Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Sunflowers

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Sunflower Oil Health Benefits

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Posted by Shabz (UK) on 02/03/2009

hi just wanted to know whether i am doing oil pulling right or not. could plz someone give me advice. i have been doing it for 2 weeks now. firstly i measure 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil then i swish it around my mouth for 10 to 15 minutes after that i rinse my mouth out with water and then brush my teeth. after that i drink 2 glasses of water. am i doing it right?

Replied by Renate
(Parrish, FL)

Dear Shabz,

Yes, you're doing it right. However, I would also rinse the mouth (before brushing the teeth with soap (pure olive oil soap - no other ingredients)with warm water, sea salt and baking soda. Rinse your mouth out well with this mixture, then brush, then drink two glasses of water. Also, would recommend cold pressed organic oil. Expreller pressed is ok if you cannot find cold pressed.

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Michael (Slidell, Louisiana) on 01/15/2009

Oil Pulling has changed my life in just 10 days of use. Every morning I use 1 TBSP of Sunflower Oil and swish for 20 minutes while I read my e-mails and check the news. At first I had pretty bad headaches all day, but i just figured I was detoxing so I dealt with them. Now I am on day 10 and the benefits are abundant. My teeth are whiter of course, but I also wake up more refreshed, my hair seems thicker, the lymph nodes in my neck that were swollen (due to mouth health) have gone down considerably, and I think so clearly now. I do have one question though, is it normal to break out with acne (4 or 5 pimples), during the beginning of this process?


Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Shabana (Bradford, UK) on 12/27/2008

i brought pure sunflower oil, but how do i find out that it is cold pressed? isnt pure enough? its a misson finding the right oil, when you dont need it, its in front of your eyes! can someone tell me what exactly is PURE?

Replied by Mani

Shabana from Bradford, UK wanted to know what exactly is cold pressed. Cold pressed oil is oil straight from the "Oil Expeller". In layman's words it is oil that is not yet refined. Refined oil is also fine, but cold pressed is better. Coming as it is from a resident in UK, no doubt cold pressed oil would be hard to locate.

I have started oil pulling with seasame oil recently. Honestly, today (Jan 17th) is my third day. I am a diabetic, type-2. Lets wait and watch. I note to post my experiences after about a month. Its too early now to comment. But yes, the feel good factor is there. Could it be excitement, simple psychology or is it for real? Time will tell.


Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Ellen (North Adams, MA - USA) on 11/07/2008

i have been oil pulling for 4 days and i am happy with the results so far. i feel more energetic and don't have food cravings. i have been swishing with a tablespoon of sunflower oil 1 - 2 times a day and then rinsing well with water and water/salt/baking soda. then i brush my teeth and mouth with baking soda and salt. the only negative effect to this process seems to be that my gums are bleeding a little after i brush. and they feel a bit tender and raw. maybe i am brushing too vigorously? this never happened when i used toothpaste.

Replied by Shabana

hi, just want to say that your gums are bleeding because of baking soda and salt. it isnt the oil pulling you are doing.that is the same thing which happened to me so now i just rinse my mouth with warm water and salt.

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Catherine (Birmingham, West Midlands, England - United King) on 11/04/2008

i have been oil pulling with one tablesooon of organic sunflower oil and a few drops of tea tree for two weeks every morning on an empty stomach and can honestly say that i feel better for it! side effect is dry nose and throat but i'm drinking more water now which, being a singer, i needed to do anyway! i've lost part of a filling (ate some toffee!!) but instead of running to the dentist, i shall wait and see, having read that oil pulling may help enamel etc. shall get back with results of wait, including a loose tooth! ps i have no problem rinsing/ gargling with salt water but is sniffing it up through the nose essential? RSVP...

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Joanne (Edmonton, Canada) on 09/26/2008

re: multiple sclerosis - gallbladder

I've been doing OP for 1-2 weeks off and on (1 tbsp of sunflower oil). I am getting this awfully thick white goop in the oil when I spit it out and have to spit after 5-10 mins. as it is such a bad feeling in my mouth. My oil never comes out clear. Will it eventually turn clear once the toxins are out?? My skin has turned awesome by the way but I have lots of gallbladder problems and am having surgery next month to have it out. Will these be toxins from the gallbladder or MS?? Have no mercury fillings :). My back pain has worsened but hopefully that will improve with time. If this works it is much more affordable that anything else out there!

Replied by Rosanne
(Victoria, BC, Canada)

Hey there Joanne! Now, I don't know your story except from what is posted, but removing your gallbladder is something worth reconsidering! I have friends and colleagues whose doctors have recommended removing their gallbladders for minor ailments - and I don't know why this is recommended! Your gallbladder stores bile for your body and is a very important component to your digestive system; we wouldn't have it if we didn't need it! Perhaps a gallstone cleanse is in order, at least as something to try before undergoing surgery. Best of luck.

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Liberty (Greeley, CO) on 09/08/2008

If I eat too much sugar (candy, sweets, etc) I can expect to have dry eyes when I wake up the next morning. I have been using oil pulling for around 3 years now off and on. I have been able to use the oil pulling to eliminate the dry eyes and it does so quickly. It seems that it also helps clear the sugar from my system faster. I have used olive oil and sunflower oil. Olive oil does work but sunflower does seem to be better. Oil pulling has helped with several other things also. I use 2 teaspoons (1 Tablespoon was too much for me). I follow the recommended procedure and rinse w/ peroxide/water mixed 50/50.

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Susan B. (Pacific Palisades, CA) on 05/18/2008

I think Oil Pulling is one of the best ENERGY remedies around. When I do it for at least 2 days in a row, my energy level goes through the roof! I am quite convinced now that (though no proof, of course) that oil pulling energizes the kidney meridians, much like an acupuncture treatment. I usually suffer from cold hands and feet in cooler weather and the acupuncturist that I had several sessions with last winter told me it was because my kidney chi was weak. Thus he focused the needles in the kidney meridians. Sure enough my fingertips turned from ash white to a nice pink color, as did my face. Well, the same thing happens every time I do an oil pulling session with sunflower oil first thing in the morning. More blood circulates to my hands and feet and my energy level also increases tremendously. So much so that I sometimes have a hard time going to sleep at night (2:00am and I am counting sheep!) Some other people at Earth Clinic also reported a rise in energy levels after OP-ing, so there's something to this theory... I think...

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Jimmy (Dallas, Texas) on 05/17/2008

I have pulmonary fibosis a lung disease that HAS no cure.Yet, since I have been on Sunflower Oil (cold pressed & Unrefined) my lungs within 4 days begain to have a healing effect that even the Doctor's don't quite understand?! What this oil is doing for my Lungs is or has brought back my Breathing as I have never expected. I had Cancer in my right lung and this oil has completely healed it completely... Amen! If you are interested in the healing of your lungs... please go to the health store and purchase one (1) bottle of this oil and place it within your mouth and swish it around until it turns white; spit it out and then brush your teeth and wash your mouth with tooth paste... As well look on the Net for: "Oil Pulling Cure" and learn what it will do for you... Jimmy.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn.)
490 posts

Hello Jimmy, Hope that toothpaste you're washing your mouth with doesn't contain that neurotoxin sodium fluoride!

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Charlotte (Marietta, GA) on 03/29/2008

Oil pulling helped my dry eyes and stopped up nose. I have been doing oil pulling for 6 months now.I usually have a glass of lemon water but no food first thing in the morning. Then I use about a tsp of organic sunflower oil and "pull" for about 15-20 min. Then I brush my teeth and start my day.I used to have very dry eyes especially when wearing my contacts and my nose got stopped up easily depending on what I was eating. Now I don't have trouble with either one of those things. However when I stopped pulling the symptoms reappeared, so I am back to pulling every morning and just know it is a part of my routine. While pulling, I read my email, feed my pets, fix my tea and I'm done. The benefits are great and it becomes a habit when you fit it into your routine. This web site is so great!! Thanks!

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Shirin (Singapore) on 02/29/2008

Hello, I've been doing oil pulling using cold pressed organic sunflower oil for 7 days now. Day 1 and 2 I didnt feel anything. From day 3, I started getting really bad headaches & pain all over my neck, jaw and top of my head. At first I thot good its a reaction, but now after 7 days, i'm feeling terrible. Please advice if I should stop or change oils or what can I do to reduce these symptoms.

Replied by Kristin
(Rancho Cucamonga, CA)

Oil Pulling: Response to Shirin from Singapore 2/29/08 post. Hi, Shirin, You may be having a healing episode / crisis. Ted or one of the other contributors would know better than I. My perspective as a physical therapist is that you may be working your mouth / jaw too hard while you are oil pulling.

'I recently began oil pulling, and I noticed my TMJ (jaw joint) problem flaring up at first. TMJ problems can result in all of the symptoms you described, including the neck pain. This is because the neck and face / jaw muscles are very closely related during the functions of chewing, talking, opening/closing mouth.

I realized that I was working the oil too hard and too fast in my mouth (20 minutes is a long time). When I slowed down and did smaller movements with the oil, it was better. I also had to start with a little less oil until my coordination improved to the point where I did not feel like I had to swallow.

Try the following the next time you oil pull:

1. sit with good posture in a firm chair (not hunched forward over computer, sink, or desk).
2. put a pillow on your lap to support your arms. This will allow your neck and shoulders to relax a bit.
3. Be mindful of what you are doing; are you clenching your teeth? are you pushing / thrusting your jaw forward or sideways? are you tensing your tongue a lot? are you frowning or shrugging your shoulders as you concentrate? These are all things to avoid.
4. Try to work slowly and keep your face and jaw as relaxed as possible while working the oil. Your cheeks should be doing most of the work. You could practice by moving air around in your mouth as if you were swishing oil. I have a tendency to clench my teeth, so I monitor that carefully.

I have stopped trying to "chew" the oil because I can't do it without aggravating the TMJ. I have also started taking mini-breaks of up to 5 seconds where I just let the oil rest in my mouth so my neck /jaw / face / scalp muscles can relax a bit.

Possible remedies if this is due to TMJ (jaw) irritation:
1. applications of moist heat up to 15 minutes, 3-4 times daily. It can be done as often as every hour if necessary for pain control, but no more than 15 minutes! I do not know if it is ok to do right after oil pulling from a toxin standpoint, however I usually have my patients use heat right after eating if their symptoms become aggravated. Sometimes cold compresses feel better. The idea is to get the muscles to relax and break that pain cycle. Breaking the pain cycle is important so that this does not become a long-term problem.
2. Use your fingers to do gentle massage (with or without oil. I do without because my skin is naturally oily), or, better yet, get someone to do it for you. The forehead, under the cheekbones, in front of the ears, the scalp (especially over and behind ears), and VERY VERY gently under the jawbone from the back near the ears out to under the chin. Gently pulling the ear lobes down and slightly outward is also helpful. When my TMJ is flared up, I find it easier to do the massage with one hand at a time because using 2 hands causes my neck/jaw/face muscles to tense further. I hope this helps. Kristin

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Fystee (WDC, DC) on 02/22/2008

Hi.I came arcoss this site searching for info about cayenne. Looking the the left side of the page I saw oil pulling and was like, what's that. Glad I took the time to read about and I have never heard of this before. I was so sleepy but I was really interested so I kept reading. I did my first OP today 02/22/08 and I used Sunflower oil.I did'nt know that I could find it in my local grocery store for 2.60. Anyway, I kept busy while swishing for 20 minutes then I released and it was white and looked a little funny. shortly after I was sleepy and felt a little light headed. I will continue to do this and report back in a month.I love this site!!

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Sandy (Bombay, India) on 11/29/2007

I tried oil pulling with sunflower oil and in 2-3 days my teeth stopped being sensitive. It doesnt hurt when I have cold foods also. Also, I noticed that I had no vaginal discharge on days I did oil pulling. Thank-you, earthclinic.

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Charlie (Portland, Oregon, USA) on 10/16/2007


I have been using unrefined sunflower oil for a little over a week now and have a few thoughts to relay. My experience so far has been good. My teeth are whiter and I feel that toxins are being pulled from my body.

It seems to me that it is best to do the oil pulling in a relaxed manner being gentle in your approach. And it is not necessary to slosh continually. Take a break frequently and just let the oil sit there for a little while. Keeping one's chin up all the time causes the oil to go to the back of the throat and that causes a gag reflex so I've found that looking down slightly while sloshing and then, every few minutes, looking straight ahead and sloshing the oil back and forth between my teeth reduces the gag sensation and still accomplishes drawing toxins out.

Also, I've noted from the postings here that some folks are concerned about being perfect in their approach. As a suggestion, don't worry about it. Worry itself interferes with detoxing. If you ate recently and it is not convenient to wait awhile to do the pulling, it is still better to do it than not doing the pulling at all. I believe the point of doing it on an empty stomach is mainly that the body will be more responsive to dumping toxins if it is not digesting food at the same time, however, the pulling still has value. The enzymes will draw out toxins no matter when you oil pull. If it is unpleasant to keep the oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes, hold it as long as you can. If that is 5 minutes then you'll still receive benefit and, with experience, your body will adapt to the experience and keeping it in longer will probably become easier and easier.

Some people are also concerned about whether to use refined or unrefined oil. It probably doesn't matter from the standpoint of removing toxins. Sloshing the oil stimulates saliva production. Saliva contains the enzymes for drawing out toxins. Polyunsaturated oils such as sunflower and sesame may be more effective than saturated fats for detoxing because the molecules of polyunsaturates are open ended and attract and hold various substances. As is indicated, these oils become ripe with bacteria, viruses, parasites, yeasts, etc. so spitting the stuff out and rinsing thoroughly is a real good idea.

Tooth enamel: To get the best results from oil pulling I suggestion you brush your teeth with non-fluoridated tooth paste. Fluoride compounds harden the enamel, making it less porous. This is the effect that is touted as helping to reduce cavities. What is not generally brought out is that fluoride is indiscriminate in what it hardens. Drinking fluoridated water, rinsing with fluoridated mouth washes and brushing with fluoride tooth paste is serious overkill. Excess fluoride, and it doesn't take much at all to be too much, causes teeth, bones and soft tissue to become hard, even brittle. Brittle is not a good thing in a living body. Also fluoride accumulates in the body, hardening what it attaches to, and causes a person to feel more and more stiff. Enamel is meant to be somewhat porous. The initial studies on the benefits of fluoride were conducted in communities where the natural form, calcium fluoride, was present in the water supply. Sodium fluoride is what is generally added to city water supplies and tooth paste. This form is very toxic. Even the calcium form can cause bones and so on to become brittle if too much is taken. For instance, there is a herd of elk in Yellowstone National Park who live in an area with high concentrations of calcium fluoride in the water supply. They have much shorter life spans than elk who drink from sources without significant amounts of calcium fluoride. The elk who get a lot of fluoride develop brittle bones and teeth, which break easily, and so die prematurely from starvation and broken bones.

Saliva contains about 3 times more calcium than blood plasma. It is thought by some that the reason for this is that our saliva can lay down calcium on the teeth and repair minor cavities as well as strengthen the enamel in general. Excess fluoride would interfere with this. And, again, we benefit from very small amounts of fluoride. More in this case is definitely not better. If you are concerned about getting enough fluoride, rather than using fluoridated mouth washes and tooth paste, drink a cup of green, white or black tea a day. These types of tea supply plenty of naturally occurring fluoride.

One more thing. There is a very old form of breathing known as Ujjayi Pranayama. It is a safe and beneficial form that helps with a detox. It only needs to be done for a few minutes a day to see results. It oxygenates the entire body, improving metabolism and reducing stress. If you would like the directions for practicing it send an email to charliepah [at] (replace [at] with@) and I'll send the directions to you as a word document or as part of the email, whichever you want. I'd prefer to send it as a word document so it will print out correctly.

Enjoy yourself.

Sunflower Oil Health Benefits
Posted by Joanna (Tampa, FL) on 10/03/2007

I was quite skeptical at first - I mean, swishing oil around in my mouth for twenty minutes? It seemed... silly. A month ago, however, my sinuses began hurting a lot - every couple of years I will have a lot of tooth pain for about two weeks, then my face will swell, and then I'll go to a doctor and get an antibiotic. This time, however, I tried the OP as soon as I felt the pain, and the next morning my face was completely swollen. I remembered what I read that symptoms will become more severe at first, then abate. I did go to the doctor anyway because I was still skeptical, but I was interested that the swelling happened so quickly instead of the usual couple of weeks. Meanwhile, I have also been experiencing severe sensitivity on the left side of my mouth.

After three weeks of OP, I noticed that the sensitivity has completely disappeared. My teeth feel stronger, and have lightened quite a bit.

As for my energy, it has improved as well. I don't have the usual dying-to-take-a-nap-at-two-o'clock-in-the-afternoon-feeling any more.

I have been using one tablespoon of sunflower oil, twice a day, on an empty stomach, for about 25 days now. I am now convinced that OP is a valid therapy, and I will continue my regimen to see what other benefits will occur. Thank you!

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