Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Is there a safe oil to use during this treatment. My dog's skin has become dry and irritated and I'd love to put some emu oil or coconut oil on her neck to soothe the dry itch. I read somewhere in these 9 pages that vit. e oil stimulates the mange, so I wanted to know which oils won't. I've seen this question posted several times but none (that I can find) have been answered.
Thanks in advance!
(Port Richey, Fl)
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Vista, Ca, Usa)
Hi! Where did you find the borax? I only found the kind in the laundry soap section. I also found a foot soap with borax and iodine as the ingredients. I don't know if I should try it. Thanks!
EC: Hi Christine,
People are using borax found in the laundry soap section (20 Mule Team) for the mange cure!
Dexter the Irish Russel got a whopping case of some sort of crud that was initially thought to be of no consequence. Then the heat and humidity of summer struck and Dex bloomed into a itchy, hairless mess. Tried Ted's mange formula when other treatments failed, and within a week he showed significant improvement. He is starting to 'pink up' where he lost his fur, and little wisps of hair are breaking out all over. I am very happy, but not nearly as happy as Dexter.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I have been trying Ted's remedies for mange on my dog for the past 2 weeks. He had scabs and bloody raw spots on this back. He is sooooo much better now. No raw spots! I am seeing improvement but still feel I have a ways to go. I kept thinking he had a flea allergy or food allergy. Does the black skin go away? I still see him shedding skin and bathe him every 3-4 days with a tea tree oil shampoo and then apply the borax peroxide remedy. Way less itching! He was hiding under the house and itching madly so I am very thankful for this remedy! Should I continue the baths until all symptoms are gone? (I read somewhere here that you should do 2 mos.max?) Also, how long does it take for heavy skin thickening to go away with this remedy? He has that on his lower back by his tail.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Please help me with this..
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I am putting stuff together to start this, my question is; can I use this treatment while my dog is undergoing dip treatments with a vet. We had already started them and really do not want to break the two week stretch and have to start over. Doesn't sound like they will be needed and I am REALLY excited at the thought of getting out of the chemical treatments. I would like to go ahead and do at least one last one; really like the vet and she has been very honest about the treatments.
Ready to go...get rid of this mess. Thanks, Vicki
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I leave tomorrow to bring a homeless dog back from peru. She either has mange or an allergic reaction to fleas. Many of us have held her, petted her, played with her and have no infection ourselves, no bites or itching. I have held her on my lap for 4 times taking her to the vet and am fine. Does this mean she does not have mange?
(Glendale, Arizona)
Barb from Seattle: Demodectic mange is caused by a parasite that is always present on the skin of canines. Normally, the mange mites are kept under control by the immune system, but when immunity is compromised or internal conditions are made optimum (often caused from a diet filled with too much grain, sugars and/or low quality proteins) the mites grow out-of-control ... much like when humans get a yeast infection. This form of mange is *not* contagious for pets or humans. Sarcoptic mange, on the other hand, is a foreign parasite that can be passed from dog to dog or dog to human. For humans, the mite infestation is referred to as "scabies" and is normally self-limiting; causing a minor rash that goes away without treatment. It can become a problem for anyone who has immunity/auto immunity issues.
So, to answer your question, *yes* a dog *can* have demodectic mange without spreading the mites to you.
Hope that helps!
(Beverly, Massachsetts)
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I was curious if my Border would become a "henna" Border, if her hair would really become tinted. After 2 applications, there is a very slight reddish tint to the undercoat but not noticeable. For all she's been through she could turn blue, as long as she's healthy! So far, so good after 2 treatments. Also, I noticed the facial area becoming worse afterward. A good application of petroleum jelly seems to have solved that...
(Regina, Saskchewan, Canada)
Ted's mange cure is excellent and will not change the color of your dogs coat. I used the treatment on my min pin(black and tan) and it worked beautifully and quickly. And even if it did lighten the coat, what is your option? Mitiban baths, ivermectin which will ruin the dog's liver. No, and you will be very pleased with the results of borax and H2O2!
(Newtown, Ct)
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
She's a fawn pug and the mange had made her skin completely black, the fur had dropped off at the affected areas and in the worst of spots, scabs had formed.
She had scratched and licked herself raw, and was beginning to bleed at her paws.
Tried her first borax treatment 3 days ago. I mixed 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 2 parts water and mixed borax* till it wouldnt dissolve. Rubbed the solution on her affected parts.
After the 1st application, she looks less miserable and is calmer and is scratching and licking less.
The scabs have fallen off and her skin (even at the worst affected areas) look more "normal".
I am so relieved. My only wish is that I had discovered Ted's remedy sooner!
Am planning to use the remedy on her every 3 days for the first 2 weeks and then to 1x a week till she's healed.
Thanks Ted, Thanks Earth Clinic!
* For readers in Asia, I had a lot of trouble sourcing for borax. Then I discovered that it's an ingredient used for setting "to fu fah". These white granules are quite easily available in Chinese medicine shops and are called %u787C%u7802(Sodium Borate)%u53CA%u787C%u7802%u9178.. I don't read chinese so I just flashed them the chinese characters and it worked. Very inexpensive too. Good luck!
EC: Sorry, our database has turned your Chinese characters into mumbo jumbo. Perhaps this will work?|zh-CN|Sodium Borate
(Austin, Tx)
1. I am wondering if the borax - 1% H2O2 solution lightens the color of the dog's hair?
2. I am also making sure that it is okay- & even recommended?- that the dog eat a little borax.
3. And does the borax-vinegar solution work just as well, and if it does, what are the ideal measurements for creating the concoction?
Thank you! Amy
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
I would like to clarify the post by Booker from Klang, Malaysia on Borax for Asian readers. Borax is not used to set 'tau fu fah' (beancurd). Borax is sometimes used in cooking. In Malaysia, Borax is a banned item, but most chinese medicine hall still carry Borax so it's quite easily available. Thanks.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
My cat quit eating, and then quit drinking water, and this morning she threw up the little bit she had tried to eat, and lots of white foamy stuff. She hasn't eaten all day, but she did drink some water outside on the porch in a bowl - just won't touch anything inside my room.
I've since cleaned up all the Borax from the carpet and floor, cleaned her dishes, and changed all the towels and bedding. She finally came back inside this afternoon. She still won't eat or drink, and has crawled behind some boxes and is down under a long work table in a dark space on the carpet. I'm just leaving her alone but have stayed with her all day.
I've been on the website and read as much as I can, but decided to post this and ask if there's something I should be antidoting the Borax with. I'm sure she got an overdose from my over-eager application of it last night.
Thanks, Jan
EC: Hi Jan, Ted's mange remedy does not include apple cider vinegar. Did you mean hydrogen peroxide?
(Biggs, Ca)
No, I used ACV because I believe it was from one of Ted's posts that he explained that ACV, as well as several other things (MSM, DMSO, etc.), acted to insure that the Borax penetrated the skin and that this is what the hydrogen peroxide does as well. He said that the dry powder will not penetrate the skin and cause the mites to leave unless it is accompanied by something like the peroxide or ACV.
An update. Suki, my cat, seems to be feeling better. She wouldn't touch her normal food or any inside water from her bowl (just water from outside in a bowl on the porch) so I got another brand of dry food that she likes and put that in a dish and she ate some as if she were hungry. She seems very aware that whatever was on the floor and around her food and water dishes is what caused her to be sick. She came in and sniffed all about even though I cleaned, and then she ate some of the new food (still didn't drink water), and then headed back to her safe place under the table behind the boxes. I'm breathing a little easier, but worried about any damage to her kidneys after reading some of the posts.
Thanks, Jan
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I have been giving the dog yeast vitamin tablets, cod liver oil, evening primrose oil and omega tablets to boost her immune system. It took me a long time to source the Borax, but we tried a very week solution last night to make sure she wasn't allergic to it and so far she has shown no ill effects and has been scratching less. But we need to know exact solution to make up a big enough batch to properly soak her.
We formerly tried putting apple cider vinegar on her skin followed by vegetable oil, and this has helped sooth the itching but has not killed the mange. We are very keen to see if this borax solution helps her.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Orlando, Fl)
If you don't blend down the Hydrogen Peroxide, and leave your dark animal in the sun, it will have the same effect as it does on you - this has been a hair-lightening trick for years in Florida. In fact, Hydrogen Peroxide is the main ingredient in all hair-lightening products sold. Make sure you are taking 3% Hydrogen Peroxide down to 1% by blending 1 part to 2 parts water, and that will lessen the effects.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
EC: A very easy way to convert is to type into Google's search engine (for example) "500 cc to cups" and you will get the answer. You can also convert to ounces instead. It's fantastic!
Answers looks like this:
500 cc = 2.11337642 US cups
1000 cc = 4.22675284 US cups
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I am just wondering as I am dealing with this now, as I can't find info anywhere, do the mites stay on the dog or are they like lice and go onto bedding and couches etc.? What is the best way to make sure he doesn't get reinfested?
(Burnaby, Bc, Canada)
I tried to use Ted's Remedy on my cat but it was just too stressful to bathe her. I found an alternate route by upping her diet to the best organic cat food i could find (to up her immune system) and then I stirred in 1/4 tsp of brewer's yeast to every meal. She ate it no problems. I kept her bed washed and sprayed with a tea tree oil concoction I make. It's a travel size spritzer bottle of water with 8 drops or so of tea tree oil in it. The mites hate tea tree oil, as do ear mites (cured her of ear mites a few years previous with this after only one spray in each). After a couple of days, I noticed she was itching less and less and it finally stopped.