Top Lugol's Iodine Posts: Acid Reflux, Viruses, Warts and Tinnitus

Broad Benefits
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 02/13/2018

Editor's Choice I wanted to update my success from use of Lugol's Iodine Protocol and other healthy ideas I have found on E.C.

I began using Lugol's and companion nutrients 7 month's ago. Starting with 1 drop of 2 percent until I reached 20 drops.(please read protocol here on E.C.) I tried to change my diet, but was injured and now at the mercy of my husband and children for purchasing and preparing most of my food. Anyway, I have been indulging a little in sweets, fried foods, and breads. I did eliminate diet soda. I only use the water purifier from the fridge. Hopefully, because we have city water, I will be able to get a good one for the entire house, soon.

I also use 1 tblsp. ACV (for weight control and kidney stones, which I have passed 3 pain free), lemon/lime in each glass of water, baking soda, and Borax (had a terrible anxiety attack 2 days ago from it and my face broke out, badly!?). I take a borax/Epsom salt bath each day. I stopped taking P*x*l for anxiety and OCD, 4 months ago, after slowly tapering (1/2 dosage of 1 pill weekly, until completely eliminated), began using a non-fluoridated tooth paste, and switched to sea salt.


I am never tired during the day. I used to come home from work and take a nap, and sometimes sleep right through to the next morning!!!

My face is clear of acne. (except, that one day)

My seasonal allergies do not bother me, anymore.

Food allergies are not as aggressive. (Dairy)

No more breast fibrosis.

Goiter gone.

Toe nail fungus gone...fingernails not completely cured, but nails not afflicted, are long, strong, and healthy.

Frequent headaches gone.

Hand blisters gone (I believe a fungus).

Energy restored.

Gray hair (light amount) turned back to original color and thinning hair grew back healthier. It turned very dark/reddish for the first 3 months after beginning protocol(?) I was born blonde.

Eyebrows grew back to outer edges of eyes.

Several moles have disappeared. (external use of Lugol's)

Brain fog lifted most days. (I still suffer with bad weather)

OCD tendencies are reduced.

No need for reading glasses. Dr. said my vision actually improved!
Emotions in check, for the most part. (situational)

Avoided all colds/flu/viruses that my family suffered.

So as you can see...E.C. posters (THANK YOU)...I am restoring my health without the use of Modern Medical Doctors! Did I say thank you?