I came across this site in my quest for natural cures, and decided to try out the Aloe Vera as a drink to lower my blood pressure. We've probably got 30 or 40 plants, so I cut off some leaves, peeled away the outer skin, and scooped out the "pulp" from inside. I then blended it with about 8 oz of pure water, held my breath, and drank some. To my surprise, Susan Cunningham is right. There is almost no taste in the pulp! Now I plan to drink it daily and also rub some on my skin. I rubbed some on my left leg and not my right. The difference in smoothness and softness was very apparent! I also plan on seeing how it works on my age spots and who knows??? I think the woman that left them may have given me a gift from God! I'm 71 now, and could use some help with my aging body. I'll see what happens!
I have been trying to figure out how to make it into a juice, but haven't tried it yet. Now I will. It tastes so bitter, if I get it on my lips that I was afraid it would taste horrible. But I do believe it is a gift from the Gods, so I will try to juice it also.