I drink a glass of either combination; 4 oz of Aloe Vera juice, fruit juice 2oz or Distilled water 4oz and 2-3 oz of fruit juice and add various amounts of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide..I use a dropper so it's about 20-40 drops depending on ?
Lately i have been using about 40 drops every morning and sometimes take my vitamin regime with the liquid ( alfa lupoic acid, vit D, Vit E, salmon oils, multi vitamins, acai chews, vit c chewable, B "50", Glucosamine& Chondroitin. Then eating later about 11am or noon
Is this a good thing?
If I was to get pregnant would this be a good thing to continue?
I am very prone to yeast infection so this is when I started this 35% h020 drinking.
I have been taking my daily dosage of food grade H202 for the past couple weeks with good success. The only hiccup I had was a herx reaction on the 3rd day that went away within a couple of days. I usually take my H202 around 11 am, since by this time my breakfast has been digested very well. I made the mistake this past weekend of eating a HUGE lunch, I mean the gut busting, miserable feeling, jeans popping kind. I waited the usual 3-4 hours and took my dosage. BIG mistake. Within an hour I got nauseated and queasy. By 1am that night I had sharp stomach pains and symptoms that basically replicated a stomach virus (this is what happened with my first herx reaction). I believe this was because I still had food in my stomach from my lunch and the peroxide was reacting to it. So be warned...make sure you have an empty stomach before your dosage. I should have waited at least 6 hours after that big of a meal. It is not fun :( But all in all I am having a good response to the H202 in general. Just respect it.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I suggest you first do a "mini" colon cleanse for 7 or 10 days. Start your date with a Salt Water Flush (wait two hours before you go anywhere).
Google for the recipe. I personally use half of this amount, and it works very well. During this period make sure you are eating high amounts of fiber. My favourite is organic brown rice (make it 70% or so of everything you ingest during the day days).
Then try the peroxide treatment again(I have no experiences with that one, so can't comment).
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Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Does use of H2O2 internally create harmful free radicals? I read this on a website that this is true if taken for general, long term health. They stated it ought to be used for cancer and other immediate serioius conditions.
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Food Grade Peroxide Cures
With Gratitude JP
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Only preservative free H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) should be taken into the body, because the preservatives can be bad for you. Having said that, the next issue is the concentration, and 3% dilution seems to be as concentrated as you ever want to inhale or ingest.
So, the idea is only preservative free H2O2 which is the food grade, then make sure it is diluted down to a non-dangerous level.
I even do inhalation treatment, due to being severely anemic, I alternate days in using h2o2 with floradix and molasses. This has been effective I believe. I get another cbc w/diff in 3 mos. According to my bio-feed, it's going well-pregressively well.
I also suffer with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, raynaud's, arthritis, ibs, spine as 85 yr old's. So, whenever I get a healthful tip without damaging side effects, I go for it. Just USE NECESSARY CAUTION and FOLLOW RECIPES CAREFULLY.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Don't ingest any of the 3% solution - that is far too strong. Only test this strength domestically, to get an indication of the actual effectiveness of your HP.
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Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I am still trying to find out how I can keep taking my 35 0/0 drops in water while traveling. I am flying to Florida and will be gone 3 weeks. Do I need to start decreasing now. I am only at 14 drops but don't know if I should mail it to my daughter so I can take it while I am gone. Can I fly with it packed in my suitcase or in my carry on? It's only the 2 oz dropper bottle. I posted this request and have not heard. I am leaving on Oct 13th so I need to know soon what to do. I don't know how to get an answer to this question. I am getting very anxious about it.
EC: Hi Janey, Your post was answered by T from Maryland. See thread.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Dear friends:
The following information comes from a commercial company but I think is useful for all of us:
"In recent weeks I've been having conversations with a fascinating man in the mid west... Mr. Grotz has dedicated the last 25 years of his life to, as he puts it "spreading the good word about hydrogen peroxide".
But not without a lot of personal experimentation and research, first... Here are a few tidbits from our conversation that I thought no one who is dealing with or handling hydrogen peroxide should be without, and I hope you'll find them useful.
1. Never store 35% Food Grade H2O2 in soda bottles or other containers that can be mistaken for water or drinks. In the 2 cases of death by drinking pure 35% H2O2 that came up in our discussion, both occurred when storage containers were in the home food refrigerator or freezer and were NOT MARKED AS 35% FGH2O2.
2. If you ever DO ingest, or are in the presence of someone who ingests 35% FoodGradeH2O2, DO NOT LET THEM LIE DOWN. Make the person remain sitting upright or standing NO MATTER WHAT. This is because the peroxide will bubble up and release gas from the stomach. If the person lies down, they will suffocate. In both the cases of death mentioned above this is exactly what happened. This is most likely because the pain caused in the stomach is strong enough to cause the person to want to lie down and curl into a ball.
3. If you remain upright, then you will feel awful, and your stomach will hurt a lot. but you will live and have no long term ill effects.
How is it that Mr. Grotz would know this information and know it is trust- worthy, you ask? Let me tell you. It turns out that Mr. Grotz has not only read over 10,000 medical papers on the uses of hydrogen peroxide, he also took matters very much into his own hands in this instance.
Believe it or not, he actually tested this theory on himself. He drank some 35% FGH2O2. Not a lot, but some. By remaining upright he survived the experience, with only a temporarily strongly upset stomach and not other ill effects. Personally, I would strongly advise against this form of testing, myself!
More recently, a woman called him when someone in her household drank 35% FGH2O2. She was in a panic. He gave the instructions to make sure the person remained upright. The woman called back the next day to thank him. She had followed his instructions, and the "victim" had survived drinking 35% Food Grade H2O2.
While these instances of people accidentally drinking pure 35% Food Grade H2O2 are rare, it is certainly worth knowing what to do in the event that it happens. The best way to avoid this kind of crisis is to keep all pure 35% Food Grade H2O2 well labeled, in containers with child proof caps (must be either squeezed or pressed down while turning to open).
It is recommended to keep 35% FGH2O2 in the freezer; but if you have young children you should seriously consider a locking freezer unit that is NOT the home food freezer.
It should be noted that in all the incidents I know of, the persons who actually drank the 35% hydrogen peroxide were over the age of 16. They were not children who could not read. That is because hydrogen peroxide looks just like water. In the freezer it will not freeze, so perhaps it could be mistaken for vodka or some strong form of alcohol.
In any event, drinking pure 35% hydrogen peroxide CAN kill a person; and is always at the very least an extremely uncomfortable experience. So store it safely, locked in a commercial freezer and well labeled to avoid potential danger to everyone.
It's true that hydrogen peroxide breaks down safely to water and oxygen, and isin that sense and in very weak dilutions is completely non toxic. However, strong solutions of hydrogen peroxide are caustic oxydizers. Having the right information makes all the difference."
Best regards.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
My question is this, I am leaving for Florida on vacation in a couple of weeks and am wondering if it is safe to pack the 35% in a little blue dropper bottle in my suitcase for the flight? I don't know how the air pressure on an airplane might affect it. Please let me know as soon as possible. I don't want to be without it for 3 weeks.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
:Maintenance Dosage
In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows:
25 drops once every other day for 1 week
25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks
By Dr. David G. Williams
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Question is, would inhalation help hi BP etc instead of drinking it? Would be interested to know also if anyone takes ACV & bicarb too as spacing all these things out to take on empty stomach is very difficult to do 3 x a day and not mix the two.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I first got interested in H2O2 as I was using it in my hot tub (1-cup 35% to 600 gallons of water) as an alternative to chlorine. When I switched to H2O2 we noticed that instead of the normal after hot-tub fatigue we were coming out feeling very energized. Apparently it absorbs through the skin and put extra oxygen in the blood. I have also been taking 7-drops 35% H2O2 with a glass of water on a regular basis as an effective energy drink for several years without any side effects except an increase in energy. I have been using Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35%. Brian
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Food Grade Peroxide Cures
So do I Stan.
I checked the PSDS again and it clearly states 50% water and 50% H2O2 - no mention of stabilizers at all. I'll use your dilution rate but I'm wary of drinking the stuff just yet, maybe start brushing my teeth first. Thanks for your feedback.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Can anyone please answer my other two questions as well
1) Shall i start taking ACV with Baking Soda also in addition to HP - If so , the how much qty of ACV and how much baking soda and what should be the time gap between taking HP and ACV?
2)- I have Silver fillings in a couple of my teeth. Will the silver fillings react with HP (when I drink or gargle)and cause any problem?
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I tried the drip protocol but I couldn't go on because of stomach disturbing. Then I started inhalation and this worked for me, so far. Besides, it is more comfortable, you can take your little spray bottle anywhere with you. Remember, it is also great for cleaning your hands avoiding flu contagion (by the way, it is a good idea to shot your ears too).
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Here is the schedule I have been using. I drink the h202 and the ACV at the same time around 7am. I don't eat breakfast I drink some protein about an hour later. Around 11am I drink the h202 and ACV again (not mixed together) just 1 right after the other. It will make your stomach a little queezy but it doesn't last long. I eat lunch around 12 or 12:30. I drink the last h202 around 5-6pm and eat an hour or so later. I am doing the ACV only twice per day with 3tablespoons in 8oz of water with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. The results I am having are as follows: some part of this makes your skin look really good, quite glowy and youthful. It is making my arthritis worse so I am hoping that is a good thing and it will hopefully subside as I keep doing the therapies. The h202 makes me rather hot feeling and when I workout I sweat more than I ever have before. I hope that is toxins coming to the surface. I feel like this is ridding my body of unwanted toxins that probably have been accumulating over the years. I am 52 and got arthritis of the spine (osteo) in about '03 and I also have it in my right knee and right shoulder. So, in all my research on this sight I decided to try natural remedies to see if I could cure myself of my various ailments. Not a fan of Doctors or the pharmaceutical industry here. I have never tried an arthritis medicine that worked for me, they just upset my stomach really bad and cost a fortune.
Oh, one more thing, I have always had severe allergies in the spring. The pollen here in Memphis April and May is a killer. This year I had absolutely no allergy problems during that time. Usually I stay loaded up on allergy meds till it gets really hot. I am getting ready to add drinking borax in water throughout the day. Trying to rid my body of the metallics which I hear can be a major contributor in arthritis. Anyway, that is my take on this stuff to date. If I can find a natural cure for something that ails ya', I'm all for it. Hope it helps someone out there.
EC: Cross-posted to the Multiple Ailments page as well - thank you!
I have been introduced to HP recently..Today I had 3 drops of 35% Food grade HP in 250 ml of water. I have been feeling a bleachy taste in my mouth since morning and also having some acidity.
I have some questions
1) Shall i start taking ACV with Baking Soda also in addition to HP - If so , the how much qty of ACV and how much baking soda and what should be the time gap between taking HP and ACV ?
2)- I have Silver fillings in a couple of my teeth. Will the silver fillings react with HP (when I drink or gargle)and cause any problem ?
3) I am all excited but would like to ask if inhalation method is better than drinking it in distilled water
Can any one please advise. Shall be grateful for a quick response.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Hello everybody,
I have been reading about H2O2 for some time and so purchased (through the cleaning company I work for - no questions asked) 15 litres of 50% H2O2 (Oxy Bleach)and am wondering how I can dilute this to get 35%. I have thought about adding 15l of H2O2 to 1.5l of distilled water and wonder if this is correct.
I have read that it is vitally important to add the H2O2 to water and not the other way around and that at this strength (50%) anything other than water added or spilled into the H2O2 (like paper or metal fillings etc will cause an explosive effect.
BTW, the seller assures me the product is food grade and the label lists only H2O2 + water and the Product Safety data Sheet (PSDS) mentions no satbilizers either.
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Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
First of all however, I'd like to say thank you to Earth Clinic for what I feel is one of the finest sites of it's kind on the web, if not the finest. And thanks to all the contributors for the wealth of information to be found here.
Now to the question(s). Ted I have read hundreds of posts on here, and I've come up with too many different dilution schedules for H2O2 to count. I've pretty much gotten the point that to dilute the 35% Food Grade H2O2 to a 3.0% solution it should be 11 to 1, or 11 oz. distilled water to 1 oz 35% food grade H2O2. Here is where the problem begins. You had indicated that a .45% solution is what you recommended, if I understood correctly. Is this correct, or am I in error? Also, when talking about taking drops I understand what drops are, but in how much distilled water, a bath tub, or an 8 oz. glass. Just taking drops without knowing the volume of the medium you're putting them in doesn't make much sense......:) Some folks are talking about using drops of 35% food grade in 8 ozs. of water, some in 16 ozs. of water, some are putting drops of 3% H2O2 in God knows how many ozs. of water. I'm starting to get overwhelmed here you understand. :) I'd really appreciate your guidance.
I do however want to thank you for all your posts, and recommendations. I have COPD/emphysema from 40 odd years of smoking, which I gave up three years ago now, but I'm paying the price. Oh, and by the way, thank you for the Emphysema "CURE". You know I'm a firm believer in the power of positive thinking, and a positive attitude (Dr. Wayne Dyer). It's just that the medical community in this country sees fit to simply tell you to "try to exercise, do breathing exercises, and prepare to die"! I'm not quite ready to go that route yet, I've got too many things to do, and places to go, to quit at this stage of the game.! You in particular, but also a gentleman on here named Blacjack687, have given me hope, and the chance to see some light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Honestly, I can't thank you enough for your inspiration. I've decided, although a little late, that getting the "ol" body cleaned out, and back in running condition again, is what I need to do. So, I'm currently doing the ACV and baking soda, the colloidal silver, the lecithin for fat emulsification, the cayenne pepper for circulation and heart health, the DMSO and the MSM to dissolve the tar in the lungs, and all the Vitamin supplements and trace minerals the body will take, but I'd like to start doing the nebulizer with the H2O2, in combination with taking it internally. Should I use a different concentration for the nebulizer than I do for the drinking water? Should I use 35% food grade H2O2 for the drops in drinking water, the 3.0% H2O2 for drops in the drinking water, or the .45% H2O2 for the drops in the water, HELP? With your guidance here I might just regain my sanity! .........:)
Thanks again for any information you might be willing to provide. Bob S.
P.S. Just a side note for anyone that is taking the same, or similar type regimen. A chemist from Sovereign Silver, where I purchased probably the best colloidal silver on the market today, called and advised not to take the MSM within an hour and a half of taking the colloidal silver, because the MSM will bind with the silver if I were to do so. I appreciated that info immensely, and the fact that they would take the time to go to the effort to call to provide this information. Also he advised against using DMSO to act as an injector to get the colloidal silver into the lungs faster. However, he did say that using the recommended dosage for colloidal silver in a nebulizer would be a great idea and very benefitial. Just thought you might like to know.
First of all however, I'd like to say thank you to Earth Clinic for what I feel is one of the finest sites of it's kind on the web, if not the finest. And thanks to all the contributors for the wealth of information to be found here.
Now to the question(s). Ted I have read hundreds of posts on here, and I've come up with too many different dilution schedules for H2O2 to count. I've pretty much gotten the point that to dilute the 35% Food Grade H2O2 to a 3.0% solution it should be 11 to 1, or 11 oz. distilled water to 1 oz 35% food grade H2O2. Here is where the problem begins. You had indicated that a .45% solution is what you recommended I believe. Is this correct, or am I in error? Also, when talking about taking drops I understand what drops are, but in how much distilled water, a bath tub, or an 8 oz. glass. Just taking drops without knowing the of the volume of the medium you're putting them in doesn't make much sense......:) Some folks are talking about using drops of 35% food grade in 8oz of water, some in 16 oz. of water, some are putting drops of 3% H2O2 in God knows how much many ozs. of water. I'm starting to get overwhelmed here you understand. :) I'd really appreciate your guidance.
I want to thank you for all your posts, and recommendations. I have COPD/emphysema from 40 odd years of smoking, which I haven't done for going on three years now, but I'm paying the price. Oh, and by the way, thank you for the Emphysema "CURE". You know I'm a firm believer in the power of posititive thinking, and a positive attitude (Dr. Wayne Dyer ). It's just that the medical community sees fit to simply tell you to "try to exercise, do breathing exercises, and prepare to die"! I'm not quite ready to go that route yet, I've got things to do and places to go! You in particular have given me hope, and the chance to see some light at the end of the tunnel so to speak, and I can't thank you enough. I've decided, a little late I know, that getting the "ol" body cleaned out and back in running condition again, is what I need to do. So, I'm currently doing the ACV and baking soda, the colloidal silver, the lecithin for fat emulsification, the cayenne pepper for circulation and heart health, the DMSO and the MSM to dissolve the tar in the lungs, and all the Vitamin supplements and trace minerals the body will take, but I'd like to start doing the nebulizer with the H2O2, in combination with taking it internally. Should I use a different concentration for the nebulizer than I do for the drinking water? Should I use 35% food grade H2O2 for the drops in drinking water, the 3.0% H2O2 for drops in the drinking water, or the .45% H2O2 for the drops in the water, HELP? With your guidance here I might just regain my sanity! .........:)
Thanks again for any information you might provide. Bob S.
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Food Grade Peroxide Cures
However, Be Aware, first you want to take the H.P. with distilled water ONLY! Take the H.P. one hour before meals or medication, and one hour after meals and medication. DO NOT TAKE THE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ALONG WITH ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE OR LIQUID!!!!!!!!!!!
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
All chemicals are just as powerful in concentrated or dilute form. It does not matter if the chemical is an acid, soap or detergent. The actual molecule of the chemical does not break down or change when diluted. The only thing that changes is the number of molecules that will be in solution compared with the number of water molecules. That's why a dilute solution of Hydrogen Peroxide will perform just as well as a concentrated solution.
Now, let's clarify this.
Hydrogen Peroxide is an "active" molecule (chemical) and attacks anything it comes in contact with. It tries (and succeeds) in transferring its additional oxygen atom to anything it touches and this changes the structure of the item it touches.
Pure oxygen is very corrosive and if Hydrogen Peroxide touches a living organism, it changes the structure of the organism to a point where the organism dies.
If a very dilute solution of Hydrogen Peroxide touches a colony of bacteria, even though there may be only one molecule of Hydrogen Peroxide for every 10,000 molecules of water, this still equates to hundreds of molecules that will touch a single cell of bacterium. This will kill the cell.
The Hydrogen Peroxide will also have an effect on any skin it comes in contact with but since the solution is weak, (only a few per 10,000 molecules of water) the active molecules of Hydrogen Peroxide will soon be used up.
Only some of the surface cells of skin will be damaged but since these are dead (outer layers), the skin will soon recover. If a strong solution of Hydrogen Peroxide is used, more of the skin cells will be damaged and this is where the danger lies. This applies whether the solution is taken internally or externally.
To sum it up: A weak solution is just as effective as a strong solution (at the microscopic level) and will continue to be effective until it is used up. That's why Hydrogen Peroxide is so dangerous (effective).
Dr Colin Mitchell
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Day - Drops - Times-A-Day - Total Drops
01 - 03 - 03 - 09
02 - 04 - 03 - 12
03 - 05 - 03 - 15
04 - 06 - 03 - 18
05 - 07 - 03 - 21
06 - 08 - 03 - 24
07 - 09 - 03 - 27
08 - 10 - 03 - 30
09 - 12 - 03 - 36
10 - 14 - 03 - 42
11 - 16 - 03 - 48
12 - 18 - 03 - 54
13 - 20 - 03 - 60
14 - 22 - 03 - 66
15 - 24 - 03 - 72
I'm up to 14 drops, however, I have some pain just below the spot where my heart beats and on the lower-left lumbar region. Should I be worried, or will this go away?
I have been looking at this site for several weeks now and just want to say I am very impressed with all the information I have found. One question I would like to find is does anyone know if it would be dangerous to the the Hydrogen peroxide therapy if being on other prescription drugs. My mother in law has been doing the food grade hydrogen peroxide in her water starting with 3 drops 3 x a day and increasing her way up by a drop till she has reached 25 drops. She is doing this treatment along with her chemotherapy and lots of other medicine she is on for liver cancer that came about after her breast cancer she is still on 25 drops and it says for serious cases to stay at 25 drops for awhile. So she continues to do this but is afraid to do the 3x a day so is only doing it once a day could it interact with her medicine or chemo, and her doctor does not know she is trying this treatment.But also want to let people know since she has started this treatment with the peroxide she feels much better we are waiting for her next tests to be done so we can if it has stopped the cancer in its track keeping our fingers cross any feedback would be appreciated.Thanks Earth Clinic for this site.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Using 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide: (H2O2: - Internal)
Use the dosages listed in the chart with 5 oz. of distilled or purified water. When reaching higher dosages more water may be used.
Take on an empty stomach, 1 hour before a meal and at least 3 hours after a meal. If your stomach gets upset at any level, stay at that level, or go back 1 level.
Note: Candida victims may need to start at 1 drop 3 times per day.
Dosage Schedule for undiluted 35% H2O2
Day - Drops - Times-A-Day - Total Drops
01 - 03 - 03 - 09
02 - 04 - 03 - 12
03 - 05 - 03 - 15
04 - 06 - 03 - 18
05 - 07 - 03 - 21
06 - 08 - 03 - 24
07 - 09 - 03 - 27
08 - 10 - 03 - 30
09 - 12 - 03 - 36
10 - 14 - 03 - 42
11 - 16 - 03 - 48
12 - 18 - 03 - 54
13 - 20 - 03 - 60
14 - 22 - 03 - 66
15 - 24 - 03 - 72
16 - 25 - 03 - 75
For more serious complaints stay at 25 drops, 3 times per day for 1-3 weeks. Next graduate down to 25 drops, 2 times per day until the problem is taken care of. This may take from 1-6 months. Don't give up!
When free of complaints you may taper off by taking:
25 drops once every other day, 4 times
25 drops once every 3rd day for 2 weeks
25 drops once every 4th day for 3 weeks
Possible Reactions to H2O2:
Skin eruptions, nausea, sleepiness, unusual fatigue, diarrhea, colds (in head or chest), ear infections, boils, or any other method that the body uses to emit toxins from the body! (The toxins have been rooted out by the use of the H2O2.)
This is the natural way for the body to cleanse & the natural cleansing will be of short duration, as you continue to maintain your program. Above all, even if you must decrease the dosage, continue the program, don't give up.
If you get a cleansing reaction, you may want to increase the dosage to hasten the cleansing. A cleansing is the effect of the body of bacteria dying off, or various forms of poisons being released through the eliminative organs of the body, i.e. skin, lungs, kidneys & bowels.
Remember: When H2O2 comes in contact with virus & streptococcus, it will liberate free oxygen.
This may be happening in your stomach. If your stomach feels uneasy, it is only the H2O2 seeking out the virus & streptococcus to destroy.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Uses for 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Note: 35% H2O2 is highly concentrated and extremely strong. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. If it is spilled on skin, wash immediately in cold water. Do not allow it to touch the eyes, if this happens, wash & rinse thoroughly with cold water. Store 35% H2O2 in the refrigerator or freezer.
HEALTH NOTE: Food-borne illnesses from fruits, vegetables, meats, fish & poultry due to bacteria, fungus or parasites are a little publicized problem. Soaking in a solution of 3% H2O2 can help kill these bad guys & also help remove pesticide residue that lingers on produce.
To make 3% H2O2, mix 1 oz. of 35% food grade to 11 oz. distilled water (preferably) or filtered water.
Vegetable Soak: (in place of bleach) Add 1/4 cup 3% H2O2 to a gallon of cold water. Soak light leafy vegetables 15 to 20 min. Soak thick skinned fruits & vegetables for 30 min. (apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) If time is a problem, you can spray with straight 3%, let stand a few minutes, rinse & dry.
Athlete's Foot: Soak feet 10-20 min. each night in 3% H2O2 until condition is in remission.
Bath: 1 cup of 35% H2O2 to a full bathtub for a detoxifying bath. Note: try not to use this after 6-7 pm, as the increased absorbed oxygen may keep you awake.
Douche: Add 5 to 6 tablespoons 3% H2O2 to 1 quart distilled or filtered water.
Enema: Mix up to 6 tablespoons (Maximum) 3% H2O2 to 1 quart of distilled water.
Mouthwash: On arising, rinse mouth with water, then gargle & wash mouth with 3% H2O2 swishing for 1/2 to 1 min..(Note: a dash of chlorophyll adds flavor & effectiveness.) Helps prevent colds.
Nasal Spray: 1 tablespoon of 3% H2O2 added to 1 cup of pure water. Spray into nasal passages to relieve congestion.
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Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
***PLEASE NOTE*** DO NOT "OVERUSE" 35%...H202, IT WILL DEFINITELY BURN YOU... INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF THE BODY. I put 8 drops of 35% in 8 ozs of purified water... THIS WAS WAY WAY TO MUCH!!! FOR ME, I COULD FEEL IT BURN ALL THE WAY DOWN , AND IN MY STOMACH. I found the best amount is 4 drops per 8 ozs of pure water. I actually enjoy drinking it as it does make me feel better.
I also drink 6 hours later, citric acid 1 teaspoon/ baking soda 1 teaspoon / "dash" of apple cider vinegar. I HAVE NOT SEEN ANY IMPROVMENT FROM THE ACV... NONE! People are swearing by it... that it does this, and does that... i notice "ABSOLUTLY NOTHING".
One thing that i have used that actually DOES DO SOMETHING FOR YOU... IS Dr Natura "Colinix Toxinout" programs, BOTH done at the same time. I was just looking for a body detox.... and along with this, "I LOST OVER 50 LBS". I was not looking for this from this product, but it does say that you "may" lose weight... well i sure did. I never noticed it for about 60 days, then i noticed my clothes were "very loose" and i went to the last hole on my belt. I then weighed myself, {and dont laugh, i was 280 lbs @ 6'3" TALL} I weighed 228!!!! I actually could not believe it. I have another 30 days to go on the program, which is very easy ... even for a lazy person like myself. "COULD I ACTUALLY GET UNDER 200 LBS??" LET'S WAIT AND SEE.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
1- How long can I store a 3% solution that I prepare from this 35% food grade one?
2- What is the most efficient way of storing it (the 3% solution) - what kind of bottle should I use, where should I keep it?
3- Would anyone recommend using it at my cocker spaniel ears to get rid of the wax? They are very prone to ear infections because of build up of wax.
For those who are looking for the 35% food grade being sold in the UK, this is the website where I got it from:
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
With extra oxygen in the body, the body is able to perform much better, heal itself, and kill off invaders. Everyone is severely lacking oxygen intake and this should be a daily supplement for a lifetime. Let me elaborate.- Oxygen content 75 million yrs ago was 50%. A sudden drop due to volcanic and meteor disasters greatly contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Until the mid 19th Century, the oxygen level decreased only slightly more to a level of 38%. With the advent of the industrial revolution in the late 1800's, which brought on massive pollution and car exhaust, by the 1950's the oxygen level in our atmosphere dropped to 21% - IN LESS THAN 100 YEARS!. THE OXYGEN LEVEL ONLY DROPPED 12% IN 75 MILLION YEARS!! The oxygen content today is estimated at less than 17% !! This factor alone, is a major reason of so many degenerative dis-eases. OUR BODIES REQUIRE MORE OXYGEN.
Only purchase 17% or 35% Food Grade H2O2, with a dropper bottle. To make 3% H2O2 from 35%, mix 11 parts distilled water with 1 part h2o2. (11 ounces to 1 ounce). Or, what I do is keep a dropper bottle and add drops to my glasses of water. Do NOT mix this solution with anything else, including taking vitamins!!
Start off slow! H2o2 is very strong and can be very dangerous! Start with one drop in a glass of distilled or purified water 1-3 times the first day, then move up one or two drops each day, BUT do NOT exceed 20 drops!
I also recommend ___ minerals, sea salts, and magnesium baths, which I personally use. (not a rep)
[This information is not medical health advise and I am not responsible for any persons who experience ill effects. These recommendations are based on trial and experience of many, and should not be taken as a substitute for medical advise]] (I wish I didn't have to say that)
Good Health and Fortune be Yours !!