Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kim (Columbus) on 01/23/2014


I started rubbing VCO on my lower back about 3 months ago. It gave me a instant relief! I was so thrilled but decided to keep it to myself. I was rubbing it all day as needed and on the third day I woke up with no back pain! I started emailing my family members and got some for my 87 year old mom. We all took it internally 1-2 tablespoons a day, we oil pull with it too. My mom had some remarkable results on her skin. A 25 year old bump on her forehead from a car accident subsided 60% after a couple days of rubbing on direct, after 2 months, it's gone. It seems to sooth her itchy skin and helped her curled toes to relax a bit.

Then going into 3-4 weeks, one of my sister stopped taking it because she was getting stomach pain. Then her old stretch marks started to darken, purple, red and bloody looking.

My other sister was having great results for almost two months with her leg pain and skin problems. Then she had to stop because it was making her constipated, zits under her skin on her face. She got scared due to the bloody wipe when she goes to the bathroom. She went off the oil and is ok now.

I have very mild back pain now after 3 months of taking it internally and using it as lotion after showers. Some day no pain at all but my legs were getting bumpy and itchy all day; extreme, miserable itch. Although VCO did a lot of good for all of us with a lot of little things, we now all stopped due to the side effects. I read up on the detox symptons and I waited over 3 weeks for the itching to go away on my legs which it didn't. Does detox takes this long? My mom had to stop cause she scratched her back to the point of bleeding and was getting boils on her head and bottom. I don't understand what went wrong, it was wonderful the first couple months. We all use virgin, coldpress, the purest coconut oil. My mom did stop for a week and said her itching is 50% better and the boil on her head is flatten. Anyone else that can shed some light on this? Ted, are you around?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Laura (Severn, Md) on 10/24/2010


One month ago I started using organic extra virgin coconut oil both internally (2 tbs a day) and externally to help with my dry skin. Since that time, I have noticed a huge difference in both the appearance and texture of my skin. Dry skin has been a problem for me for close to 10 years now and I feel like I have tried every lotion/moisturizer under the sun including other natural oils such as avocado and jojoba oil. I am 31 years old, and after one month of using the evco, I would say my skin looks 3 to 4 years younger and fine lines (from dry skin or aging?) are starting to diminish. My skin also feels much softer, my pores are smaller, and my cheeks are rosier.... Literally. The other thing I have noticed is that I have a lot more energy. Before using evco, I used to feel sluggish most days and needed to start each day with a large cup of coffee. Now that I spread coconut oil on my toast each morning, I no longer feel like I need the coffee to get going (although, coffee with cream and a little sugar still tastes sooo good! ). So for dry skin and energy, I would definitely recommend coconut oil as a remedy.

There have been minor side effects on a few occasions such as stomach issues and an initial acne break out, but I would say based on how I look and feel in general, these are indicators that the coconut oil is cleansing my skin and body. I also gained five lbs, but once again, I think the weight gain is good because it has always been hard for me to maintain a healthy weight!