Turmeric Benefits: Health Uses & Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Sandy's Turmeric Compilation
Posted by Sandy (Sandhya) (Bangalore, India) on 06/13/2009

Dear Earthclinic, Based on all feedback received for turmeric so far (as seen on your turmeric pages), I have created the following list of cures by turmeric:
(Note that I have included only those cures that readers have EXPERIENCED, and not included the cures that readers have just heard of, or read about.)

Turmeric Cures:
1. cured allergies,
2. cured hayfever,
3. breathing became free, sneezing eliminated,
4. arthritis cured in 7 days by taking 3 capsules a day, (people have combined turmeric with ginger or with flax oil for relief from arthritis), joint pains cured, body pains relieved, sciatic pain subsided,
5. healed boils,
6. healed MRSA boils,
7. eczema healed,
8. menopause symptoms calmed down,
9. provided relief in thrombocythemia,
10. cured asthma,
11. cured Heal Spurs (Plantar Fasciitis),
12. when applied on skin cured skin infections, cleared up acne with taken orally,
13. dry turmeric rubbed on bunion healed the pain,
14. turmeric with ginger, pepper, honey etc cured cold, cured cough,
15. cleared cystic acne,
16. cyst cured,
17. diabetic's experience: taking 2 caps of turmeric with each meal dropped blood sugar levels to normal after 2 hours of eating-so was able to stop medication gradually,
18. cured loose stools (1 tsp of turmeric in a glass of warm water), cured diarrhea, cured intestinal bleeding, cured gas, cured inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), relieved IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome),
19. turmeric and honey mixture stopped stomach ache,
20. overcome fatigue, energizes, elevates mood, mental fog lifted,
21. using turmeric powder with toothpaste while brushing turned dark gums into pink colored gums, teeth including front veneers brightened, strengthened gums and teeth,
22. kept inflammation/swelling way down,
23. became goiter-free,
24. cured puffy eyes,
25. melanoma disappeared,
26. eliminated PMS, menstrual cramps relieved within 10 minutes of drinking turmeric +milk,
27. swelling/inflammation of injury decreased,
28. sinus cleared,
29. prevented/stopped migraine, prevented headaches,
30. lost weight,
31. overcame pain and itch due to spider bite,
32. shrank bone bruise,
33. Used turmeric instead of ibuprofen during dental procedure-swirled turmeric in mouth after brushing teeth, letting it reach all gums, then swallowed it-gum pain eliminated and gum became totally healthy.

Side effects of excessive turmeric consumption: too much turmeric may lead to constipation or sweating (counter this by drinking plenty of water), accelerated heart beats, thinning of blood (not good for people on blood thinners)

Posted by Lisa (Richmond, VA) on 06/02/2009

Having said that, turmeric is easily assimilated by the body if mixed with warm milk, you can also add pepper to it as it's known to be good in combination with turmeric. I use it for my face - mix it with yoghurt and half teaspoon- apply,leave for half an hour and wash(several washing might be needed).

Turmeric root (raw) is easily available (inexpensive) from indian grocery stores. You can make your own powder if you have a dehydrator. Dry and grind to a fine powder.

Posted by James (Summit, NJ) on 04/18/2009

The last two years or more I've been watching a mole like growth on my lower leg next to my calf. It didn't do much for a while but about six months ago it started to grow. It was about half inch across, maybe slightly less. It had a brown reddish dark hue. The texture was scaly and bumpy. Edges were irregular. It did have a more "round" shape. In short, it was the classic melanoma. I looked on the web and yes there it was in dozens of photos. An angry dark spot spreading out. I figured it was time to get to the Dermatologist but for some reason I held off. I started to take turmeric as a supplement in my morning smoothies. Intially I took turmeric as a cure for a severe case of diahrrea, which it cured almost instantly. After some more research I started taking it every day. After about a month I noticed that my small melanoma was changing. It was becoming lighter, the edges were turning into new skin. Now it's almost gone after three months. New skin has taken over most of it. There is only a small area in the original center left which won't be there long from the looks of it. I put a teaspoon of turmeric in my berrie smoothie, which hides the taste. I actually like the tast of it so for me it's not a problem.

Arthritis and Joint Pain
Posted by Kelly (San Francisco, CA) on 04/14/2009

I study Ayurvedic Medicine and find it very interesting that there are comments about people noticing that they are sweating alot... This makes total sense as inflammatory responses are liver related and a pitta or fire symptom/response in the body. The tumeric must be reducing the inflammation but the fire has to move somewhere, and so the skin is taking over (probably to help relieve the liver's load as the skin and liver work together and are both channels for the body to detoxify). The fire is moving out the skin in the form of sweat! So I would say, yes it would seem normal to me in a body with excess heat.

Cold and Flu
Posted by Allison (Los Angeles, California) on 03/16/2009

Dear Joyce,

thank you so much. this is the most fabulous website that people are out there helping each other. is there a brand of tumeric capsules that are safe and that you recommend? also, any advice on recipes using tumeric?

thank you so much!

EC: Please read our information on buying turmeric starting at the top of this section: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/boils.html#WARNING

A few turmeric recipes are here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/boils.html#TURMERICRECIPES

Cold and Flu
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 03/15/2009 495 posts

For Allison from Los Angeles, Ca.

If you cook your foods using turmeric, your children are going to get some of it, therefore giving it to them should not create a problem. Remember to reduce the amount given depending on their weight. The usual dosage on most supplements are figured for a l50 lb. male, so if your child weighs 75 lbs. you would give 1/2 of the adult dose. A 25 lb child would get 1/6th of the adult amount, etc.

Cold and Flu
Posted by Allison (Los Angeles, California) on 03/14/2009

actually, I am wondering if i could use this remedy with tumeric for children as well? for allergies and colds, etc? thanks!

EC: Feedback about Turmeric for children here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/children_and_infants.html

Posted by Jeri (Springfield, IL) on 03/12/2009

Turmeric cured my arthritis pain in my neck and back, and it relieved my chronic puffy eyes too. I started taking 450 mg. capsules of Turmeric 3x a day for the pain from bone spurs in my neck, and it really worked. I was in so much pain, and I was so grateful. But as a bonus, it also seemed to cure my chronic puffy eye problem, which I'd tried to control for the past two years by watching the salt in my diet. Well, there's no mistake about it, the Turmeric has also cured my puffy eyes problem too. I still plan on watching my salt intake, but it is SO nice to look normal, and feel normal again.

Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, CA, USA) on 02/26/2009

Turmeric for Fatigue: I have Chronic Fatigue along with Mercury toxicity and started taking Turmeric for a tooth infection/ sensitive tooth. A GREAT side effect was energy! It only took a few days to get started. I take about 4 capsule in morning and 4 at lunch (homemade caps with turmeric from spice aisle). WARNING: Don't take before bed. I couldn't sleep for a few nights until I figured out it was giving me energy.

I love this stuff.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Rick (Montreal, Quebec) on 02/11/2009

A friend of mine who was a cancer patient told me his favorite cancer preventative is green tea with tumeric and a pinch of black pepper. He takes one cup a day..I also take this not too tasty concoction. Over time I have gotten used to the taste and somehow, I kind of like the flavor of it now. My body seems to cherish it: when I am travelling I get the urge to make some. Apparently, the combination of the 3 ingredients creates a very powerful synergy.

hope this helps

Sinus Infection
Posted by Brooke (Eugene, Or) on 02/11/2009

Tumeric for Sinus Infection: I am a big fan of turmeric and take it daily for my Crohn's Disease. I've recently had a cold that turned into a sinus infection. I try really hard to stay away from antibiotics because it kills the good bacteria in the gut. I put 1-2 tsp of turmeric in a bowl and poured almost boiling water over in. I then set the bowl in my lap and put a towel over my head. Breath (over the bowl with the towel over my head) in through my nose and out through my mouth for 10-15 minutes 6 times during through out the day. The next morning I woke up blowing the infection out of my nose. It was super gross. I continued the same thing the following day. I also drank lots of fluids and got plenty of rest.

Posted by Cindy (Astoria, Oregon) on 01/24/2009

In desperation I tried turmeric for a very large and painful abcess I had on my inner thigh. I've had problems with a boil there before and took 1 teaspoon of turmeric in water or milk 3 times a day. Day one the pain started to subside greatly... By day two it was shrinking and by day three it was about 75% smaller!! I'm amazed and relived BUT what I found to be extraordinary is that I noticed I have used my rescue inhaler for asthma only once in the time I started taking the turmeric. I am on an oral medication for asthma but still must use my rescue inhaler several times a day. The relief in my asthma is truly a mircle treatment for me. I plan to use turmeric daily for asthma and will play around with the dosage to see what will keep it at bay for me. thank you Earth Clinic!!

Posted by Gean (Salina, KS) on 12/23/2008

I must say I agree the positive effects of turmeric. I have had weak adrenals all my life, chronic fatigue for the last 16 years since my first child was born. Tried many things which helped, but when I started taking turmeric about 3 weeks ago, two days later my energy level increased by about 80%, and my mental fog suddenly lifted. I became much more motivated and organized. I experimented with dosage:

First day I took a whole Tablespoon of the powder mixed with honey, but it was overdose (my heart was pounding and I had to lie down for a few hours).

Next day, I took 1 teaspoon mixed with water or milk 3 times a day. No side effects, a little more energy. By the 3rd day much more energy, and by the fourth day, cleaned my whole house without having to rest at all. Brain fog gone suddenly.

The next day, I got Turmeric and tried taking 1 three times a day. Became irritable and disoriented with so much. Now I take 1 capsule (500mg) every morning, and I feel great, can be active all day without getting tired.

I take it 6 days, 7th day off. Plan to take 7th week off, 7th month off.

Turmeric should not be taken by anyone who is on blood thinners, since it further thins your blood.

Posted by Shawn (Toronto, ON) on 12/08/2008

Turmeric and inflammation, fibroids and cysts

I'm writing about turmeric. About 8 years ago my immune system crashed. I had fibromyalgia, arthritis and lupus-like symptoms. Swelling in all my joints--my hands were twice the normal size. I researched natural treatments as I didn't want prednisone. I also changed my diet drastically, cutting out all processed food, red meat, coffee, cigarettes, booze, etc.--eating only whole food. That helped a lot. But the inflammation was still a problem. So I started taking curcumin/turmeric capsules 2 x 3 times a day. This really helped. Then I added flax oil mixed with yogurt (apparently works best in a sulfur-based protein). And it went away. I'm still free of inflammation.

Also, a few years ago I had cysts and fybroids causing lots of pain/issues. I decided to go back on the turmeric as I had read that it works on inflammation, but also it's a hormone-estrogen blocker, and I read that cysts/fibroids are often caused by too much estrogen. I also stopped using all store bought creams/perfumes and I stopped eating out of plastic containers as they all include estrogen mimickers. Long story short: all the cysts and fibroids went away.

Even if you don't change your lifestyle, turmeric will help with inflammation and cysts/fibroids, but it works even better with lifestyle changes toward using more natural products. All the best of luck to you!

Canker Sores
Posted by Debbie (East Moriches, NY) on 10/21/2008

Turmeric for Canker Sores/Cold Sores

Recently read in Rebecca Wood's "The New Whole Food Encyclopedia" about using turmeric for canker sores. I have low iron which occassionally gives me canker sores so I was searching for a home remedy. Take an 1/8 tsp. of turmeric and just enough drops of water to make a thick paste. Put directly on canker sore before bed and it will be gone by morning. Works well on cold sores too. Beware that turmeric will stain the skin a little (no big deal). I've been referring to this website for years and am glad that I have something to offer back.

Posted by James (Summit, NJ) on 09/23/2008

Recently I went to India. When I returned I started to have diarrhea. I thought it would go away in a day or two but it did not. After five days of misery I went to the CVS and bought keopectate. Didn't work. I tried a vegetable diet, sea salt, apple cider vinegar, nothing worked. Now it's ten days and I'm fifteen pounds lighter, weak, and finding it hard to keep hydrated not to mention that going to the bathroom was now agony. I was ready to go to my doctor/hospital.

My wife who was still in India told me to take Tumeric. There was a big container of it so I mixed a heaping teaspoon in a glass of water and drank it down. Slightly bitter but I liked the taste. The next morning I took another dose and that was it. My stomach settled right down and a day later it was gone. Really amazing.

Posted by Carolyn (Northwest, Ohio) on 09/08/2008

I vote "yea" for Turmeric as a cure for allergies:

I suffered from hayfever type allergies seemingly constantly since we moved to our new house in Jan of '07. During that summer, my symptoms were so severe I couldn't be outside for 5 minutes without having a severe hayfever attack. I took OTC meds daily but they were getting harder to buy as they all got moved behind the pharmacy counter, plus they took hours to start working.

I sought out earth clinic and wrote down my top 5 cures for allergies, thinking I would start trying them in the spring of '08. But in the Winter of '07 I rescued a rabbit that needed to eat hay twice a day. Of course I was allergic! I decided to try Turmeric as it was the cheapest remedy. I started taking 2 capsules a day (720 mg caps) in February '08. Within 5 days I noticed a great improvement. After a few months with this regime, I started noticing my allergies getting less severe and less frequent. After 4 months, my husband told me, "You don't have allergies anymore!"

Now, 7 full months later (and past pollen season), I am down to 1 capsule per day as maintenance, and take an extra one if I have congestion. I am so thankful for this simple cure! The world is open to me again: I can go outside without bringing a snot rag. I can brush my cats daily with no symptoms. I can clean the cat litter without having a reaction to the dust. I can feed my rabbit and not suffer. I was able to bring my feather bed back out of storage and use it with confidence cause I'm not allergic to it anymore! I do still have problems with mold when it rains, but just clogged sinuses not the severe reaction I used to get. An extra turmeric capsule and I'm fine. Gotta love it!

Arthritis and Joint Pain
Posted by Sonja (Swanley, UK) on 09/03/2008

I had knee pain for years. My knees were so swollen I could not even see them. The doctor prescribed NSAIDS, but I am not sure how much difference it made. I bought various things for arthritis, but nothing really helped. It did no harm. Then I started to read up on it, and most things i took contained Ginger, tumeric and others. I started taking Tumeric on its own 3 capsules a day and within 7 days my knees were almost pain free!!! i would recommend tumeric to anyone..

Posted by Pamela (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 08/29/2008

Turmeric cure for bunion pain. Rub dried turmeric spice directly on the bunion for relief. You can also take turmeric pills internally to reduce inflammation but I have not tried that yet. It is a bit messy to rub it on so I do it over the bathroom sink and use a plastic glove so that my hand does not turn yellow. I need to reapply every few days to keep the pain away. It is an easy remedy. You can buy Turmeric cheaply in bulk at the health food stores or in the spice aisle of the grocery store.