Heartworm Remedies
Natural Remedies

Evidence-Based Remedies for Heartworm in Dogs

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Donna (La Luz, NM) on 11/01/2008

I was trimming my Bassett Hound's dewclaws and noticed under his tail, was some worms with "melon seed like pods". I immediately got him a "loaded" hot dog, loaded with 2 garlic capsules. I gave this to my other dog as well. I am not sure what type of parasite he has but he is not longer whining constantly, rubbing his backside on the ground, and the area beneath his tail no longer looks like an expressway. He was very happy and "bouncy" this morning even though he is at least 12 yeaars old. I dispensed another round of "loaded" hot dogs this morning and will repeat on a daily basis. I have 4 horses and give them garlic daily in their grain and their fecal tests come back negative on a 6 month basis. Garlic is a God send!!!

Posted by Karen (Reading, UK) on 10/02/2008

I have given garlic to all my dogs and they never have fleas or worms, and live long healthy lives. One Golden Retriever in particular was a real pig and would raid the shopping bags while you were getting the rest in. At one time he consumed 2 loaves of bread in a couple of gulps, another time a pound of sugar! Not to mention a lot of unspeakable stuff he would find in the fields. He had no ill efects and he lived to 17. Dogs usually have pretty strong stomachs! I do feel vets and feed manufacturers have a vested interest in bad mouthing anything natural. Our stable cats never have jabs or wormers and live to ripe old ages. They scrap and get a scratch or an absyss, but this disappears in a day or two on it's own, without sixty quids worth of antibiotics!

Posted by Diane (Foley, Alabama) on 06/03/2008

Heartworm Remedies: My female gave birth to 5 beautiful pups and of course she got worms, white ones, we started giving her chopped fresh garlic and within 3 days the worms were gone. The pups are 5 weeks and they have no worms either. Mother nature is very powerful!!

Posted by carla (houston, texas) on 01/28/2008

i had a doberman that lived to be about 16 years. one day we took him to the vet and we found out that he had heart worms and they told us the price for what we can do and were blown away. so we started to give him garlic in his food everyday. we took him to the vet about a month later and the heart worms were gone!! we told them what we did and they didnt believe us. about 11 years later he passed away from old age. we now have a min. pincher and we too give him garlic everyday! nasty farts, but no infections! Garlic is proven to fight infections but vets dont want you to know because its so much cheaper to buy garlic.