I took it in the past and never really saw a difference, untill I tried a brand from ____. Now that brand, I don't know what it is. IT WORKS!! I even tried another brand, and I didn't really see a difference. I began taking 2 400ius of vitamin E twice a day, along with folic acid, because folic acid really does help with yeast infections, etc.
The first thing I noticed was my skin. It started glowing and becoming very oily, BUT I LOOKED YOUNGER, and my eyes also looked clearer. That youthful glow, it was amazing. I also began having acne, and pimples, unfortunantly,because of the increased oil production, but I didn't care my skin looked so pretty. I just wash my face with tea tree oil soap.
Then I noticed I was becoming more sexual, definently, very strange.
Then after about 2 months my period was notibly less painful and more regular, but heavier, it's like I'm more fertile, or something. It's been about 4 months, and if I go a couple of days without taking it, I see a big difference, my skin starts to look crappy again. My reproductive and over all health is much better since taking vitamin andfolic acid.