Castor Oil
Health Benefits

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Sore Feet
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/15/2021 461 posts

There's a story in the Cayce records of the practice of wearing socks as castor oil packs on the feet. Apparently one man with sore feet from working on concrete all day tried it and had nearly everyone in the plant where he worked wearing castor oil socks after telling them what he was doing. Either the old-style, unlined "jelly" Crocs or the waterproof version of those footies they wear over their shoes in a clean room would be perfect for walking around on castor packs, when you're just hanging around the house. Might be a little weird in public, LOL!

Sore Feet
Posted by Aurelia (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 12/30/2009

I have found that a good quality castor oil rubbed into the foot for about 5 minutes will relieve foot soreness temporarily. Hope this is helpful.