Health Benefits

Rectal Cancer: Natural Remedies and Community Discussion

| Modified on Sep 14, 2024
Remedies for Rectal Cancer
Posted by Nino (Cambridge, Ontario Canada) on 02/07/2013

Hi All, I have rectal cancer, fistulas, hemorrhoids, colitis and diabetes. Been doing this fight for almost 6 years doing a lot of natural and unconventual stuff. Unfortunally I just had surgery removing an abscess caused by anal fistulas. My giant wound healed up amazing for some one who is as ill as me, but I still need to close up one or two remaining fistulas that are constantly draining, because stool is getting in everyday.

Do I fast like what's on something like the Bruess cancer treatment to minimize the stool passing the area.... So maybe it has a chance to heal.... Or do I try to shrink the tumor first cause the modern medicine onkyologist (spelled this way on purpose) want to radiate and chemo me first then slice and dice me for a 5% cure potential.... Not that I will let them.... just looking for better options. Help??? Thanks, Nino