Health Benefits of Cod Liver Oil: A Nutrient Powerhouse

Eczema, Adult Acne, Weak Nails
Posted by Jules (Houston, Tx) on 11/13/2009

Absolutley COD LIVER OIL!! Cured me as a child of eczema and cured me as an Adult. A family doctor when I was an infant in diapers, took one look at me and told my Mother..."Take her off cow's milk, give her goat's milk and Cod Liver Oil !"...and ALMOST instantly I was cured! As an adult I had bouts of adult acne off and on for years. Every remmedy in the book including Accutane...but the thing that cured it was to commit myself to Cod Liver Oil every day and my skin is CLEARING UP! My nails are growing, THE CUTICLE SOFTENED, no longer dry looking....... Absolutley COD LIVER OIL!!!! And... Mother knows best!