Castor Oil
Health Benefits

Unlock Castor Oil Benefits: Guide to Hair Growth, Pain Relief, & More!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Debs67 (UK) on 02/19/2025

I have been using Organic Castor Oil which I bought because I have low vitamin D ( not surprised as the Sunshine is being covered up to “save the planet” which is literally unbelievable ) I had no idea castor oil had VItamin D until I found out on earthclinic. To my surprise after massaging it into my legs ankles arms face I noticed the pain I was suffering in right ankle ( severe osteoarthritis from car accident smashed bones) was not so painful. Arthritis in my hand / finger joints wasn't hurting either. I've since had a pain in my forehead & tried CO & pain stopped!! I'm convinced it's the CO so I wanted to let people know where I found my Castor Oil I've tried & tested the product & found it on very reasonable prices & quick delivery time . Hope this helps others suffering the awful arthritis pain.

Posted by Shelley (Sun Valley, Nevada) on 08/08/2024 10 posts

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Posted by Kathy (Covington, Virginia) on 11/26/2010: "I have read all the feedback on msm. Now I am confused. I am having pain in my knees and legs. Have for sometime. I mix 2 capsules of msm in lotion and apply as much as needed. This seems to help, but not for long. I would like to start taking msm by mouth, but now if it causes anxiety i can't do that. I already have chronic anxiety and am taking zoloft, have been for ten years. The msm i use is pure. What can i do?"

You can use what I used after being run over in a crosswalk by a van going 45mph, I took some gauze strips which I soaked in a bowl of Castor Oil Cold Expelled, Organic. I also had Sudan I.e. Plastic wrap. I had several Ace Bandages.

I was suffering severe Arthritis, now bone on bone in my left leg, my right leg was missing a shim of bone so it was bending towards my left side, sideways.

I took the sloppy Strips of muslin, wrapped them around the painful portions of my legs, my ribs, all broken. I then took saran plastic wrap and plastic ed the castor oil dripping wraps. After insure non, Castor Oil was leaking, I then wrapped each wrapped area in one of my multiple knee ace bandages. I then settled in my bed for the night. place my rather large heating pad on the Castor Oil Treatment areas. I set it eventually all on medium, and had pillows under my knees so I wouldn't thrash a nd toss all night.

After a sound sleep, no moving all night, I woke up without the throbbing, knife slamming pain in my non injured bones. My knee joints and hostel arthritic stabbing knife pain was gone. I went 2 weeks then started every 3-4 days. My pain subdued and wasn't at scream like I am a girl. I am allergic to Nsaids, Only take Tylenol rarely.

Posted by Sunny (Sunny CA) on 12/31/2022

Castor Oil for Arthritis

Helps me take fewer OTC meds on days I overdo it.

I started using organic castor oil on my knees and inner elbows. I rub a lot of oil on my knees and place plastic wrap on them and over them with semi lightweight knee sleeves. I add more oil to it a few times during the day.

It's been amazing, more than I hoped for. I used castor oil in 2005 to save my gallbladder, and use it on the gallbladder liver area off and on even to this day.

Worth a try.. I can NOW GET UP from my computer without a cane and without my knees locking up on me for sitting there too long.

Posted by Charlotte (Texas) on 08/11/2017

My castor oil pack for knee osteoarthritis consists of a cotton cloth saturated with castor oil, Saran Wrap to cover it, and an Ace Bandage to cover all that. It's not too messy, and works well with a heating pad applied, or just to sleep with alone overnight.

Posted by Char (Texas) on 07/10/2017

Castor oil packs on painful arthritic knee really helps reduce pain when used overnight while sleeping. Are there any adverse side effects from this? Thanks!

Posted by Littlewing (Boston) on 07/28/2016

Castor Oil for arthritis is terrific. Yesterday my hand was "achin' like a toothache" (as my dear mother used to say) all day. I tried ibuprofen, some ointment I had (stuck at work) – nothing. When I arrived home I took out my trusty castor oil, just enough so I could rub my hands together for a few minutes (it's not watery at all) and voila! – not 30 minutes later the ache was all gone and still feels good this morning. Love it!

Posted by Carolyn (Inverness, FL) on 02/27/2007

Castor oil packs driven in with heat. Arthritic condition (back out). Will cure various problems. Famous Edgar Cayce cure. Look at Una da Gato a Peruvian rain forest herb -- other name Cats Claw. Also for arthritis and other ailments, Edgar Cayce said 'Castor oil will leave the body in better condition than it found it.