I am disabled and, for now, living on not enough money for basic expenses; so, although I am trying to find solutions, acupuncture or other expensive treatments are out of the question. (I am looking for work I can do at home, btw, so really trying! ).
I ordered a bottle of Standard Process Cardio-Plus, and gave it to both of my chi's (The younger one now has the same kind of dry cough the older one started with, years ago.) Both of their coughs have been reduced in frequency and, in the case of the elder, with the CHF, severity, since starting that. So, I have high hopes of finding alternative solutions that the vet does not know about. (I found out about the Cardio-Plus, myself, even though she sells some Standard Process. ! )
The only pharma she is on is Lasix. I missed one dose, as I had run out, and gave it to her about 3 hrs late. I did notice the cough getting wetter, during that time. So, it helps.
I am wondering if DMSO or any other alternative you know of might help. If I were to use the DMSO, where would I put it, how often? Should she take it orally? Etc.