Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
H2O2 is easy to get hold of, from the chemists in the UK, but the Borax less so...
First time, the male border collie had mange type hair loss and scabbing to the side of his rear leg, the large muscle area. I didn't bath him and couldn't track down any Borax, just the substitute, so I just diluted H2O2 and put that in a spray bottle. I wasn't expecting much without the Borax, but provided near immediate and it cleared up within a week. I kept on just spraying daily for 10 days.
For the past two weeks, his younger sister has been chewing at her front legs, hair loss and beginning to bleed and scab, gradually getting worse for her. This time I managed to get hold of some 20 Mule Team Borax, it arrived 1 days ago, so I made it up roughly as described - except I put in in a spray bottle. I gave her a good bath, let her shake and drip, then sprayed her thoroughly and left her somewhere warm to dry. I have sprayed her daily since, but concentrating mainly on the two affected front legs. The crisis seems to be almost over, scabs going and hair returning. It has though left her hair generally looking very dry, so I may need to address that, once the treatment stops.
I adopted a puppy who is thought to be a lab/pointer mix. Millie is about 5 months and the vet just diagnosed her with Demodectic Mange. The vet put her on Ivermectin and instructed us to give her a Lime Sulfur Dip bath weekly for six weeks. Can I bath her with this Lime Sulfur Dip and also use the Ted's Borax Remedies? If so, what is an ideal sample schedule? I just want to make sure the two methods wouldn't interact negatively with one another. Any other tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Nicole,
If this were my dog I would use only 1 remedy. I have had complete success using only Ted's Mange Remedy, as directed. In your shoes, since you are on ivermectin, I would use only one dip - not both. There is no advantage using both lime dip and Ted's dip - they both do the same thing, ie kill mites under the skin. Because the lime dip stinks, I would use Ted's remedy as directed on this site.
Be aware of the common possibility of toxic effect of ivermectin ....
In my opinion do not use Ivermectin. They gave my dog Ivermectin and his head started shaking and we immediatedly noticed it effected his vision as well. I went online and found Ted's remedy and it worked. This was years ago. I just came back online to find the remedy for another dog. My dog's head would convulse and shake, it was terrible, for years, until one day when his head was shaking, my mother threw him a treat and he caught it mid air and it stopped and we continued to do that(I have no idea why that worked but am glad it did).and thank God it stopped. He is allergic to 18 different things.
A very old doctor who has since passed away told me, "4 white feet, don't treat." My dog a rescue has 4 white paws, he says that you should stay away from medications as much as possible.
Also, my dog is allergic to dandelions. I spray them with pure vinegar in a spray bottle direct stream and it takes that problem away.
This Ted's remedy is awesome
(Sw Us)
Don't use the sulfur-lime with the borax. They both are applied similarly. The sulfur needs to be left on the coat to penetrate the same way the borax solution does. There may also be a problem with chemical reactions among the chemicals. You will find the borax solution to be much more pleasant to use than the sulfurated lime, which has a very pungent sulfur odor that is not easily removed by washing.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Because of the mites, do we need to do something to our carpeting or our dogs beds which have a removable cover?
Thank you so much!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Rescue puppy foster (received at 4 weeks) - had him for 4 days before I knew about the mange. Too young for ivermectin treatment, he has had lime-sulphur dip twice (if you are using this, buy some spray bottles it is much easier than 'dipping' a dog) but continued scratching/losing a ton of hair. He is pretty much hairless on his face (he is now 6 wks) and patches of hair elsewhere. I also have used an antiparasitic shampoo, which did not seem to help much.
Since using Ted's remedy I am not sure if his hair is growing back but he is scratching far less. I really hope his hair grows back and that my 3 older dogs don't get mange. I am also using Ted's remedy in the house (spraying on dog beds, floors, etc.).
(Mpls., Mn)
Hello Kirk,
Please take your puppy to the vet for a diagnosis. The rescue you are working with surely has funds available to vet their animals, so get a proper diagnosis to determine if you are dealing with demodex [not contagious] or sarcoptic [very contagious] mange. Ted's remedy still applies, but it will help you know how to move forward with your other pets knowing which type of mange you are dealing with. There are many skin conditions that can look like mange and I will say it is very uncommon to deal with demodex in a 4 week old [and now 6 week old] puppy. One thing to keep in mind is that MORE is not BETTER. You can over dry your foster pup's skin by treating him with everything all at once. Healing skin takes TIME. The best advice I can offer is to get a vet check to see if you actually are dealing with mange and if so find out what type of mange. Feed a high quality diet and boost with vitamin C or pet tabs. Consider coconut oil externally if skin is dry or rough. Ted's remedy is good when followed as directed; too frequent bathing in the remedy will cause dry skin, so again use as directed. Keep the pup stress free, warm and comfy and please report back!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
At the moment I'm using a mix of rapeseed oil and diatomaceous earth on her but she has all of a sudden got supper a canny on the parts where she still has hair, could it be the other mange she has? Any help would be appreciated.
P.s I've also tried using vegetable oil on her too, didn't work
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Pauline,
If you have been using Ted's remedy and following the directions to the letter, to the point your dog's fur is brittle, I would venture to say you are not dealing with mange mites of any sort. It is very possible your dog has a systemic yeast infection that would cause your dog to itch and so appear to have mange. Start with your dog food - read the label and if you see grains of any kind try switching to a grain free brand and feed it for 6 weeks; keep a dog food diary of everything she eats and record your results. This will allow you to see a trend and perhaps help you isolate what may be causing the itching. While the dips and baths can help provide relief to an itchy dog, you also need to fight the yeast from the inside out, so in addition your dog might well benefit from alkalizing the drinking water and also Ted's Borax Protocol for dogs.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Mpls., Mn)
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Nancy,
Did you get a mange diagnosis from your vet? I ask because many things can cause hair loss and itching, plus there are two types of mange so knowing which kind you may have is helpful. Sarcoptic mange is spread by vermin and critters and your dog can catch it just by being outside in areas where there are vermin. Sarcoptic mange spreads easily between your pets and YOU. Demodectic mange is typically an affliction of puppies and is not contagious. If you have not had a veterinary diagnosis of mange you may not be dealing with mange; Ted's remedy is very helpful just the same. You might check your dog food ingredient label to start - if you see grains/corn/wheat in the top 10 ingredients you might consider a grain free brand as grains have been linked to skin troubles in dogs. As for spreading sarcoptic mange, you should follow the protocol for Ted's Mange remedy and if you cannot maintain a quarantine you should dip both dogs on the same schedule.
(Mpls., Mn)
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Lawton, Ok)
Hi Debbie,
Thanks to you, I just had a light bulb moment"! My terrier mix (6yrs) has been itchy since Feb. The steroid shot was the worst for him and didn't last. So, your comment about your dog being stinky was the bomb!!! Even after a bath, my dog was still a stinko dog! I have been treating him with the ACV for 8 days now and seems to be a bit better. I will have him tested for hypothyroid as well treating for yeasty skin. ( orally and topically). Thanks for sharing all your info.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Is it ok to blow dry my dog after the borax solution, or is air drying the best remedy? Also, if I have carpet, what is the best way to treat it to ensure they don't return? thank you in advance for your help, I'm very eager to post some before & after pics! My poor baby has such beautiful soft fur & I think he notices the missing fur as he gets cold more frequently.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Stephanie,
You want your dog to air dry for at least half an hour after the bath because the wet solution is still active. The solution stops being active when it is dry. I will finish drying with a blow dryer when my dog has had time to air dry for at least half an hour after the bath.
Ted's Mange Cure
I have read and re-read and am still confused about the amt of water in this recipe. I got the 3 heaping tbspns of Borax. I have diluted the 3% peroxide to 1%. (1qt peroxide and 2 qts water to make 1%). I got that. But I am confused about how much water aside from the water to dilute the peroxide is added? My almost hairless dog needs this so bad but I want to make sure I am mixing the appropriate amounts of water. Hope someone can clarify this for me. Thanks and thank you for posting Ted's cure!! Praying it will relieve my pups misery.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Patricia,
You don't add any more water - once you dilute the hydrogen peroxide and add the borax you have the working solution. This is what I do:
Borax laundry booster
One -16 oz bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide
I get both of these from the grocery store.
Empty hydrogen peroxide into larger bottle - I use an empty 1 gallon vinegar jug. Add to this 32 oz filtered or distilled water - I just refill the hydrogen peroxide bottle twice - and dump into the jug. What this does is change your 3% hydrogen peroxide into 1% hydrogen peroxide.
Next add 1 cup of the borax crystals and shake. There should be some undissolved crystals in the mixed solution - this is just right. I try to use hot water from the kettle on the stove, that or sit the jug of mixture in the sink full of hot water while I bathe the dog.
Bathe the dog - use whatever shampoo and rinse well. Squeeze out excess water and make sure the tub is drained. I then plug up the tub. Now pour the mixed up solution over the dog. I use a small sponge to soak up the solution from the bottom of the tub and squeeze it out onto the dog again and again, making sure I get the head and underneath. Keep squeezing solution over and over onto the dog for about 15 minutes - 30 minutes is better. Then pull the stopper from the tub and let the excess drain. DO NOT DRY THE DOG OR RINSE THE DOG. The solution has to remain wet as it is still working. Allow the dog to air dry. I just pop mine into their crates and I remove any absorbent bedding.
If you are worried about poisoning your dog keep in mind that borax has the same toxicity as table salt. The solution doesn't seem to hurt the eyes or sting any sores on the skin. Some dogs feel instant relief!
Dog mites all 3 types. trying ted's remedy.
I have been fighting this problem for over a year. it was a small ear mite infestation to start with. it was cured with mineral oil and crushed garlic juice. in the ears everynight. but later noticed foot itching, reddish stains. then hair loss on belly. then got worst. I tried everything, even bought $300.00 online product. that did not work. olive oil, heavy oils, I did straight borax with water once, but the dogs skin went really red and dry, I thought it was too strong so I quit. but I should have read this article. but 2 years ago it was hard to get information online, most said go to the vet. some said give antibiotics, some said don't. some said vop didn't work. some said it did. I tried that too. I believe Teds remedy will work. I will update online later. now I have a second dog with small spot on belly. even though these dogs are separated. this started when I found a dead squirrel, the dog had been rolling on and playing with. it had mites. my friend had picked up a rescue dog from a kennel organization, he had problems with feet itch. my dog played with his dog a few times. could have been that too. I will keep you informed
(Sturgeon Lake, Mn.)
(Mpls., Mn)
(St. Louis)
(Mpls., Mn)
(San Diego)
(Mpls., Mn)
Use Ted's Remedy. Ted posted variations on his remedy and I may be referencing that, OR it may be transcribed incorrectly from the original. Unless you can specifically cite what is different I cannot properly comment, so all I can say is use Ted's :-)
Thank you Theresa for all of your help and for answering my questions!
Do you work for this site, or are you just a kind and helpful commenter?
In Gratefulness -
EC: Theresa is one of Earth Clinic's kindest and most helpful contributors!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
We followed the directions to a T. Bathed him twice a week for the first 2 weeks and noticed a difference after the 2nd bath. He actually felt better. He still itched and had red spots but we saw improvement. After about 3 weeks I noticed his hair was growing back on his chest.
We continued through the 8 weeks. He looks great. His coat is thick and shinny and he feels great. He's more active and doesn't have that horrible yeast smell any longer.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Day 1-bathed with dawn, rinsed and applied solution w/o drying. Note: I aggressively lathered him up with my fingernails, I mean agressively, and removed all scabs in the process from over his body.
After rinsing him off, I doused him with the solution and worked it in with fingernails.
Day 2 and 3 was only the dousing with solution, took day 4 off and did day 5 by repeating the actions aforementioned in day 1.
He is currently on day three of fish oil supplement morsels snacks and his hair is unbelievably rich and beautiful. I'm taken aback by how instantly this borax solution worked and the hundreds of $$$ it saved me ...oh, and his wet dog stench ceased immediately after first drench!
A million thanks for this remedy!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Sal!
So glad to hear your pit is getting some relief! I would only caution you on the use of Dawn dishwashing liquid as shampoo. I have used it myself in a pinch when giving flea baths; the key is to follow up with a vinegar rinse of 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water to help restore the PH of the skin. If you suspect fleas you can do the mange remedy and the soak time usually takes care of fleas.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
For all those still struggling with Demodex Mange........................
Wanted to quickly share my experience in the hope that you all don't give up. I have a Boston Terrier whose Puppy Mange got out of control around 14 weeks of age. I tried everything! From Borax to "Happy Dog Naturals" to a few holistic/natural shampoos found on the Internet. Also Coconut Oil and Neem Oil.
Whatever I tried, the Mange seemed to persist. Well...............he just turned ONE and the weirdest thing, it has all but gone away. But I know for sure the Borax formula works. At one point I was so frustrated and felt so bad for seemingly torturing my puppy with daily rub downs and several 'dips' per week; so I just stopped altogether. At that time, he went from say 50% hair loss to 90% hair loss! So for sure the products work to somewhat keep the Mange outbreak at bay.
So if any of you are frustrated and worried............take heart. I had heard from several sources -- including Dr. Pitcairn -- that Mange seemed to go away around the year ONE. Well.....................weird, but this was our case too.
Be patient, be persistent and most of all, PLEASE AVOID CHEMICALS! It will get better. Cheers!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
The first time I bathe her with the solution she got all red and her skin turned like paper, the next day the redness dissapear and got better with the second bath 2 days later, after the 5th bath she got worse again (I understand that was the dye off effect, when the mites die and release toxins that cause a huge allergic reaction) but got better by the next 3 days. Well now I have bathe her 14 times, and she was bettr after each bath, hair began to grow again in the bald patches she had, she was scratching less and the redness dissapear. I read that once hair begins to grow the baths can be reduced to once a week for 4 to 6.weeks in order to kill remaining larvae. So I did that.
But last sunday was her 2nd weekly bath and again she turned red and itchy, not all her body like the first times, but her belly, chest, rear legs and knees. Those parts were the most damaged by the scratching and were completely bald, and turned black and thick when she was at her worst. In these weeks hair began to grow, the skin softened and the black spots were fading, but in the last 2 days after the last weekley bath she began scratching again, it turned red and she pulled out some of the new hair because of the itching, also some of the hair in her chest. Is it possible that is another "dye off" after he 14th bath? has someone experienced the same at an advance stage of the treatment? Please if someone can help me.
Aditionally to the baths I have improved her diet, switch to barf, I give her kefir, vitamin c, spirulina, omega 3 supplement to improve.her immmune system. Hope someone can help me.understand what is happening.
Thank you
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Gaby,
From what you have described, it does not sound like you are dealing with mange. For sure it is possible your dog got sarcoptic mange [which could spread to you as 'scabies'] and the bathing regime you did should have taken care of that. But since it is back with a vengeance you might consider that your dog has a contact allergy or food allergy. You are feeding BARF - you might try isolating the proteins and feeding only one protein at a time, ie only chicken protein for 3 weeks, then rotate the exclusive protein you offer with a different protein and to another trial for a few weeks. Keep a food journal of everything your dog ingests. In this way you may be able to determine what it is that is causing these problems. And the dark skin sounds like a secondary skin infection - the mange remedy helps with that on the outside, but if you are dealing with systemic yeast you might also fight it from the inside with Ted's Borax Protocol for dogs and also rotating that with alkalizing the drinking water with baking soda. Once yeast takes a hold, even if you switch to RAW, you still must clear the yeast, so consider anti-yeast/candida nutritional remedies along with the topical treatments you are doing.
(Minneapolis, Mn)
HI Gabbi: I am dealing with similar issues in my English Bulldog.The baths are helping and diet too. I did read that beef and bison are not good for dogs with mange. I was feeding my dog beef on a limited homemade diet as he had over growth of yeast. The beef actually made the mange worse. he is now on a limited duck formula diet - Osipure is the brand. He is finally healing up with right food and supplements and finally treating with the baths. So maybe try duck or salmon.
(Los Angeles)
(Sao Paulo)
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I have a 16 year old Jack Russell who was shedding, scratching, and biting constantly. She had several hot spots on each leg and what looked like bites between her toes, a raw looking nose where she'd rubbed it bare, and was always extremely tired. Plus non stop shedding. The one vet said the nose was due to allergies to pollen. And then said she was also allergic to fleas even when it was hard to find any on her. To be honest she looked every one of her 16 years.
Anyway, I have tried a whole bunch of vet products and nothing helped as much or quickly as Ted's mange treatment. I've done the treatment three times over this past week and there's a major improvement! She is not waking up constantly to scratch and her energy is back. She's running again, and even sitting up and wanting to look out the car windows. She is still scratching but not so aggressively and much less often. And with her not biting the sores on her legs are healing nicely and should be totally gone in another week or two.
Also, I can see the start of hair growing on her nose, and even inside her ears that I never could get clean are now almost totally a soft pink. And her toes are back to looking normal. I did also treat as much of her living area as I could with borax. Just sprinkled it on dry and left it as long as possible and then vacuum. And wash her bedding every time I treat her.
Thanks again!
(Merced Ca)
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Richele,
You can upgrade your dog's diet - that will have a huge impact on improving a skin issue. Also alkalizing the water and rotating with Ted's Borax Protocol for dogs can make a difference too.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Candy,
A dog having mange for 3+ years on and off seems strange. Demodex is typically afflicts puppies or older dogs with an underlying disease, so if you are dealing with a reoccurring mange it would have to be sarcopitc, which is contagious to humans in the form of scabies. From this end of the keyboard it sounds more like seasonal allergies or perhaps a food related allergy - and I have found Ted's Mange Remedy an excellent way to treat these conditions when there is a skin outbreak. The key to treating skin afflictions is to identify what is triggering an outbreak; I have one dog who suffers from the itchies when the cotton wood trees shed their fluff. What helped me to identify the trigger was keeping a diary of what was going on, what I fed, what treats he got and then I was able to realize the cotton wood fluffs were the culprit. Another thing to consider is diet - grain based diets have been linked to skin issues in dogs, so read your ingredient panel and if you see grains it is time to upgrade the groceries to grain free. I have found along with Ted's Mange Remedy for relief from itchy skin, that alkalizing the drinking water with baking soda, along with Ted's Borax Protocol for dogs helps immensely. I would do the mange dip every few days at the start of an outbreak and start the water treatment immediately to bring relief. Long term use of the mange remedy for some dogs will dry out their coat and skin, so play it by ear and see what your dog will tolerate.