Blackstrap Molasses Recipes

| Modified on Apr 27, 2024
Molasses Recipes
Posted by Raw Inspirations (Wellesley, Ma) on 06/08/2016

Here is absolutely the easiest and quickest plus most delicious recipe using BSM:

BSM Fudge

(this recipe makes approximately 4 squares)

mix together all the following into a small glass container

  • 2 T organic Virgin Coconut Oil in liquid form (if solid, place jar in a lot of warm water)
  • 2 T Organic BSM
  • 2 T organic raw almond butter
  • 2 T organic raw walnuts
  • few drops or organic vanilla extract
  • 3 pinches pumpkin pie spice or ground cinnamon
  • 1 pinch sea salt
  • 2-4 T organic cacao powder (start with 2).

Stir well and keep adding cacao powder until mixture is a thick smooth consistency. Refrigerate at least one hour and cut into squares.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 08/19/2021

JEANINE,,,,,, ORH here and your recipe reminded me of my grandmother's tea cakes.

She passed and none of my aunts could duplicate her flavorful cookies. Finally, Aunt Leenay figured her secret out. She used fresh soft churned butter instead of margarine and homemade molasses instead of sugar. Saliva is running down my chin just thinking about her tea cakes. For some reason, natural things just taste better.


Molasses Recipes
Posted by Sparkle (Micanopy, Florida, Usa) on 04/05/2012

I just tried Grandma's Molasses (unsulfured) in a cup of lemon ginger tea and loved it. It looks like coffee!

*1 cup water

*1 Lemon Ginger tea bag

*1 Teaspoon Grandma's Molasses (or any Blackstrap brand)

*1 Teaspoon honey

Boil water, pour into cup w/tea bag and stir in the molasses and honey. Cover cup and let steep for five minutes.

It was delicious! I think this could be, aside from the medicinal aspects, a terrific substitute for coffee if anyone is trying to quit.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Judy (NYC, NY) on 02/02/2013

Just wanted to add a new way of taking. I used vanilla extract 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp of molasses, diluted with hot water and added almond milk. A wonderful soothing drink, as a pick me up or nightcap.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by My (Tucson, Arizona) on 02/22/2012

For those of you who do stir frys, drizzle the molasses over the veggies while stir frying. I find this actually enhances the over-taste of the stir fry and thickens the juices.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Anne (Redford, Mi) on 10/09/2009

Blackstrap Molasses Recipe:

Black Strap Molasses BARBECUE sauce! Very simple... One part Blackstrap Molasses, One part Apple Cider Vinegar, One part mustard. Then just add any other spices/flavors to taste (like garlic, salt, pepper, honey, ect)

Yum! Easy, tasty way to eat molasses and acv.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Melody (Worthington, Ohio) on 11/20/2014

This fudge recipe was absolutely delicious. I used almond butter because that's all I had on hand & added a heaping spoonful of cacao powder, heated it to mix, then cooled in the refrigerator. It was so good I had to stop myself from eating the whole thing. It helps fulfill my goal of eating 3 Tbsp. of coconut oil a day & 1 Tbsp. of bsm. Tasty & nutritious!

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Jeannine (San Antonio, Texas) on 08/18/2021


I used the fudge recipe and wanted to know how you figured out that each square came to 1.5 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses? I would love a cookie recipe and to figure out how to know how much molasses would be in one cookie.

My father has cancer and we are trying to bring up his iron levels. So like the fudge I told him to try and eat 2 squares a day to get 1 tablespoon of the BSM.

Your help is kindly appreciated

Thank you

EC: If you are using the recipe in our article:

1/2 cup molasses per the recipe = 24 teaspoons divided by 16 pieces/slices = 1.5 teaspoons per slice.

24/16 = 1.5


Molasses Recipes
Posted by Javschloggit (Wise, Virginia) on 03/27/2013

I absolutely love BSM! For all you with a green thumb out there, your plants do too! Look it up. But the way, I usually consume my BSM in a smoothie for breakfast. I use BSM, fruit(usually berries), vanilla extract, milk kefir, and avocado to thicken it.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Colleen (Brooklyn Park, Mn, USA) on 03/05/2013

I too am having issues with trying to drink down the Blackstrap Molasses. When I started taking it I would mix it with warm water and honey. It was ok. Now I have started adding it to my protien shakes with peanut butter. Today I made a protien shake with a banana and it's the best ever. The molasses strong flavor is hiden by the banana and the strong banana flavor is lessoned by the molasses. I'm not a fan of bananas in my shakes but this is wonderful. I have also mixed it with peanut butter and ate it on my toaste with honey. I know the BSM is helping me and my mentrual cycle however the taste is hard for me to stomach. Please keep posting your tricks for drinking down this black tar. I appreciate the recipes.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Alexandra (Cheshire, England) on 11/18/2011

I have just tried the BSM mixed with peanut butter. I spread it on oatcakes (dry oat crackers). It was delicious. A quick, nutritious snack. Thank you.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Kathy (Ontario, Ca) on 03/06/2013

Hi Colleen, the way I take Black strap mollasses is in tea or coffee. It taste yummy. 1 Tablespoon in a cup of hot tea or coffee.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Aine (Seattle, Wa) on 06/05/2012

I like mixing a banana, almond or coconut milk, and a tablespoon or two of Blackstrap Molasses in a blender. If I have grated coconut, that adds a nice flavor, too. Easy and delicious!

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Alexandra (Cheshire, England) on 11/16/2011

I enjoy drinking BSM. I usually have one teaspoon in a mug of warm water with a pinch of sea salt. (I do not like it with ACV. ) You could try it in warm milk.

My daughter had bad period pains but would not take BSM, so I made her cocoa with it in. I told her she wouldn't like it, but she drank it all and said it tasted ok, and she felt better in about an hour. I made it with 1 teaspoon cocoa in a mug of hot water, stirred in 1 teaspoon BSM then added a little cold milk.

If you really cannot drink it, how about putting it in your cooking. The spices in a curry would mask the flavour, or make some parkin (oatmeal cake) - delicious!

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Dud (The Woods, Wv, Usa) on 11/17/2011

Anon; I also hate the taste of blackstrap molasses. I finallly found this recipe, that tastes good;

Jar, with lid, 8 ounce
Milk , cold, 6 oz. Carob powder, 1 tsp. B. S. Molasses, 2 tsp. Put in the jar , shake well, until all the molasses is dissolved. It will now taste like chocolate milk. For some reason, carob powder mixed with milk and a sweetener tastes exactly like cocoa. In no other recipe does it taste like cocoa. The molasses taste will now be disguised as a rich chocolate milk drink. [ I do not know if cocoa powder will also work in this drink, I never tried it.... It might. ]

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Bondgirl (Nyc, Usa) on 03/17/2011

A great way to take Black Strap Molasses if you're finding it difficult to consume is adding it to sparkling water, it tastes like an organic version of coca cola. Add a twist of lemon and ice for a refreshing drink.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Briana (Chicago, Il) on 11/10/2009

Molasses Chai

I created the following recipe because I was trying to take several superfoods listed on this site every day and I couldn't stand the taste of the Blackstrap Molasses or the Turmeric. So I drink two cups of Molasses Chai a day:

Start with 8 oz of hot water. Then add one chai tea bag (a tea blend including chai spices). While the tea steeps mix in 1 Tbsp of blackstrap molasses, 1 Tbsp of honey (raw is better), 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 2 dashes of turmeric. At this point stop to stir in the turmeric to dissolve the water soluble portion. Then add some milk (about 1/4 cup). U can substitute soy/rice milk etc. Mix in the milk and remove the tea bag. Add 1 Tbsp of coconut oil (virgin is better) and mix to dissolve turmeric in CO.

Other than looking kind of funny because it will have a yellow tinted layer of oil on the top it will taste fine. Don't forget the vanilla it masks the flavor of the molasses. If it still tastes bad to you then put in less BSM, turmeric, and/or VCO until you get used to the flavor.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Rachel (Chicago, IL) on 03/10/2009

I have tried black strap molasses in many different ways because it is not pleasant to taste. The way that I think is best is warming a cup of milk in the microwave, adding 1 tablespoon of bsm, and trying different teas. My favorite tea to use is a vanilla decaf. by Bigelow. This tastes very good. Caramel is also good. Milk tastes much better than water.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Tina (River John, Nova Scotia, Canada) on 01/07/2009

I have come up with a great way to take black strap molasses and virgin coconut oil. I make fudge out of three ingredients. I take 2 tbls BSM, 2 TBLS VCO, 2 TBLS OF a peanut butter or any nut butter preferably organic but not necessary, I have even used nutella. I melt VCO by putting it in a dish placed in sink with hot waterfor a slow melt. Add the peanut butter mix until smooth and add the BSM mix until smooth. Pour into a flat dish and refrigerate until hard. Then I cut it into one tbls size squares.I take one square in the am and one in the pm.some would want to increase the amount of intake, but this is the right amount for me. i also take the weekend off from consuming this. I make this every few days so that it is always fresh. I would love some feedback on this if you like it or if someone sees a problem with taking it this way. Hope this helps people to stomach some of the things that can be hard to take. This actually tastes all right.


Molasses Recipes
Posted by Robert (Lafayette, La) on 10/03/2014

Before you quote ANY study, please do your homework as to WHOM has funded this research. I have personally been drinking Texas certified raw milk for several years for my asthma and allergies, which have been reduced significantly. I have noticed a side effect I hadn't anticipated: calcium deposits have disappeared around my knee as long as I consistently drank one eight ounce glass a day.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Patricia (Nw Florida) on 04/15/2017

This, makes 4 squares, recipe is awesome! Are there more recipes like this?
Thank you

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 12/16/2011

Great recipe for blackstrap molasses:

One large mug

2 bags of Lipton Carmel Truffle Tea (

One T. EVCO (extra virgin coconut oil)

One T. Black Strap molasses

One half to one T. Honey

Pour boiling water over the ingredients in mug and stir gently while steeping to melt the coconut oil.

Good for what ails you! Also, read about health benefits of Mastic Gum.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 11/17/2011

I will say - I wanted to GAG the first time I drank the (unsulphered) BSM in water. It was such a strong flavor, it really did NOT taste like something I could do on a daily basis, but I really wanted to try it because of all of the great things I had read on here about it.

I tried using less of it in my coffee the next day, and it tasted quite a bit better. The coffee really helped.

I now use one tablespoon of it in my (1) smaller sized cup of coffee every morning - and I can now say that I would really miss it if I were to run out of it - which I have not, as I always keep a spare bottle on hand!

A word to the wise though - start with a teaspoon, and work your way up to using more, or be prepared to stay by the bathroom for an hour after taking it. It WILL make your bowels regular. Sorry if TMI. ;-) ~Carly

Molasses Recipes
Posted by Bodine (Columbus, Ohio, Usa) on 02/18/2013

I have been reading about the benefits of blackstrap molasses and wanted to add it to my diet. I am responding to you while drinking 1 tbls. mixed with 8 ozs. sparkling water and ice. It is great, reminds me of Coca cola syrup or a weak root beer. Thanks for the recipe.

Molasses Recipes
Posted by T (St. James, New York) on 02/24/2011

A cashier told me about a remedy of molasses you find in a health food store, mixed with beet juice, and taken every morning- that it will cure anything wrong with the body. It is what they used in her country (Islands). She added that the molasses could be taken with any fruit juice to substitute beet juice. Have not tried it yet.

Fresh squeezed fruit juice is a live whole food (full nutrient density) and turns the body alkaline when ingested, where as in processed juices full of added sugars where the nutrient density-(phyto nutrients, probiotics, enzymes, caritinoids, etc) has been destroyed, turns the ph acidy. Your body needs these nutrients for cell reproduction and organ functions. Nutritional Genomics is in its infancy. Our government is just finding this out and promoting it through fruit and veggies along with many other government agencies (partners) such as the Center for Disease Control- CDC. gov This will be an interesting remedy to try.

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