General Feedback
Some dogs may have built up better immune systems and just an ability to eat generally anything but all dogs are different and I'd never do anything so risky and because I haven't and I haven't let my parents do that either I would completely disagree with feeding your pets garlic.
Reasons, garlic = thiosulphate = hemolytic anemia = liver damage, vomiting, diarrhea
My dog being feed things I tell my parents not to, but then they do, and then comes vomit and diarrhea and stinky farts and they come ask me whats wrong and I ask them what they've feed her.
I wouldn't trust too many other doctors and vets "looking out only for the care of their patients". It seems that nowadays more and more people of these people were taught how not to get sued and keep their customers, little loopholes, law and logic flaws. Not everyone but alot more have just been thinking just about business. I wanted to be a vet to help other people and their animals. To be part of a community, to be there for those who were in need. BESIDES, I wouldnt suggest such things so vaguely. Other owners may have different values of what "alot" or "frequent" or "often" or "large quantities" Would you cook it? Would you prepare it in any way? How cooked? Boiled, fried, baked, raw?
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"Please consult with your veterinarian " "Only your Veterinarian can provide you with advice on what is safe"
General Feedback