Health Benefits of Cod Liver Oil: A Nutrient Powerhouse

Tooth Enamel
Posted by Heather (Seattle, Wa) on 03/19/2013

Agree with the cod liver oil remedy! After taking it, fermented or otherwise, my cavities were reversed and haven't come back after 4plus years. The fat-soluble vitamins A & D help to remineralize all your bones, including your teeth. I also reduced my refined sugar consumption, and ate plain full fat yogurt for breakfast daily... Probiotics, calcium, healthy fats, and fat-soluble vitamins = healthy, strong teeth and gums.

I don't brush every day, and I floss maybe 1x/week. The dentist says my mouth flora is in great shape, and I don't have obvious plaque issues (visible lines of it at the gumline). Heal your teeth from the inside out! I have also gotten all my amalgam fillings replaced with porcelain composits many years ago (pretty sure amalgams cause gum receeding).

BTW- the weston price foundation is awesome! Finally someone has the courage to speak the truth!

Tooth Enamel
Posted by Had (White River Jct, Vermont) on 03/19/2013

The fermented cod liver oil also comes with butter oil, that boosts the cod liver oil. And fermented cod liver oil contains A, D, E, K and more. I'm using the FCLO as well as my grown daughter, both for rebuilding enamel. We have sensitivities to milk, so are passing on having a quicker healing w/ the Butter oil/Cod liver oil mix.

Tooth Enamel
Posted by Victoria (San Diego, Ca) on 08/11/2012

My son, 6, just got his first adult teeth in the bottom recently. I became very alarmed as they did not appear healthy at all and looked like they were coming in covered with cavities. They were puny and yellow and mottled with a large crevice in the front of one that catches food. He has never had a cavity before, even though his dental care and brushing has been very sporadic as he used to fight me. Nonetheless his baby teeth were perfect and beautiful. The new ones are in stark contrast to the baby teeth. I went to his dentist immediately and was told he had a condition known as enamel hypoplasia -meaning little to no enamel developed during infancy - usually caused by a virus or some insult on the system during development. It may only affect these teeth or it could affect all of his incoming adult teeth - we won't know until they erupt. Needless to say I am very upset and feel guilty and terrible for him. If you see the photos online when kids have a full set of these -they are pretty monster looking - not a pleasant thing. Anyhow, I remembered reading in Weston Price's book on degenerative nutrition that native peoples show evidence of reversing tooth decay and caries so I began researching it. There is a really great book written fairly recently on the topic by Ramiel Nagel after reversing his young daughters rampant tooth decay and several of his own caries.

Basically, based on Weston Price's findings about nutrition, one needs to include a couple of missing essential nutrients in their daily diet. First you need to consume organ meats and bone broth. If you are like me you won't be able to get near organ meats so you will need to take fermented cod liver oil instead. The second ingredient you need to consume is K2, and to be more specific, the Mk-4 type of K2. This can be from high vitamin raw butter and/or milk from grass fed cows or goats. You can also now get K2 (mk-4) suppliments. Research has shown that they have now discovered that the mk-4 signals where calcium is deposited and caries it to the bones and teeth. Without mk-4 the body deposits it in soft tissues where it calcifies... Often leading to heart disease and related hardening of the arteries! Also, the calcium is often utilized by bacteria to make a hard shell that protects it from the immune system. Teeth are different from bone in the way they rebuild and protect themselves. Teeth use circulating saliva to deposit calcium, phosphorus, etc. I also read that teeth are composed of silica. Most tooth pastes include glycerine, which acording to Nagel coat the teeth and help prevent the reabsorption of these molecules in remineralization. So, it is best not to use glycerin products if you want to heal and remineralize the teeth. You can make your own remineralization paste or powder. Find the recipe online.

So, I have my two kids and me on a protocol where I make a drink with rice milk, 1/2 TBS liquid calcium/magnesium/phosphorus, 2 drops k2 (mk-4) and several drops of bioSil. The kids get 1/2 tsp of of fermented cod liver oil.

We brush using ionic toothbrushes.

After brushing and when my son is in bed I apply MI Paste to his bad teeth.

Also helpful is black walnut extract because it too helps remineralize the teeth.

I started seeing improvement in my son's teeth after only 1 week on treatment. The crater inthe front of his new tooth looks has progressively filled in with a white rim at the edges much the same way as a wound heals from the edges toward the center. The teeth look like they are becoming slightly whiter overall -compared to the white teeth next to them they do not appear as yellow as they did last week before we started the proticol. The teeth seem to be looking smoother. Oddly, they also appear to be bigger as if maybe there is a growth in enamel that is filling in the space all around and making them closer in size to the neighboring teeth. In the last week he had an upper front tooth begin erupting and I am also treating that tooth with the paste hoping to help avert any damage that has been done to it, if any. My own teeth feel glossier for longer after every brushing. I haven't noticed any difference with daughter's teeth yet. I'll give an update on son's teeth as this progresses. One other side note. This FCLO is more mild tasting than the regular CLO we have tried in the past. It also has this handy oral syrnge that plugs into a stopper so you can easily draw up the liquid. It is very expensive so you don't want to waste any. The syrnge allows you to shoot it at the back so you taste it less and anyhow you don't need to use as much because its much more nutritionally dense than regular CLO. I don't like paying this much money for FCLO, but teeth are worth it and besides the dental bill would be higher in the long run.

I did not see a section on earth clinic about reversing cavities or repairing rotten teeth. This is such an important topic and I hope that a new section can be created and other people can try this and share their results. The fact is that dentists don't have a clue about nutrition and how it affects the teeth. They treat our living tissues known as teeth as dead objects and just drill them and fill them when there might be another alternative. If this seems impossible, look up what scientists are currently doing regarding growing entirely new teeth from the jaws using ultrasound... Hope is on the horizon for those with missing or damaged teeth. Nonetheless, nutrition can improve our dental state and reverse some existing damage if we take the proper steps.