Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I had 6 gall stone attacks with a few weeks that were painful as hell. I hate going to the doctor but eventually went because the pain got pretty bad. Doctor took xrays and said I had a gall stone that I would need surgery. I'm a bad eater and don't drink much water so I wasn't happy about forever having to eat healthy and lots of water. I also had a reoccurring Urinary tract infection for 3 years that antibiotics could never get rid of.
Also, kidney stones twice a year. Doc thought the kidney stones had caused a lot of scar tissue which the UTI infection could hide from the antibiotics. After a month or so of HP therapy the UTI infection and gall bladder stone completely disappeared and I've not had any re-occurrence since then. And let me tell you, I've pushed the limits on bad eating to see if the gallstone was really gone.
Furthermore, the HP therapy got rid of my smoker's cough, wheezing at night and I haven't had a kidney stone or been sick since (except once when I stopped taking the HP about 6 months ago and sure enough after a two weeks, I got one of the worst flu's of my life.) Started taking HP again and the flu went away in a few days and then stopped taking the HP again about a month ago. Doing the HP therapy is a pain in the but and I've been healthy as a horse so hard to find the motivation. However, just yesterday morning I noticed a slight consistent gallstone ache so I'm back to HP therapy. Just finished my second HP dose and this time I'm using a nebulizer.
I've heard there are better results over the oral method. Can't say I have any proof that the HP cured these ailments but I can say I have not taken any other remedies/medicines, did not improve my eating habits (except for first month after diagnosis of gal stone) and hardly any exercise. But I did improve my daily water intake. I believe the HP therapy fixed all my ailments. Since starting HP therapy I spoke with a few doctors to get their feedback and this is what I learned. From my VA doctor he said he has a couple patients that do it with success. He shared with me that when people do those Vitamin C IV's to fight off the flu, that the Vitamin C immediately turns into hydrogen peroxide and it makes sense that HP therapy would work. The extra Oxygen molecule breaks off and goes right to the blood stream and the rest turns to water. He said it makes perfect sense if properly diluted, Food Grade HP would cause no harm. My dentist from Bulgaria shared with me that everyone in Europe knows about this therapy as a cure-all and food grade HP is sold everywhere. She was surprised when I mentioned it since no one in the US knows about it.
My Naturopath doctor friend said HP therapy totally makes sense and should have similar results as Ozone therapy which he does a lot of at his clinic. He said he couldn't recommend this because it could jeopardize their licensing. If there was a drug screening or trial that proved HP therapy worked then he could. Since there is no money in HP there is zero likehood there will ever be a hydrogen peroxide therapy drug trial. Hope this helps.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I feel better if I don't try to starve myself to keep up with the schedule and just about every symptom I have is disappearing. Symptoms I didn't even think would ever go away. I feel amazing. I have energy. I can concentrate. I feel more positive. There used to be this tugging sensation behind my eye that made me feel stressed that is going away. I used to have some shortness of breath that is going away. I have been exercising again. I truly can't believe that something so simple has alleviated so many problems. Just amazing.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I do eat right after, some times, or right before and never had any issues doing this either. I am going to finish the 25 drops therapy and will do the 5 drops 2x daily maintenance with 35 percent HP.
My question, I am giving this to my son with milk because I know he won't drink it in water because of the taste. I give him 3 drops once or twice a day. I dont wanna hurt him since he is only 13. I would like to know the dosage on teens. Whats the correct dosage to give to teens?
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Again- For hard headed people out there like Frank Foode - GO SLOWLY. So it's not just about not burning your mouth and pipes. If you do this, please look at your tear ducts from time to time over the dosing. I am curious if I am the only one that has ejections from my ducts. I had tularemia 2016 and it did get access to me through my tear duct so that particular outcome might be case specific.
Sometimes, it makes me nauseous but chem0 would too and it goes away. Sometimes I have no appetite either but I seem to be making better choices. So far...it's been interesting. Good luck to any thinking about doing this protocol.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
from joanne
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
To get 3% mix 1 part 35% to 11 parts distilled water. If you use 1 ounce of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, you must add 11 ounces of distilled water to make a 3% solution.
I was almost crippled after a car accident, I had sciatica nerve damage and a 'charlie horse' that would grip the right side of my back several times a day. I could not raise my head up and walking was slow and painful. Ol' dummy doc gave me opiates for nearly 2 years. He said I'd be in a wheel chair in a few years. I started researching and took hydrogen peroxide therapy. Within 2 months I had eliminated 90% of the pain, I could raise my head and walk normally, eventually the sciatica healed and I spray 3% solution into my lungs and inhale every day with a fine mist bottle.
I have never been sick since. Doctors don't know anything but drug dealing. I am now pain free.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
All of the dosages are correct and I can assure you that from my experience and consuming h2o2 for over 3 months, that I do not have brain damage in any shape or form, quite the opposite infact.
My brain feels more alert from taking h2o2, I'm more awake than I have ever been, my body confirms this to me everyday as I feel lighter and stronger than I have ever been in my life, at no point in my life before I started to take h2o2 have I ever felt so good.
Of course people should research what they are consuming and find the relevant information on dosages and be aware of any conflicting allergies they might have before taking a new product, just like I did for over a year before I started on this therapy.
I chose this therapy because it is natural. Food grade h2o2 is water and an extra oxygen atom. Nothing more nothing less.It doesn't get more natural than that!!! If I thought for one second that it would cause me brain damage, I wouldn't be taking it.I'm improving my quality of life not trying to hinder it.
I wish you good health!
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Patrick I buy my food grade h2o2 at "Bobby's healthy shop" you can google it and I buy my purified water at the local chemist, the name of the company is "ultrapurelabs", it costs about 5 for 5 litres of water.
It would be best to buy at least 4 bottles of 12% h2o2 for a few months of usage and store it in the fridge and not the freezer. Make sure you ask them for a few droppers when you order, they gave me a plastic dropper but it's been used so many times it cracked at the top where there's the bubble to suck liquids up, I ordered again from them and got 4 bottles but all I got was a pair of rubber gloves they must of thought I was using it to clean around the house."35% h2o2" is no longer available, more information about that, is on the website where you can purchase the h2o2.
Lori, I can tell you now that it was the toughest part of the program along with the taste.
What I did was get up at 7:30am and drank the h2o2 by 8am then had breakfast at 9am, 12:30pm would be my 2nd dose and I would have lunch at 2pm then at 5:30pm - 6:00pm my 3rd dose and dinner at 7:00pm or 7:30pm.By 10pm-10:30pm I would be in bed.
Getting up in the morning isn't a problem when you start taking it and you will have the best sleeps. There were times that I felt absolutely starving and wanted to eat so badly that my stomach was literally growling at me, so when the hour was up after drinking the h2o2 I would have my meal prepared and sometimes I would have to eat more to fulfill my appetite.
Other times I would skip breakfast or lunch and drink some more h2o2, I felt more comfortable doing this "double dosing" about 1 or 2 hours after my first dose in the morning that way my final 3rd dose would be around 4:30pm or 5pm.
Each persons life and schedule is different so it's best to do what you feel comfortable with, the first 5 weeks are the toughest concerning the taste, the schedule, the detoxing process and just adjusting to the program, but I promise you it does get easier and easier, especially after the 5 week mark when you only take 2 doses per day.
During the first 5 weeks, time and food was constantly on my mind, I would be looking at the clock a lot and usually I'm never like that, but I made a promise to myself that I would follow the program through, and I'm very happy that I have. It has changed my life completely.
It's so good that at this stage I don't even taste the h2o2 anymore and I look forward to drinking it now. My energy levels are amazing, my mood is amazing, my thinking is amazingly clear, even going to the toilet is amazing, considering I was constipated for years, and even the guys that make my toilet rolls are happy I'm taking it. :)
If you'd like to ask anymore questions about my experience taking h2o2 i'd be more than happy to answer them for you, and if you do decide to start taking food grade h2o2 let me know how you're getting on, i'd love to hear from you!
I wish you good health!
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I read an online book called the one minute c--e, you can google it by searching "the one minute c--e.pdf" it should be the top link. It's a fantastic book with lots of information about food grade H2o2.
I'm using 12% food grade H2o2 so I took the same information from the book and using its protocol for 35% food grade H2o2, I've increased the drops for using 12% food grade H2o2 accordingly.
Of course if you are using 35% H2o2 then on the 16th day and beyond you would only use 25 drops for each dose.
Another resource I've used is drinkh2o2.com
I am still using the h2o2, I'm on 75 drops twice a day and I have to say I've never felt better in my life. I no longer suffer from depression, fatigue, constipation or any addictions such as sugar or smoking, my breathing remains crystal clear and my energy levels are those of a teenager, my appetite has returned and my metabolism is off the charts.
In nearly 4 months I've been taking it I haven't been been sick except when I had a die off effect from the toxins in my body around a month after I started, that was to be expected and it felt like I had a flu that never came on to it's full extent, actually I nearly gave up taking it altogether because I felt pretty bad and spent a day and a half in bed, but I pressed on with it and just felt better and better, so don't give up!
I would recommend food grade H2o2 to anybody that has problems with their health, make sure you research it first. If you'd like to ask me any more questions about my experience with H2o2 I'd be more than happy to answer. I wish you good health!
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Distilled water is important because other waters may have elements that interact with the H2O2.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
1st day, use 9 drops
2nd day, use 12 drops
3rd day, use 15 drops
4th day, use 18 drops
5th day, use 21 drops
6th day, use 24 drops
7th day, use 27 drops
8th day, use 30 drops
9th day, use 36 drops
10th day, use 42 drops
11th day, use 48 drops
12th day, use 54 drops
13th day, use 60 drops
14th day, use 66 drops
15th day, use 72 drops
16th day, use 75 drops
So far so good, I was a bit scared at first before I tried, but after reading a lot about food grade h2o2 and it's benefits I had to give it a try, the things I have noticed are increased energy, for example I walk up a steep hill once or twice a week and am usually out of breath by the time I reach the top, but since taking h2o2 I've been walking up the same hill and when I reach the top I just want to keep going, with the increased energy my body feels stronger.
Some other things I've noticed are increased lung capacity, breathing is clearer. When I wake up I'm awake, usually it takes me 30 minutes to not feel groggy in the morning time, I've been sleeping better, 30 minutes after I drink food grade h202 my thought process become clearer and I'm extremely alert. I feel more confident within myself.
I've had no issues so far concerning side effects.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
i wonder if anyone ever made restrictions/comments for child use? i have a friend w/ 5yr old who has nagging nose drip, etc, partially w/ allergy. i want to know if anyone read about age restriction and quantity. thanks.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Start with 1 drop of this new mixture (3%) 3x a day and move up a drop every day until you hit 25 drops. Then you can begin to taper down when you feel or see results. We started right at the middle mark though (we're just crazy) and wouldn't recommend others do that, but we're feeling great already and look forward to better health. I would also recommend to take a few days off of it every month.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I first got interested in H2O2 as I was using it in my hot tub (1-cup 35% to 600 gallons of water) as an alternative to chlorine. When I switched to H2O2 we noticed that instead of the normal after hot-tub fatigue we were coming out feeling very energized. Apparently it absorbs through the skin and put extra oxygen in the blood. I have also been taking 7-drops 35% H2O2 with a glass of water on a regular basis as an effective energy drink for several years without any side effects except an increase in energy. I have been using Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35%. Brian
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Here is the schedule I have been using. I drink the h202 and the ACV at the same time around 7am. I don't eat breakfast I drink some protein about an hour later. Around 11am I drink the h202 and ACV again (not mixed together) just 1 right after the other. It will make your stomach a little queezy but it doesn't last long. I eat lunch around 12 or 12:30. I drink the last h202 around 5-6pm and eat an hour or so later. I am doing the ACV only twice per day with 3tablespoons in 8oz of water with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. The results I am having are as follows: some part of this makes your skin look really good, quite glowy and youthful. It is making my arthritis worse so I am hoping that is a good thing and it will hopefully subside as I keep doing the therapies. The h202 makes me rather hot feeling and when I workout I sweat more than I ever have before. I hope that is toxins coming to the surface. I feel like this is ridding my body of unwanted toxins that probably have been accumulating over the years. I am 52 and got arthritis of the spine (osteo) in about '03 and I also have it in my right knee and right shoulder. So, in all my research on this sight I decided to try natural remedies to see if I could cure myself of my various ailments. Not a fan of Doctors or the pharmaceutical industry here. I have never tried an arthritis medicine that worked for me, they just upset my stomach really bad and cost a fortune.
Oh, one more thing, I have always had severe allergies in the spring. The pollen here in Memphis April and May is a killer. This year I had absolutely no allergy problems during that time. Usually I stay loaded up on allergy meds till it gets really hot. I am getting ready to add drinking borax in water throughout the day. Trying to rid my body of the metallics which I hear can be a major contributor in arthritis. Anyway, that is my take on this stuff to date. If I can find a natural cure for something that ails ya', I'm all for it. Hope it helps someone out there.
EC: Cross-posted to the Multiple Ailments page as well - thank you!
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
With extra oxygen in the body, the body is able to perform much better, heal itself, and kill off invaders. Everyone is severely lacking oxygen intake and this should be a daily supplement for a lifetime. Let me elaborate.- Oxygen content 75 million yrs ago was 50%. A sudden drop due to volcanic and meteor disasters greatly contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Until the mid 19th Century, the oxygen level decreased only slightly more to a level of 38%. With the advent of the industrial revolution in the late 1800's, which brought on massive pollution and car exhaust, by the 1950's the oxygen level in our atmosphere dropped to 21% - IN LESS THAN 100 YEARS!. THE OXYGEN LEVEL ONLY DROPPED 12% IN 75 MILLION YEARS!! The oxygen content today is estimated at less than 17% !! This factor alone, is a major reason of so many degenerative dis-eases. OUR BODIES REQUIRE MORE OXYGEN.
Only purchase 17% or 35% Food Grade H2O2, with a dropper bottle. To make 3% H2O2 from 35%, mix 11 parts distilled water with 1 part h2o2. (11 ounces to 1 ounce). Or, what I do is keep a dropper bottle and add drops to my glasses of water. Do NOT mix this solution with anything else, including taking vitamins!!
Start off slow! H2o2 is very strong and can be very dangerous! Start with one drop in a glass of distilled or purified water 1-3 times the first day, then move up one or two drops each day, BUT do NOT exceed 20 drops!
I also recommend ___ minerals, sea salts, and magnesium baths, which I personally use. (not a rep)
[This information is not medical health advise and I am not responsible for any persons who experience ill effects. These recommendations are based on trial and experience of many, and should not be taken as a substitute for medical advise]] (I wish I didn't have to say that)
Good Health and Fortune be Yours !!
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures