Psyllium Benefits, Dosage & Safety: A Comprehensive Guide

Broad Benefits
Posted by Oekoman (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 02/04/2010

I have taken psyllium husks for about 20 years now. I take one tablespoon in the morning and one before bed, mixed with 10 oz. of watered down organic fruit juice. I also take 3-6-9 essential oils with it. It has proven to be a fantastic part of my diet. I initially lost weight and have remained thin. My energy level climbed way up and is still very high. I sleep like a baby. I almost never have gas. My bowel movements are like clockwork. My doc examoned by colon and said it was clean as a whistle. I have low blood pressure (I am 57 years old), and my health is very good. I attribute all this to psyllium husks taken every day. I don't mind if I have to do this the rest of my life. Perhaps if I ate a 100% raw food diet this would not be needed but that diet is almost impossible. I eat organic foods only, mostly fruit and vegetables with some turkey and fish, no other meats and NO WHEAT. Wheat is one of the worst things to eat for me. It gets stuck in my system and makes me fat.