt.
This is the reason why your relative is quite well and not ill. 20 mule team borax is the same as the borax we sell, the only difference is that it's not classed as repro-toxic by US law but is by EU law.
20 mule team is a brand of borax, it's all the same.
Kind regards Dan
Intra-Laboratories, Unit 5, Devonshire Meadows, Broadley Park Road Plymouth, PL6 7EZ
Tel: 01752 724109,
Borax Feedback
Also, NEVER confuse or use Boric Acid instead of Borax. Two completely different products. Boric acid is toxic.
Do your research!
Borax Feedback
Borax is 100% safe to use on the skin of your puppy. If this were my puppy I would wait on adding borax to the *drinking water* until the mange was cleared to avoid over stressing her - just me.
Borax Feedback
Borax Feedback
You are definitely missing something :-)
Borax has the same toxicity as table salt; take in too much table salt and you will get very sick. Same with water; drinking too much water *will* kill you.
If your dog ingests borax by licking it off it's coat, if it gets *too much* it might get diarrhea. 1/4 teaspoon borax in the drinking water - a common dose for humans and pets alike - may cause stomach upset if you take it all in one go in 8 ounces of water, but in a liter of water taken by a sip here or there throughout the day generally poses no upset.
I use borax both in my laundry - and orally and externally for me and my pets and all with good result.
Borax Feedback
I needed education years ago. That was when I visited EC for the first time. This link has a few more pages of valuable info. Not what is in the media or gov't or what doctors tell you. You are lucky to get to know the truth.
Namaste, Om
Borax Feedback