Health Benefits of Cod Liver Oil: A Nutrient Powerhouse

Posted by Bliss D. (Texas) on 01/27/2019

Will add my vote for cod liver oil. It cured my eczema after a curious start. The first time I took the gelcaps, I had the worst itchiest night of my entire life, woke up in bloody sheets, but my eczema was completely calm by then, no itch, no blisters, and the edges of the patches were already healing, back to soft new skin. I have continued to experience four months of continuous healing of my skin, no more flares. I believe I will continue taking cod liver oil all my life. People should beware that some clo on the market has synthetic vitamins added to it. Stick to high quality pure cod liver oil.

Posted by Jenna (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 08/06/2013

After years of doctors, dermatologists etc etc not to mention $$$ a naturopath put me on to high doses of Cod liver Oil for my eczema /dermatitis - in 2 weeks it was completely gone. Please please please try this for 2 weeks - say a capsule every meal ie 3 or 4 capsules a day and in 2 weeks it will be gone. She explained we need to moisturise from the inside out, Cod liver oil has Vit D and I also take Evening Primrose Oil which has Omega 6 - which fish oil doesn't have - Fish oil is not enough - just Google cod liver oil and eczema to see the results - How did I go so long when it was so simple!

Posted by Macky (New Iberia, La) on 09/12/2009

My son had severe eczema from the time he was a few months old. I took him to 3 doctors and was given prescriptions that didn't cure him.He scratched til he bled. One day after fasting I read that a deficiency in vitamin A will cause dry, itchy bumps especially on the legs.

I gave him cod liver oil in a cup of juice with a top on it (sippy cup) because of the smell. The next week he did not have one spot on him and he is 18 years old now and never had that again.