Lemon's Health Wonders: From Detox to Fighting Disease

Broad Benefits
Posted by Ingvar (Prachin Buri) on 07/22/2017

Editor's Choice Lemons cure everything

Lemon smoothie:

Obtain a week's worth of lemons which is 14 lemons at a time. Freeze the lemons. Before freezing, clean them thoroughly (pesticides) There is something about freezing them that is important. After thoroughly frozen, take out 2 each day and thaw them in a bowl of water, about 10 - 15 minutes.

Blender: The objective here is to create a smoothie, most house hold blenders are not sturdy enough to create a smoothie, it needs higher speeds, so a commercial professional blender is preferred.

1. Cut the lemons open one by one and slice into smaller pieces so you can remove all seeds. It is very important to remove All the seeds.

2. Fill the blender with mineral water about half a liter or slightly less (depends on size of the lemons, trial and error), the goal is to create a good smoothie. Remember it is very important to keep all the parts of the lemon, do not peel and throw away anything, except the top and bottom little black spots.

3. Run the blender and drop in the cut pieces whole lemon slowly. Make sure you get a smooth texture, takes about 3 - 4 minutes of blending.

After blending, split into 2 containers and drink one in the morning before breakfast and the other in the evening before going to bed. The containers must have air tight lids and store it in the fridge with as little air as possible in the closed container. Best is to blend in the morning, you have fresh smoothie in the morning and evening.

Freezing the lemons is important, something happens in the freezing process.

Do this every single day religiously.

After a few weeks you will feel that your skin is becoming rejuvenated. Your skin is smoother. Any old melanoma-like growths are starting to vanish. I had these spots/outgrowths on my back, In my arm pits, around my genitals on my temple, they are gone now. Black or brown spots will go away from the skin. A friend of mine swears he cured his cancer with this, smoker for 40 years, now stopped smoking with new hope.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Stepanie (Georgia, US) on 09/27/2014

Editor's Choice My daughter had a severe attack about 4 years ago and we had no idea what was happening. A visit to the ER told us it was gallstones.

We tried the ACV but she would not take it, I tried it in every concoction imaginable... no go. Then I read somewhere on EarthClinic about lemon juice for gallstones. This was a miracle for her.

She likes lemon juice and had no trouble taking a big swig straight. HER RELIEF WAS INSTANT!!! She was doubled over in severe screaming pain and within 5 minutes or even less she was pain free. She did feel sore after such a bad attack but the lemon juice worked like a miracle.

She used it every morning first thing and she would take a swig before every meal. After about a year she could start eating some of the trigger foods again like eggs and beef. One bonus of the lemon juice is that it will start to dissolve the stones but this takes a year or longer depending on the size and severity and you have to be consistent and take it daily.

My elderly mother always complained her back hurt and they would give her Tylenol which never helped at all. Then I noticed it always happened after she ate, after what I learned with my daughter I guessed it was gallstones and not mom's back cause my daughter always said it hurt in her back.

I got mom some lemon juice and it worked! Mom couldn't believe it. The nurses couldn't believe it. The doctor was amazed and once they saw with their own eyes they started asking me the dosage. The doctor actually wrote it down! Huge win for natural remedies!!

The sooner mom would take the lemon juice after she ate the faster it worked but if she forgot about it and waited an hour of being in pain, it would take about 10 minutes to work completely but she could feel it ease off immediately.

We always used the lemon juice straight. No water or sugar added. We found that if we added anything it would not work as well. We never really measured just took a big swig. If I had to guess on the amount I would say about 1/4 cup.

Another thing lemon juice cures almost instantly is an allergy attack. My husband has allergies that cause his eyes and noise to run and he will start sneezing. Lemon juice stopped it all. He would take about 1/2 cup and sometimes need a second dose if he had waited too long or its a really bad attack.

Thank you EarthClinic and thank you to all the people that have contributed, you are saving lives and you have done more for my family than I could ever fit in one post. ~Steph

Broad Benefits
Posted by Juan (Laredo, Texas, USA) on 11/20/2009

lemon juice is good for instant relief for high cholesterol level and high blood pressure. I have taken pills for this ailments but they take too long to do effect..anybody can try this like I did and it works for me and my wife and it has help my wife too. I even experiment with it and it shows my pressure high and within minutes it has going down instantly ,you can feel it working instantly. I even believe it has help my wife from having a heart attack.

Take half a glass of 100% lemon juice. if its too strong use half lemon with half water enjoy. to have instant relief stop what you are doing and take this remedy and do some deep breathing exercises. you will see the difference.too help you even more after you feel better take a power nap. let me know if it helps. this should be taken only when you feel sick. it clears your veins like drain o. you can also use it on salads to keep your veins unclog and squeeze a lemon on a glass of water with ice at night before bedtime it detosify your body you dont need to pay big bucks for this one. brother john.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Paula (Poitiers, France and London, England) on 08/19/2009

Have you got spots,insect bites, eczema., bruises rosecea, cuts etc.If you have please try fresh lemon juice on them It is extraordinary in its effectiveness better than any other natural or proprietary branded stuff (and i am into the natural stuff in a big way). Also if you have blocked sinuses consider doing without dairy products and alcohol for a while. Also first thing in the morning after O.P.try drinking lemon juice in warm water, half a small lemon cut up small with one third of a cup of warm water and taken like medicine works extremely well again!!

I am also reporting about my O.P which i was doing with olive oil and now with half walnut oil, I didn't report that the olive oil seemed to make me unpalatable to mosquitoes a good effect you would agree. The mix has improved my teeth a great deal they are looking so clean and not feeling sensitive at all. I have also begun doing internal Tau exercises amazing!! i have lost weight and gained a shapely waist I can certainly recommend them to all you self helpers out there. But please remember that you have to follow a healthy diet to gain the most from the above. Stop smoking, drinking all normal and diet soda drinks I cannot understand why anyone thinks they are good; they totally acidify your system causing all sorts of physical and mental side effects. Enough preaching good luck everyone. Thanks to the organisers of this site, it's brilliant!