High-Dose Nattokinase: A Game-Changer for Atherosclerosis

on Nov 01, 2023| Modified on Aug 29, 2024
Important Updates
Posted by Art (California) on 02/21/2024 2273 posts

Just a brief comment to underscore just how serious a disease Atherosclerosis is for all of us.

Covid-19 is estimated to have killed approximately 7 million people since it was found in 2019/2020 until today or just over 4 years.

Atherosclerosis, the main cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) dwarfs all of the deaths from Covid-19 since it was detected and tracked. In just one year, accounting for over 30% of deaths in the world or approximately 18 million deaths per year, atherosclerosis is far and away much deadlier than Covid-19 ever was. Seven million deaths in just over 4 years for Covid-19 compared to atherosclerosis at approximately 18 million deaths in just one year!

For a bit more perspective, the death toll from atherosclerosis is predicted to increase each year, but assuming it stays at approximately 18 million deaths per year for the next 4 years, that will be about 72, 000, 000 deaths over a 4 year period compared to 7 million Covid-19 deaths over a similar 4 year period. That is greater than 10 times the death toll of Covid-19! Excuse me while I go take my nattokinase.


Important Updates
Posted by Archie (California) on 03/10/2024

I had a higher Blood pressure than you have probably ever heard of. I started doing a lot of things to reduce it so all I take now is a low dose of bp med. Not sure what lowered it so much but here is a list of what I did. Quit drinking alcohol, started walking about 2 miles a day Started fasting once a week, Started eating approximatly 2 grams of cayanne pre day, Started lifting weights high reps. I also take Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, K2, D3. My high blood pressure was so high it scared me into doing all of the above. The reading that scared me was taken in the morning after a hot shower when it should be the lowest. My bp machine wouldn't ever register the first several times. so I relaxed for 5 minutes. When it finally registered, it was 245/190. Now it is around 130/70.

Nattokinase for Arterial Plaques
Posted by Art (California) on 11/02/2023 2273 posts

Hi Debra,

Vitamin K2 works with other clotting factors in the body to aid in blood coagulation as discussed in this Cleveland Clinic article on the subject :

https://health.clevelandclinic.org/vitamin-k2/#:~:text=Aids in blood clotting, thing — and they can be.

Here is a relevant quote from the article :

One of the main functions of K vitamins is to allow your blood to clot. In fact, the “K” in vitamin K is in reference to the German word “koagulation, ” which translates to “coagulation” or the ability to clot (or thicken) blood.

Regarding lumbrokinase, I have looked at studies for it, but in comparison to nattokinase, they are fairly limited. PubMed only has 92 studies listed for "Lumbrokinase" whereas PubMed lists 242 studies for "Nattokinase".

On a related note, the nattokinase study I highlighted for the article was important because of the size of the study cohort of 1,062 eligible participants and the fact that they also used a dose one third the size of the 10,800 FU of 3,600FU, which showed no benefit at all. Imo, a study of this size carries significant weight in terms of the value of the results they get. I have never seen a study of this size for Lumbrokinase being used for atherosclerosis. I would, however, like to see the study or studies that the doctor you listened to based his claim on. I haven't seen a heads up study specifically for atherosclerosis utilizing lumbrokinase, nattokinase and serrapeptase/serratiopeptidase.

Thank you for your questions.


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Posted by Dick D. (Birmingham, AL) on 11/01/2023

My GP has had me on one DaVinci Nattokinase Plus capsule for years. I am 84 years old and heart wise my Cardio Dr. says my heart and vessels are in good condition for my age.

General Feedback
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 11/01/2023

Thanks for this article.

Natto is also recommended to dissolve the spike protein in CV19. Readers might be interested in The Great cholesterol con by Dr Malcolm Kendrick in the UK.

Important Updates
Posted by Art (California) on 02/21/2024 2273 posts

Hi Hollyhock,

Yes, I guess related in the sense that they are both promoters of atherosclerosis(AS) and CVD, but there are many promoters of AS and CVD in many things we eat, drink or are exposed to in life.

I am looking at it in terms of nattokinase, GSPE and vitamin K2M7 potentially ameliorating the atherosclerotic and CVD aspects of all of it in order to avoid becoming another AS or CVD statistic.


Adjusting Nattokinase Dosage
Posted by Art (California) on 01/01/2024 2273 posts

Hi Colette,

You didn't say what brand you are using, so I can't look it up to check the label.

So first, look at the back of the label of your nattokinase bottle. I've noticed that some suppliers say 4000 FU on the front label, but when you look at the back label, it may say "Serving Size - Two capsules". So this means that each capsule is 2000 FU and it takes 2 capsules to equal the 4000 FU advertised on the front of the label. I consider this to be a questionable advertising technique to make the buyer think that they are actually getting 4000 FU in each capsule.

Okay, so if this turns out to be the case and you get 2000 FU per capsule, you could take 5 of these capsules to equal 10, 000 FU. The capsules I take are 2000 FU each and I take 5 per day. I realize that this is 800 FU below the dose used in the study, but it has worked very well for me and I thought it too much trouble to try and get the other 800 FU.

So check your label and please come back and let us know what it says.


Serrapeptase Option
Posted by Art (California) on 01/01/2024 2273 posts

Hi Rhonda,

Unfortunately there are no human studies that I have been able to find that used serrapeptase to reduce atherosclerosis. In my opinion, if an article makes a claim such as the one you mentioned and then offers no studies to support the claim, then the claim is merely an opinion.

When you check PubMed and search serrapeptase and atherosclerosis, you get zero results. They don't even have animal studies to support that claim.

When you search AI for the same, this is the answer it gives :

While some animal and in vitro studies have suggested potential benefits of serrapeptase in reducing arterial plaque buildup and inflammation associated with atherosclerosis, human clinical trials with rigorous methodologies are needed to establish its effectiveness and safety in treating or preventing atherosclerosis. '

This is the reason that I chose Nattokinase instead of Lumbrokinase or Serrapeptase, because Nattokinase not only had one human study, it had three or more, but there were over 1, 000 participants in the study I discussed to add further credibility to their findings. Overall it was a very good study and my short experience with trying to replicate the study results in myself has already exceeded their results in a shorter period of time than the study length.

I'm sure there is anecdotal evidence to support most of the proteolytic enzymes for atherosclerosis, but I was looking for science based evidence for the article and only nattokinase had that requirement. Given the above, I am sorry to say I have no suggestion for the dosing of serrapeptase for the purpose of reducing atherosclerosis.


Best Time to Take
Posted by Lola (Toronto) on 02/26/2024

Question for Art, please - Best time to take Nattokinase?

I know that it should be taken on an empty stomach. Some suggest taking it on an empty stomach in the morning to optimize absorption rates. Another consideration is to take Nattokinase after dinner or before sleep since a thrombus is more likely to be produced around midnight to early.

Important Updates
Posted by Art (California) on 02/23/2024 2273 posts

Hi Maria,

The the study used Nattokinase at a high dose of 10, 800 FU per day for a full year, to very good effect in terms of lowering cholesterol, triglycerides, atherosclerosis, while raising HDL cholesterol. They also found that a dose of 3, 600 FU per day had no effect on the mentioned parameters. You didn't say what dose of nattokinase you used and for how long you used it. The majority of nattokinase supplements are only 2000 FU per capsule while some are only 1000 FU per capsule and the study dose would require more than 5 of these 2000 FU capsules per day to reach 10, 800 or more than 10 of the 1000 FU capsules per day to reach the study dose.

They also found that a low dose of vitamin K2M7 at only 180 mcg per day was additive to the high dose nattokinase in terms of improving the mentioned parameters.

My personal experience showed that nattokinase and vitamin K2M7 very significantly lowered my cholesterol numbers and triglycerides into the normal range.


Adjusting Nattokinase Dosage
Posted by Art (California) on 07/05/2024 2273 posts

Hi bmaz121,

If this is the product you are using, each capsule is rated at 2000 FU :


This is why I wish manufacturers would just use FU instead of mg also. Some 100 mg nattokinase are rated at greater than 2000 FU and so it is confusing to use mg when it is the actual FU of each capsule that is important.

To give an example, the following nattokinase capsule is only 20 mg, but each capsule is 2000 FU as described here :


Regarding a date for the replies, each reply and post already has a date in it near the top of the reply placed there by EC.


Posted by Lindi (USA) on 11/02/2023


Can you take nattokinase and K2 if you have bad varicose veins?

Nattokinase Vs Statins
Posted by Art (California) on 02/29/2024 2273 posts

Hi Joey,

I haven't seen any studies or articles that say the two can't be taken together, but the point of the article was that nattokinase is more effective for reducing atherosclerosis than the statin drug group and it doesn't include any of the known side effects of statins, some of which could be serious as discussed here :



Nattokinase Vs Statins
Posted by Art (California) on 06/26/2024 2273 posts

Hi Sharon,

Regarding which statin for your husband to take, his doctor will make that decision for him as a prescription is required. Nattokinase, in more recent studies, have shown that 2000 mg of nattokinase is an ineffective dose for fighting atherosclerosis. The study I highlighted with over 1000 participants suggested that 10, 800 FU was useful for reducing atherosclerosis after 12 months. Here is a link to that article :


Here is a relevant quote from the study :

As shown in Table 5, no differences in NK efficacy were found between male and female participants, although changes in female participants were marginally greater, but were not statistically significant. We found that NK at 3, 600 FU dose was not effective in lowering lipids and suppressing atherosclerosis. Lipid levels and CCA-IMT and plaque size did not change after 12 months of NK consumption at that dose (Table 6).


Nattokinase Vs Statins
Posted by Art (California) on 06/29/2024 2273 posts

Hi Jake,

The difference may lie in the dose you are using which is greater than the study dosage, while the dose I am taking is slightly less than the study dosage. I I haven't seen any human studies using 12, 000 FU.

Just a quick mention, a bioavailable form of magnesium such as magnesium glycinate that delivers enough actual magnesium not just magnesium glycinate to reach the RDA should be beneficial for the heart and kidneys while helping to reduce vascular calcifications.


Best Time to Take
Posted by Art (California) on 02/26/2024 2273 posts

Hi Lola,

Unfortunately the study made no mention of dose timing. I personally take my full dose in the morning upon awakening. My supplement only suggests taking on an empty stomach and I would say my stomach is mostly empty upon awakening. Based on my cholesterol test results, I will likely continue on this dosing pattern.

I have seen articles suggesting taking at bedtime, morning or just on an empty stomach, but the majority of articles seem to agree on an empty stomach and to me that would be first thing in the morning. On the other hand, nattokinase is thought to be active in terms of fibrinolytic activity for over 8 hours, which is roughly the time we are asleep. So perhaps taking it at bedtime might optimize the antiatherosclerotic effects, but I have not seen a study to support that idea?

I think the bottom line is the study saw significant positive benefit just relying on the participants choice of when to take it.


Important Updates
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 02/21/2024

Art, aren't the two related? Since covid can cause heart disease? And the Vax also brought on heart disease as well?

Important Updates
Posted by Bronna (SC) on 05/03/2024

Hi there....I was tested recently for calcium buildup and it's very high....was told about Natto from a friend and I was going to order the beans but after reading all this....I'm going to get the supplements. Have you seen Davinci Nattokinase that is 20,000FU? I'm going to wait until I hear back from this before I order. I'm thinking 1 of those daily is all I would need. BB

Adjusting Nattokinase Dosage
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 07/06/2024

I use Nature Bell nattokinase - 8000FU per serving (3 caps). To get to the 10,800 fu/day, I take 4 caps/day (sometimes 4 if I didn't follow my usual routine).

Nattokinase and Soy Isoflavones
Posted by Art (California) on 11/03/2023 2273 posts


In the one year study that the article was based on, they did not report any adverse events or significant side effects.


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Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2023 2273 posts

Hi Greg,

What the study found is that the addition of vitamin K2 was additive to the effects of the nattokinase. So for better effect in reducing atherosclerosis, adding vitamin K2 improved the results of the nattokinase for atherosclerosis in the study.


Posted by Art (California) on 03/09/2024 2273 posts

Hi Jim,

If your doctor won't help you on that front, your pharmacist can check the compatibility of the two together. My doctor always asks me everything I am taking and each visit he asks if I have added any new supplements or stopped taking any and if I have, he adds it to my file or deletes it from my file as the case may be. He is looking for potential interactions and potential negative reactions to the supplements. When I added nattokinase/K2, he ran a liver enzyme test and a kidney function test to make sure it was not impacting those organs negatively since I am looking at longer term use. He also checked because of my long term use of high dose melatonin as well as topical melatonin.

I really like my doctor because he seems very thorough and intent on trying to maintain my health and I feel he is always honest and straightforward with me and also willing to let me try things such as NK instead of a statin drug. He allowed me the time to test NK and was willing to wait for the results to see if I could avoid the statin drug. He did say that if it didn't work, then I would have to go with a statin to get my cholesterol into a more optimal place.


Nattokinase Vs Statins
Posted by jake (chicago) on 06/29/2024

that's so interesting - your results versus mine - yet I would guess related. Aside from heart issues (family) my main issue is my kidney function - maybe that's somehow in the mix. I'm also doing well with high dose melatonin. Thanks for all your help.

Adjusting Nattokinase Dosage
Posted by Art (California) on 01/03/2024 2273 posts

Hi Colette,

Since they are actually 4000 FU per capsule, you will have to by an additional bottle of 2000 FU nattokinase per capsule. Take 2 of the 4000 FU capsules and 1 of the 2000 FU capsules to get to the 10000 FU per day level. Unfortunately, the brand you purchased does not offer a 2000 FU version that I could find. So you will have to choose another brand for the extra 2000FU needed to get to 10000 FU.


Serrapeptase Option
Posted by Ruth (Massachusetts) on 08/09/2024

https://brewersciencelibrary.com/prodimages/Basic Cardiovascular Packet ALL.pdf

articles by Dr. Hans A. Nieper, MD

Nattokinase for Arterial Plaques
Posted by Debra (Sydney, Australia) on 07/03/2024 60 posts

Sorry for the late reply Art, I keep forgetting to click the notification button when someone replies.

This article outlines the benefits of Lumbrokinase over Serrapeptase and Nattokinase that I came across and which convinced me to try Lumbrokinase. I have to say, I've been using it for some time now and it helps considerably with my blood thickening disorder. I have been predisposed for years and needing to take these enzymes to be able to breath and function. I picked up the blood thickening issue myself during menopause when I discovered Aspirin helped. I tested this theory with others during menopause and they found relief too. Rather than taking anti-coagulants, I found proteolytic enzymes far better without the side effects.

Lumbrokinase vs Nattokinase vs Serrapeptase: Blood thinners!! Used to address blood clot prevention (dissolves clots), inflammation reduction, manages the progression of artherosclerosis, (substack.com)

General Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/02/2023 2273 posts

Hi Frances,

You're welcome!

Yes, nattokinase has many other potential health benefits other than atherosclerosis or cardiovascular disease and EC has written an article that lists some of those benefits here :



Recommended Brands
Posted by Art (California) on 11/02/2023 2273 posts


Thank you for the feedback!

I only point to Amazon because they have a large selection, but they are not the only reseller of nattokinase. So if you have a reseller that you feel confident in to sell real products, that is always your option.


Important Updates
Posted by Maria (San Antonio) on 02/23/2024

I've tried serrapeptase, nattokinase, lumbrokinase, not once, few times, regularly take full spectrum vitamin K+D+ everything that goes with that for full absorption.

It had zero effect on my cardio markers (Cardio IQ test and other tests) - I am a walking heart attack my doctor had said.

No, I have no genetic polymorphisms related to CVD or other genetic conditions.

I am 110lb, eat no gluten or sugar.

P.S. IP6 gold supplement does decrease my very high numbers. Interestingly, since I do have elevated bilirubin (harmless, they say), it goes down as well. Scientists should study the correlation of cardio markers and bilirubin. By the way bilirubin is a very strong antioxidant.

Adjusting Nattokinase Dosage
Posted by Art (California) on 01/04/2024 2273 posts

Hi Cdhill910,

Mainly in that article I discussed the study results of Nattokinase over the study period, which was one year to obtain the results they reported.

My situation is different than the study, because I took more than nattokinase and for a significantly lesser period of time as I discussed my experience and timeline here :


The dose of nattokinase I used was slightly less than the dosage used in the study and that was mainly because it was more convenient for me to take the dosage that I used.

In my last doctor visit, my doctor said, "Honestly Art, I don't think you could have done better had you used a statin." He further told me that my lipid profile is trending downward and may continue. So I am going to ask him if he will recheck my lipid panel at my next visit. I don't want my lipids to decline too much because cholesterol has healthful uses in the body and if I feel they get too low, I will reduce my nattokinase dose or stop for a while.


Recommended Brands
Posted by El (Walton, WV) on 11/02/2023

K2 I like...

I trust all Mercola products as being of high quality - K2 = 180 mcg. I also like Carlyle K2+D3 in olive oil - one dropperful = 80 mcg K2 and 50 mcg (2000 IU) if Vitamin D.

Nattokinase for Arterial Plaques
Posted by Debra (Sydney, Australia) on 11/01/2023 60 posts

Hi Art,

I just read your article on Nattokinase and the higher dose made a lot of sense to me. You mentioned in the article that Vitamin K2 has blood coagulase properties. I use Vitamin K2 (MK7) as an anticoagulant and am pretty sure this is what it does. I wondered if it was a typo?

The other question I wanted to ask, is if you have ever tried or researched Lumbrokinase for arterial plaques. I listened to a doctor speak recently on how Lumbrokinase was by far superior to both Natto and Serrapeptase. I have used both of the latter for years as I suffer from blood clotting issues, due to fibrin, mold and EMF. I have only just ordered the Lumbrokinase so hoping to see myself if there is a difference to the 250,000IU of Serrapeptase I'm currently taking. I would love to know what you think.

Recommended Brands
Posted by Art (California) on 11/02/2023 2273 posts


Thank you for the positive feedback!


Recommended Brands
Posted by Art (California) on 11/08/2023 2273 posts

Hi Greg,

If you are a believer in the idea that inflammation in the vascular system is one of the main initiators of atherosclerosis, as I am, then absolutely, olive oil (OO) should have antiatherosclerotic effects via its anti inflammatory effects. I don't necessarily think it is the most potent natural antiatherosclerotic agent, but yes, I definitely feel it has antiatherosclerotic effects. Being a significant component of the Mediterranean diet adds a bit more confirmation to that idea since the Mediterranean diet is noted for antiatherosclerotic effects.


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Posted by Greg (Austin) on 11/14/2023

Thanks for the follow-up! I am bit confused on the K2 (mcg) vs taking Natto (FU's). Am I supposed to be taking both? I eat Nattobeans from this company. They say it has 500 mcg of vitamin K2 per serving.


Posted by Jim (Augusta GA) on 03/08/2024

Statin use and NK

Art, I am taking Crestor 40 b/c of a recent very high CT calcium score. Is there any reason I should not take 8000fu of NK as a supplement to my prescribed therapy? My doc seems disinterested in any supplement advice.

Nattokinase Vs Statins
Posted by Joey (NY) on 02/29/2024

Thank you for the article. One question I have that I can't find that anyone has touched on-

Since one of the roles of statins is to "harden" existing plaque to prevent clots from breaking off, does Nattokinase work opposite of that in terms of it's power to dissolve plaque? Put another simple way, wondering if they're safe to take together or if they work against each other? Thank you.

Nattokinase Vs Statins
Posted by Sharon (MD) on 06/26/2024

Would like an answer on this topic/question. My Husband (69) has been taking 2,000 once daily of nanokinase but have since developed multiple strokes due to plaque in the brain. Really want to know this question and what natural statin he take. Thank you.

Important Updates
Posted by NevadaSmith (Luzerne county, PA) on 08/29/2024

I've been taking 20,000 FUs of nattokinase once a day for over 4 months. I'm thinking of splitting the dose and taking it twice a day since I read that it's only active in the body for 8 hours.

Adjusting Nattokinase Dosage
Posted by Colette (OH) on 12/31/2023 3 posts

Hello Art, I just received my Nattokinase that has 4,000 FUs per capsule. How can I adjust to take the 10,800 FU's per day? Would 3 capsules 12,000 FU's be too much to take per day?

Thanks for all of your articles on Earth Clinic. They provide a wealth of knowledge.

Adjusting Nattokinase Dosage
Posted by Colette (Ohio) on 01/03/2024 3 posts

Hi Art,

The brand is Arthur Andrew Medical. Each capsule is 4,000 FU. The maintenance is 2 capsules per day. Increased support is 4 capsules per day.

Adjusting Nattokinase Dosage
Posted by bmaz121 (West coast) on 07/05/2024

I buy Nattokinase from Amazing formulas because it is amazing. The problem I have with this conversation is the FU. Can't find a measurement like FU on any bottle. My bottle says 100 mg. Can someone here direct me to the proper pill size in MG for the best effect, but a high dosage since a clot could block an artery any minute. 7-5-24, please date your comments.

Adjusting Nattokinase Dosage
Posted by Cdhill910 (Maple Hts, Ohio) on 01/04/2024 3 posts

Thanks Art, that makes sense and will do. How long did you take before you had your cholesterol tested to see the results? My doctor just gave me a statin prescription on December 21st. The dosage is 5mg. which I have not started due to the fear of the side effects. I began the Nattokinase on December 30th along with the grape seed extract and vitamin k-2.

Serrapeptase Option
Posted by Rhonda (AZ) on 12/31/2023

Please can you offer information on Serrapeptase as it relates to arterosclerosis? I've read that only 60mg is required for six months to reduce plaque by 30%. However, I've seen supplements with higher dosages. I've been taking the 60mg for one year and have not reduced my problem very much. I cannot find the studies, perhaps you have access to more.

Nattokinase and Calcium Buildup
Posted by Tony (Chicago, IL) on 11/24/2023

Art, will nattokinase also reverse calcium from arteries and body?

Nattokinase and Soy Isoflavones
Posted by Curleyhead (Columbia, SC) on 11/02/2023

Nattokinase and Soy Isoflavones

What about estrogen effects from the high dosage of Nattokinase? Is it considered a danger/risk?

Recommended Brands
Posted by Greg (Austin) on 11/08/2023


What are your thoughts on taking a Tablespoon of high quality olive oil every day? Do you think it is necessary or not worth it since oils may go rancid on the shelf?

Recommended Brands
Posted by Joey (USA) on 11/01/2023

Hi ya,

I think what you shared is great info ~ however, is purchasing supplements from Amazon pure?
