Posted by Judy (Concord, NH) on 06/02/2005
My husband and I use garlic in just about everything we eat. We have just started juicing (vegetables) and have found that garlic helps to tolerate the taste better. Also my husband works outdoors and he is finding that he is being less bothered by black flies and other nagging insects. Also for you dog lovers.... we crush about 4 or 5 garlic cloves and boil them in approximately 1 gallon of water. You strain and let cool down. Then put in a spray bottle and lightly spray your dog (as often as needed. Helps keep fleas and ticks away. In a more concentrated form, works great as a flea dip. I'm thinking that whereas garlic has antifungal and antiviral properties, it would also be great for animals with ear yeast infections etc. If anybody has any input on that, I'd be very interested. I also want to say that my husband has slightly high blood pressure as well as his cholesterol levels are high. At the end of june he gets retested, and if he has been able to lower those, we will owe his success to garlic and of course a healthier diet. Hope my input helps someone out there.