Essiac 4-herb -- 1/2 capsule 2 x day
Astragalus -- 1/2 capsule 2 x day
Beta Glucans -- 1/2 capsule 2 x day
Shark Cartilage -- 1/2 capsule 2 x day
Vit. D tablets (400 IU) -- 1/2 tablet every 2 days
Grinded apricot -- 1/4th of a kernel every 2 days
EC: Thank you so much!
Essiac Tea, Supplements, Grinded Apricot Kernel
She now takes, on a daily basis:
1. 1 capsule of Essiac 4-herb capsules mixed in with food (1/2 cap. 2xday). PLEASE NOTE ******I have stopped giving my cat the concentrated form of Essiac a while ago because despite the fact that I diluted the concentrate extensively, as Anon from UK pointed out, alcohol in any amount may cause liver damage and thus should not be given to animals****** Not to mention, she hated the fact that it had to be fed through the eyedropper, although the above-mentioned rationale still stands as far more critical.
2. Instead of fish oil, I now give her Shark Cartilage (also from herbalhealer.com - __ capsule per day, which I believe have done wonders since she was started on it (as far as vitality and energy level).
3. I continue to give her Astragalus capsules and Beta Glucans approx. 1 capsule/day in several feedings.
4. I've actually decreased the dosage of grinded apricot to a tiny __th kernel per day and I give it to her with intermittent breaks- approx once in every 2 days.
5. A few months ago I started her on ___ (crushed) Vit. D tablets (400 IU) once every 2 days, and she seems to respond well to it. I've researched its effects widely in theory and in practice, and so far feel that Vit.D has been beneficial.
6. She continues to eat a low-carb, high protein diet (Innova EVO dry food and Wellness canned food). Sometimes I feed her tiny amounts of home-cooked salmon and other fish just because she loves it, but I always make sure to add all of her supplements into it.
Last but not least, I want to emphasize the importance of researching the potential harmful effects of a vitamin or herb before administering it tp your pet!!! I mention this because I recently tried adding a tiny amount of Flax seed oil to the list above, but noticed an immediate negative reaction as in a radical drop in my cat's energy level, and so I discontinued it right away. If anyone has ideas or suggestions as to why this might have occurred, please do share. I am wondering whether flax should not be given to cats by and large, or more likely, whether some adverse interaction with other supplements that I am administering to her has taken place. I'll appreciate any comments in regards to this and will keep you posted on my kitty's healing process...
EC: Thanks so much for the update, Maria.
Unfortunately our database does not read fractions and changed yours into funny characters. Could you please re-send the dosage amounts again by typing the measurements like this: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8. Thank you!
Essiac Tea, Supplements, Grinded Apricot Kernel