I first checked online and tried massage. I did not have any success with this. I tried applying cold. Not much success with this either.
I checked what the cause of the affliction and it seems to be a deficiency in the connective tissue so I looked to see what would support and encourage the development of connective tissue. I bought a dog food that had glucasamine and chronditin in it. It is an all ages food.
I added salmon oil, glucasamine sulfate and shark cartilage to her food. Salmon oil capsule - snip end and squeeze. Glucasamine sulfate tablets ground with a knife. Shark cartilage caplets powder - just open capsule.
The supplements were all from the human drug store. The salmon oil was really for my cat, but I thought it would help the powder stick to the food and encourage her to eat.
Shark cartilage - I didn't buy but a friend was going to throw away so I thought I would take it. I thought it might help develop her connective tissues.