Natural Parvo Treatment for Dogs

Marshmallow Root
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/24/2024 505 posts

Puppy mills are a breeding ground for parvo. Anybody that "loses" 70 puppies in a year is running a puppy mill and is only concerned about the loss of profit and cutting vet bills - if they even have a vet. But God loves everybody and I love God - and dogs - so give the poor mama dogs some marshmallow root. They're probably carriers. And give the puppies a dropperful of marshmallow tea a couple times per day so they don't get sick. Then slap yourself in the face really hard and pretend it was me because God might love everybody but I ain't Him.

You probably won't post this comment but this is the last place I would expect to encounter such people. I'm just so thankful for a God that unconditionally loves those I can't. Nobody should be unloved.

EC: Hi Cindy, where is the post you are referring to?