Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies: Relief & Healing

| Modified on May 29, 2024
Posted by Robb (Kentucky) on 01/13/2024

Cayenne Pepper Infused Oil (Rob's Formula)

Cayenne oil is not nearly as irritating to the skin as capsaicin creams, and I use it topically for chest congestion, lower back pain, neuralgia, sciatica, muscle aches, fibromyalgia and arthritis pain. For quick headache relief, massage the oil, or a cayenne balm across the temples. Cayenne oil can also help to clear psoriasis and deter itching.

Cautions: Cayenne oil contains capsaicin, which causes a burning/heat sensation. This is normal and should decrease with repeated use capsaicin only causes the sensation of heat, not real damage to tissues. Test your oil on a small patch of skin to gauge its effects before applying to wide areas.

Ingredients: Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, Peanut Oil as Carrier oil * Additions: wintergreen, eucalyptus, peppermint or rosemary essential oils.

Recipe Instructions:

This formula is a cold infusion method. Capsaicin is destroyed by heating so I prefer this method. There are ways the speed up the process but to complex for this tutorial.

1. The ratio of oil to pepper will depend on the hotness of the peppers, and your own preferences, a good ratio is 1 part powder to 4 parts oil. I use a one pint mason jar. I put 3 TBSP Cayenne powder and 2 TBSP Ginger powder into the mason jar. Top off jar with peanut oil to within 1 inch from top. Place lid on mason jar.

2. Shake jar every day for 2 weeks.

3. After the 2 weeks, allow jar to set for 3 days undisturbed so the pulp settles to the bottom. Decant the clear oil off the top.

Rub this oil into painful areas 3x/daily.

Posted by Bunny (Ohio) on 01/07/2024

Check out Barbara O'Neill on YouTube about castor oil compresses…I have bone spurs on spine for 1O plus years ….had neck surgery to prevent the possibility of paralysis, it helped but still had lower back pain to the point of BARELY able to walk…Decided to faithfully use castor oil compresses for one year, into 7th month, can walk for 2O or 3O minutes straight without pain….

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 12/10/2023

Hydrogen Peroxide of Arthritis:

Walter Grotz, one of the pioneers in oral peroxide therapy, has a keen and inquisitive mind. Although he is an ex-bureaucrat himself (retired postmaster), he understands and dislikes bureaucracy like most of the rest of us. And Mr. Grotz understands something else that many don't understand. All of the bureaucracy and self-serving bureaucrats are not in the government. Take the American Cancer Society, for instance. Grotz took hydrogen peroxide by mouth, and in 16 days his arthritis had improved dramatically. He called the American Cancer Society and asked their opinion of hydrogen peroxide therapy. The representative who answered the phone said it was quackery."You mean a therapy that costs a lot of money and doesn't do any good?" he asked. "Yes, " she replied, "that's the best explanation I have heard. It costs a lot of money and doesn't do any good."His treatment cost less than six dollars.

Source book:

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Magnesium
Posted by Peg (Minnesota) on 12/06/2023

I use magnesium spray and have no trouble with bowels since the pills have the same effect on me.

Posted by Art (California) on 11/18/2023 2165 posts

A friend's sister from Texas was out visiting her sister near me about 8 months ago and she was telling me that she thought this would be her last time coming to visit her sister because her arthritis hurt so much that the travel by plane to visit her sister was really difficult and painful because of her arthritis. I suggested that she might give some consideration to borax, but she seemed really reluctant at first so I told her that I have used borax to keep my arthritis in remission for about 15 years now. She told me she would try it because the pain was really getting unbearable. By the time she went home to Texas, she had started taking borax water at 1/8th teaspoon per day on the weekdays with weekends off.

I picked her up at the local airport last week to take her to my friend's house. I told her that I thought she wasn't going to visit her sister any more because of her arthritis and she said that was her plan, but since being on borax for about a month or so, she no longer has any arthritis pain, so she can now come visit her sister regularly again, thanks to borax! She told me she still takes it and has recommended it to her friend's mother in Texas because it has worked so well for her.


Posted by Angelsag1 (sun valley, ca 91352) on 11/15/2023

So much water? dehydration is the issue with any mineral. Dr. Beverly Oneill youtube on salt-water talk is brilliant. We take Celtic salt before drinking water, one finger tip wet, dab and I put it in my mouth with a pinch of Boron, swish dissolve with 1/4 cup of water so the cells accept the hydration directly into the bloodstream to the organs. Old book: He's not ill he is dehydrated and a revised issue is the testimony basis. AngioSarcoma of scalp healing patient. love your posts to all. AT.

Chicken Cartilage
Posted by BT (Illinois) on 09/05/2023

Journal article from nih says undenatured chicken collagen (type 2 collagen). See article at this link:

So do not use collagen peptides which are denatured collagen or hydrolyzed collagen..i.e. collagen that has been broken down into peptides.

Posted by Mark (Wilmington, NC ) on 08/27/2023

Follow-up from my 1st post 3/19/23. Today is 8/27/23, and I wanted to give a follow-up report. I'm still taking the borax, I'm now taking 1/8 teaspoon a day, Mon-Fri, and none on weekends. I'm still pain free, no arthritis, no sciatic nerve pain in back and legs, and no carpet tunnel. I initially felt a surge of energy and well-being, but that reduced after about a month of taking borax. Although I was basically pain free, I started to have less energy like I had before taking borax. But I tried changing my diet, and so far I've felt better and have more energy. I've gone basically (added)sugar-free, wheat-free and corn -free, and I definitely feel better with more energy!!! I still eat some potatoes, some rice, fruit, but I try to eat half the portions I use to, and this has helped my energy a lot!!! I've cut out sweets, candy, cakes, cookies, pies, ice cream, cereals, milk, (everything I love! ). If you have low energy, you will know in 2 weeks if this diet change works! Do not try to go carb-free!!! It will ruin your metabolism like it did mine years ago!

Posted by Vicki (Detroit Mi ) on 07/23/2023

You might want to use a plastic wrap instead of a rubber band. It keeps from getting the castor oil and cayenne on the bed clothes. Just a suggestion.

Posted by Golfwrench (Tigerville, South Carolina) on 07/22/2023

I've been a wrench (mechanic) for nearly 40 years and over that time developed arthritis in my hands to the point that if I tried to make a fist, my knuckles weren't even visible. I started using the recommended dose for women several weeks ago and within the first week my knuckles became visible again and it hurt less to make a fist. Well now, I'd say most of the swelling is gone and the pain is not nearly what it once was.

I also had pain in my shoulders and neck from various injuries over the years and the pain seems to be lessened in those areas as well. My range of motion seems to be increasing week by week and I'm gonna stay on the borax for life as long as I see no adverse reactions, and so far, there have been absolutely none! I can't thank you enough for this website! Gonna try other remedies I find here as well!

Posted by Roelof (Pretoria, South Africa) on 07/22/2023

For me Boron was truly a miracle cure. I am a 78 year old male and blessed with good health, but over the past seven years I have had serious trouble with arthritis in my knees, one shoulder and the fingers of my left hand. I had the normal symptoms: pain, stiffness and swollen joints. Walking became increasingly difficult. I tried a number of the OTC medicines, as well as a few of the remedies on this site. None of them brought any relief worth mentioning. Eventually I started with Boron, the 3mg tablets. I take three tablets per day. It has now been fourteen days and I am astonished by the success: no pain, the swelling and stiffness have disappeared and I can walk at a brisk pace. I am now scaling down to two tablets per day as a maintenance dose. (Ps. Using Boron tablets instead of the Borax solution was just a personal choice.)

Peanut Oil
Posted by Cheryl (Highland Park, NJ) on 07/06/2023 10 posts

For soothing the pain and stiffness of arthritis:

Rub peanut oil into the affected joints, also massaging the tissues around the joint to bring up the circulation. If you can find the really good oil -- organic and cold-pressed -- that's great, but even store-bought peanut oil will help some. This is right out of the Edgar Cayce readings.

If you're going to sleep after this treatment, you may want to wear old cotton clothing (gloves, socks, etc.) to protect your sheets. My Mom did this every night when I sent her peanut oil for her hands. She was an avid golfer but the arthritis in her joints was getting worse, threatening to limit her golf games. She did the peanut oil rubs at night with cotton gloves and was able to keep winning club championships into her ‘60s.

Schedule your peanut oil rub in a cyclic pattern. For example, do it every other night; OR, do it for four nights, then take off three nights.

Some people find that pain and inflammation begin subsiding within days; for others, it's weeks. But once the pain and stiffness have disappeared, you only need to use the peanut oil as needed, if the pain returns. Once a week for prevention is recommended. (A full-body massage once a week with peanut oil may prevent arthritis from developing at all, or, if present, can inhibit its development.)

Another factor to consider: The parathyroids, tiny glands on the thyroid, are responsible for managing calcium in the body. If calcium is being inappropriately deposited, these glands may need some help. And this is simple, when you do your peanut oil rubs, finish up with massaging the base of the throat where the thyroid/parathyroids are. Tilt your head back a bit and rub in some oil there; also grasp the area and vibrate it a few seconds to "wake up" the thyroid and parathyroids.

Traditional medicine says that you need to limit your calcium intake, but holistically, we understand that, when the body "hoards" or "stores, " that means it is not getting enough of the substance. Look for calcium lactate supplements that have magnesium. And also take a cod liver oil supplement with it for vitamin D to process the calcium, if you're not out in the sun regularly.
It's better to restrict your protein (which requires calcium to process it) than to restrict your calcium. Populations with high protein intake, such as the eskimos, also have a higher incidence of arthritis, as opposed to South Sea Islanders whose protein intake is relatively low and arthritis is rare.

Posted by Gary (Kitchener) on 05/22/2023

Hi cj

I find Borax to be very helpful. I was reading about Parasites..They can also cause a lot of joint pain. The best Parasite killer is Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. I also take this.

I take 1 cup warm water with 1 teaspoon of F G D E, 5 weekdays and stop on weekends.I do this for 3 months. That lengh of time will kill the eggs that are hatching. After 3 month taking Borax along with F G D E I am almost certain you will be pain free. I continue Borax and if my joints get sore or ache I go back on F G D E. Make sure its Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. All ranchers feed their livestock with it.You can feed all pets also.

Best of health cj


Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 05/22/2023

Hi Tom 70

Break it down as you like..

1/4 teaspoon 5 days a week and stop on weekends.

I have been drinking it for 5 years and I have 0 joint pain and I feel 60 years old. Just remember Tom 70, when you find something that benefits you stick with it.


Posted by cj (FL) on 05/22/2023

Thank you, I hope it works for me, I'm in pain all the time, especially in my knee

Posted by Tom 70 (Auckland, New Zealand) on 05/22/2023

Hi Gary,

1/4 teaspoon of borax weighs 1.25 grams, which is over 125 mg of elemental boron. Is this too high a daily dosage long term?

Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 05/21/2023

Hi cj

The rule of borax is

Women 1/8 spoon in 1 leter of water, drink through the day.

Men take 1/4 spoon in 1 leter of water, drink through the day.

Drink 1 bottle a day and stop on weekends so your body does not over load. Do this for supplements as well.

Borax really works, I am 71 and have no joint pain what so ever.

Try it, it works..


Posted by cj (Florida ) on 05/19/2023

I see that a lot of people take different doses, how much should a women take. Is a 1/4 teaspoon too much for a person?

Posted by cj (Florida ) on 05/19/2023

I see that a lot of people take different doses, how much should a women take. Is a 1/4 teaspoon too much for a person?

Posted by Malc (Derby England) on 05/17/2023

They say that "sorry" is the hardest word.

Imho, patience runs it a very close second place.

I too have recently started with Borax, as other users on this site looking for help, pushed by desperation & frustration in looking for a solution to relieve pain.

Stay with it. A positive mind approach is always another important factor. I'm fully aware as to how that sounds.

Stay with it. And, as always when you need help, ask Him the Lord above for His help and guidance. He brought/guided you to this site, didn't He?

He certainly brought me. And I'm very grateful.

Posted by Art (California) on 05/14/2023 2165 posts


Assuming that you tolerate borax and have no significant side effects, 2 months is usually a fair trial period as some people respond slower to borax. Some people do not tolerate borax.


Posted by cj (Florida) on 05/14/2023

I have arthritis for the last 6 yrs, I was on medications, but when Covid hit, I lost my job and my medication. I am in excruciating pain every single day. I saw this remedy the other day, I hope it works for me. I know it will probably take more than a couple of days to work. Pray for me that it will work for me like everyone else. I want the pain gone.

Posted by Sayonara S. P. P. (Espírito, Santo) on 04/18/2023

Po favor, vc ainda faz uso da ivermectina? Eu tenho artrite reumatóide, pode me ajudar?

Please, do you still use ivermectin? I have rheumatoid arthritis, can you help me?

Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese
Posted by Malikha (Laverock, Pa) on 03/07/2023

High quality Plain Greek yogurt like Fage is a substitute.

Calc Fluor 30x
Posted by Dr Howard (CA) on 02/13/2023

I have over the years never failed on helping bad knees with Calc fluor 30X. Four pills once each evening under the tongue. When pain or any discomfort stops cease taking.

Then take a dose now and then if any reoccurrence. Good for tone elasticity in body, joints, bones, as well as for teeth and gums.

Read about this wonderful remedy.

Don't take too often.

Vitamin C
Posted by Jeff (Florida) on 02/08/2023

Apple Cider vinegar is good for tinnitus.

Posted by Luvbug (Atlanta) on 01/19/2023

Thank you Robert! I'm go into try it for Arthritis. I would recommend making it the way Andreas Kalcker teaches and only use glass. There are too many unknowns with plastic, especially flexible plastics like baggies. But it is SO SIMPLE to make! To your good health😀

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rob (Santa Fe, NM) on 01/02/2023

Thank you. I have borax and usually soak with it and Epsom salt.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Deirdre (EC) on 01/01/2023

Hi Rob,

Trigger finger and arthritis appear to be a boron deficiency most of the time. Please read the feedback on our borax page under the table of contents entry "arthritis" and "borax: on the trigger finger page.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rob (Santa Fe) on 01/01/2023

After a year with little salt, no sugar, carbs, night shades, tomato sauce or dairy I ate thanksgiving dinner. The next day I couldn't make a fist in both hands and trigger fingers appeared. I can only say all the sugar and carbs in that meal did me in. I'm now trying to rid my hand pain and it's been a month. Going back to my dietary changes of before. Prior to this those changes had me drop 20 pounds too I just did it for that, but seeing how those food's affected me, it's a small price to pay folks to be pain free. Just hope I haven't damaged my joints!! Food in America is worthless and you wonder why we have all those awful commercials for ailments. Wise up my friends.

Castor Oil Packs
Posted by Sunny (Sunny CA) on 12/31/2022

Castor Oil for Arthritis

Helps me take fewer OTC meds on days I overdo it.

I started using organic castor oil on my knees and inner elbows. I rub a lot of oil on my knees and place plastic wrap on them and over them with semi lightweight knee sleeves. I add more oil to it a few times during the day.

It's been amazing, more than I hoped for. I used castor oil in 2005 to save my gallbladder, and use it on the gallbladder liver area off and on even to this day.

Worth a try.. I can NOW GET UP from my computer without a cane and without my knees locking up on me for sitting there too long.

Chicken Cartilage
Posted by Ira (Visoko ) on 12/28/2022

I make a big pan of chicken soup and drink it 2 days per week and I stopped drinking coffee as caffeïne is depleting. Within 2 weeks, I notice a major improvement!f

Teasel Extract
Posted by Allyson (Colorado Springs) on 12/18/2022

Tincture of teasel for any kind of arthritis including rheumatoid arthritis.

I cannot take credit but want to spread the cure. I read an article of a Norwegian lady who did her homework of people in the states that cured themselves of Lymes disease, herpes and tons of other diseases that are caused by some bug(s) biting you as a child or adult and per medical medium as the decades go by, you get more and more health problems due to the viruses ( Go to the box to the left in English and hit the Lymes story of her cure). ANY bug/insect that carries a virus and it bites you, you get the virus. Per medical medium Epstein-barr, herpes, Lymes, etc. are of the same family. Lymes is not a bacteria, it is a VIRUS, it is I believe Stage 4, you start getting arthritis (it is not an old person's disease, it is due to the darn virus setting up shop in your body and destroying you, Stage 6 is Alzheimer's type memory problems). Western medicine got it wrong on the Lymes virus!!!!! Before the arthritis, depending which herpes virus bit you, there are 60 of them) there are six stages of the virus breaking down your body as the decades go by. Medical Medium, Anthony William, has the 3rd eye open (as we all can, you have to exercise the pineal gland so get educated on how to do that, probably the best gift you can give yourself!!!! ) he wants us to drink 16 oz of fresh celery juice we make every day for 4 years, plus starve the virus out of your body, cannot eat any kind of meat, no eggs (viruses favorite food), no wheat, no grains, nor dairy, nor sugar and you must eat anti-viral foods like raw wildflower honey, white and sweet potato, lemon or any kind of citrus, onion, garlic, wild blueberries, supplements - lysine, lemon balm, cat's claw, etc. I choked down the celery juice but by winter, the celery was soooo bitter I just could not stand it (celery juice has salt minerals that we do not know of yet) but did not give up trying to kill the herpes 1 and Lymes I have .Then I read the Norwegian lady's story.

Buy Tincture of TEASEL from a reputable seller three 4 oz bottles (if it is with alcohol, the contents will last forever) work up to 9 drops every day (do not rush the drops, one drop 1st day, 2 drops 2nd day, 3 drops 3rd day til you get to 9 drops, when you get to 9 drops, mark the date so you take it for one year, it is nasty as well, put a drop or two of food grade peppermint drops in it!!! ). If you rush the drops, you can get the herx effect where you feel way worse than before you started the drops. These viruses cause thousands of diseases, migraines, headaches, bladder issues, eye problems, high blood pressure, gout, Epstein Barr, fibromyalgia, MS, fire of the mouth disease, nerve issues, liver problems, diabetes, arthritis of any kind, thyroid issues, cancer, sooooo many, many health problems. Since we play outside as kids, 99% have been bitten by something so we all should do this remedy and if you are young or live in bug infested areas, do this every 5-10 years. Google anti-viral foods and start chowing on those so everyone can get healthy again, the idea is to starve the virus out of us!!! (My hubby and I are on our 3rd week now.)

Please do this remedy and SPREAD THE WORD TO EVERYONE (parents, grandparents, friends) YOU KNOW so they can get well with us!!! For those of us that have a virus or two in us, the covid vaccine made us way worse in pain, it reactivates the virus!! Take enough Vitamin D and do 1/2 lemon every day and it will keep most things away ( I buy quite a few lemons at Costco, juice them, put them in ice trays in the freezer and pop two of them in my drinks every day…do not heat the lemon, it kills the immunity)

Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 12/10/2022

Rob, I guess your friend is a big guy. I'm not, so 1/2 tsp. daily was enough for me. I didn't do jello, just gelatin.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 12/08/2022

I stopped by my friend's automotive shop to see how she was doing. While I was there, Billy her chief mechanic walked over to me holding a peanut jar with red powder. I asked “what is that”? He said, remember you told me to take a tablespoon full of jello-gelatin in a glass of water every day for arthritis in my elbows and knees? I said yea, and what happened? Billy said, no more pain. They don't hurt at all. It took about 10 days, but it worked for him. He stopped for a while, and the arthritis started to come back so now he does a maintenance dose every day.

Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese
Posted by Sam (USA) on 12/05/2022


I ordered flaxseed oil yesterday. I will let you know how it works for me. Just going through a bad time with arthritis and bursitis. I have been adding MSM and more vitamin C.

Thanks for your long post with details on your experiment with flaxseed oil and cottage cheese.


Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by BL (CA) on 11/28/2022

Are people taking this apple cider/baking soda aware that it can affect potassium levels? Which can be dangerous...

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 11/24/2022

Dear Connieyes,

My new favorite way of taking turmeric is in a liquid supplement I found at Costco. Qunol. I have seen it on Amazon, too. It does have the black pepper in it, but you can't taste it. Not sure how they got turmeric so palatable, but I got my 11 year old to take some today without batting an eye.

I had been taking turmeric capsules, but I have found this liquid turmeric to be more effective for joint pain.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Connieyes Pj (Minnesota) on 11/23/2022

Yes Pj, I know you posted this couple y ago. But how did you take the 2 tsp. of Turmeric? I have had golden milk before but it has half that amt and also has black pepper in it and as I don't like pepper looking for a new method of taking it. TkY

Posted by JC (Edmonton Alberta) on 11/10/2022

Hi, I've read that with a boron deficiency calcium and other minerals are absorbed by tissue in the area that you experience pain in. When you supplement the borax or boron back into your diet, the tissues release everything that they were storing which is what causes the pain within the initial phase of supplementing it. It then goes away.

Posted by Art (California) on 09/29/2022 2165 posts

M to M,

I completely agree with you!


Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 09/29/2022

Over the years I have read the pro and con arguments for milk consumption. Due to a dairy allergy, I have not consumed cow's milk for most of my adult life. My children also showed varying sensitivity to cow's milk when they were young, and it was just not something I served. 6 of my children are adults and none of my children have ever broken a bone.

My dad on the other hand, drank lots of milk his entire life. Probably raw milk as a child when he also consumed well water. Then pasteurized and city water as an adult. He broke a leg in a bad fall midlife. But as a senior he fell dozens of times, even in his 90's and the only thing he ever broke was his nose one time.

I really don't know what to think. I wonder if it is more complicated than just a one-to-one correlation. So many factors affect health, including genetics, nutrition, weight, exercise, hormones, stress etc.

I think one of the best things we can do for our health is to be optimistic. I recently read the story of Norman Cousins curing a crippling disease with laughter and Vitamin C.

A proverb that was written thousands of years ago is, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."

After I read about Norman Cousins, I looked up old Candid Camera episodes and laughed and laughed with my kids. Can't hurt. Might help!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Vegan (Somewhere) on 09/29/2022

I'm 5'8" and drank pasteurised cow's milk every day as a child. Besides well water it was nearly the only calcium in my diet. I have never broken a bone. My teeth were perfect until I began drinking soft drinks. Though my wisdom teeth were removed. You may consider fluoride levels as a factor in brittle bones. I doubt, despite the studies, that milk caused the weak bones.

The best argument for veganism is this:

"Causing animals unnecessary harm" is the definition of "animal abuse". Since people have no biological requirement to eat animals, all carnivores are guilty of animal abuse.

Best wishes.

Posted by emmanuel (montpellier) on 09/28/2022


on it's written that calcium can be got from milk and dairy but that's not how it works:

Finland country is the world's top milk drinker but it also has the top broken bones, same for Sweden :

And you'll see that each of the country in the list is heavily involved in using milk: France for example, UK, US. The osteoporosis comes from milk ->

We are the only specy to drink the milk of another specy and thus even after being weaned!!! Cow's milk is perfect for growing calves fast, not for human beings. When will cows will milk artificially made pregnant human women to nourrish their calves?

Milk is popular because it serves huge economical interests:

Posted by Annie (Cali) on 09/26/2022

I feel like cayenne helps my heart or blood pressure, Now I have severely swollen knees from RA and now weak bones due to inactivity and years of prednisone/cortisone. I am looking forward to your cayenne and castor oil but on my knees. Oh please pray my knees become unstuck, I want to walk again!!!!

Posted by Lynne (UK Winchester) on 08/25/2022

Where do you get Borax in the UK? I thought it was banned some time ago?

EC: People buy it on Ebay.

Posted by BackToNature (Brownville Me) on 08/01/2022

Vinegar definitely has miraculous properties and could easily put aspirin/tylenol out of business.

Using a mix of 2/3 +/- plus 1/3 water in a spray bottle to relieve an itchy rash (and also a fever) decided to spray sore ankles/ feet. In minutes, my ankles snapped (normal for me except when swollen), relieving the pressure. Applied to my hands, my knuckles enjoyed the same fast relief.

Spritzing water alone never provided this kind of relief, so I'm holding vinegar accountable.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin
Posted by Jyoti (Tampa) on 07/13/2022

I'm looking for the name of Glucosamine for arthritis from Switzerland. Someone had mentioned that the brand was very effective compared to others in another post I cannot find.

Please if someone can help it would be great.

Posted by Robert S. (USA) on 06/23/2022

I have arthritis in several places, both knees, back, neck with chronic pain. I found out about MMS / CDS water and tried it, and it lowered the pain better than anything else I have used. The best site for its use is

Never mind what negative press he gets, it is just the usual medical Mafia hit pieces **clinical studies are documented on his site & standard treatment in certain countries in South America**.

You make CDS water the easy way using just a plastic sandwich bag and a glass jar & a cup warmer to speed it up to 12 - 24 hours instead of 48 hrs. Measure the amount of MMS you need per the amount of CDS you are making, put it in the sandwich bag, make sure it is sealed tight so no leakage, put it in the glass jar filled with distilled & filtered water being careful not to break the bag *squeeze out all the air first* if using a cup heater check every so often so it does not get too hot and melt the bag usually about 8-12 hours if it gets too hot turn it off until it cools a bit then turn it on again until done. If you put room temp water, you can time it, so you can do it at bedtime and adjust in the daytime. If you have a small heating pad, you can use it, but remember to put something under the jar between it and any heater to prevent cracking. Also place in an enclosure to keep the heat in, I use a small cardboard box, no fuss no muss, plain and simple & it works.

Any type of heater will do & can get to 100-130-F but not melt the bag. You either have to buy the MMS solution or make it yourself & both are possible.

The dosage I use is straight out of the jar, about 1/2 tsp 1x daily in the morning on an empty stomach. I have just started to use it intranasal using just a 1oz spray bottle. I mix 1/2 oz CDS with 1/2 oz water > saline I think would be better. Likewise, I use it several times daily and no ill effects, no burning, but it does make your nose run until it clears it out of whatever is in it. Gets into the body easily due to the nose being filled with blood vessels and bypassing the GI tract.

Posted by Jojo (United Kingdom) on 06/17/2022

I have been taking Borax now for several years after reading an Australian doctor's trial result. It has certainly reduced my arthritis symptoms in my hands and if I miss a dose for a few days, the pain quickly returns.

I was unable to knit for many years, now it is easy again. I would recommend it.

Posted by Tricia (Bucks County) on 06/09/2022

I have the beginnings if arthritis in my left thumb for a month now. I decided to try the borax method on the site here, the 1/8 tsp in 4 cups of water. I'm sure I am improving my health in general but I wasn't seeing any pain relief. Then just now I saw your interpretation with the tsp in the litre of water and decided to try it. Maybe when one has something going on in particular, it's good to take enough to “clobber” the pain. Then, ease back once you are comfortable. Sort of a slide rule. I love how you make the stronger version but then take a smaller amount. Thank you for posting. I will be happy to check in again after a month or two.

Celery Juice
Posted by Lauren (NY) on 06/05/2022

I'm trying this tonight for my really bad knee arthritis. When I was juicing celery three months I was walking 2-3 hours at a time with my Pitbull. I should never have stopped. I fell a few weeks back on both knees because of a broken sidewalk and I can't bend my right knee to walk. Weird that I can bend and sit sideways but not to walk. It was just time consuming to juice but I'm gonna start again. Going to try Apple Cider Vinegar tonight, praying it helps a bit by morning.

White Vinegar
Posted by Shauna (CA) on 05/25/2022

Any update on your finger joints?

Posted by Renee (Boston) on 05/14/2022 41 posts

Did you dilute the DMSO?

Posted by Tara (Florida ) on 05/13/2022

Yes! Ivermectin for arthritis: This is a cure that worked 100%.

I had extreme pain in my hands like fire ice at night while sleeping. Couldn't move crying numb . Must have been parasites. I applied liquid ivermectin for cattle with dmso and instantly over a few days it began to cure. It came back many times and many times I did it again I started to do it daily and up my arms. Eventually, it never came back. This remedy would work in many places - neck, feet, stomach, back etc

good luck

White Vinegar
Posted by Rose (Md) on 05/07/2022

I wanted to update my white vinegar post for arthritic joints. My suggestion is just to spray your fingers or hands before bed and leave on overnight. Try to bend or crack joints the following day. I'm not sure but for me, joints that were fused are now cracking and although swollen are starting to lay down. Again I have no medical background but from what I'm seeing and the sounds I hear on bending and massaging is that it's breaking up calcification in these fused joints.

Vitamin O
Posted by KS (IL) on 04/25/2022

What brand did you use? I had never heard of it and when I looked it up it wasn't any clearer.

"Despite its name, vitamin O is not a vitamin. But, it's a little hard to know exactly what it is. Manufacturers are not clear about the chemical formula. One supplier describes its product as a mildly buffered solution of deionized water and sodium chloride with a pH of 7.2. Another supplier lists magnesium peroxide as the active ingredient. Still another claims the ingredients are secret. Sometimes vitamin O is called “liquid oxygen.” But keep in mind that oxygen only exists in a liquid form at temperatures below -183 degrees C.

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) states that vitamin O appears to be nothing more than saltwater."

White Vinegar
Posted by Rose (MD) on 04/19/2022

For arthritic fingers and joints

I got a mini plastic spray bottle and began spraying, and massaging with plain white vinegar 2 days ago. Within 2 days I began to be able to start cracking them and 2 that were sitting up seemed a bit better. However what was most remarkable, was 1 of them when I tried to bend sounded like crackling calcification. I kept doing it because I couldn't believe it. I continued hearing it. It's swollen however it's trying to sit back down. It's the middle finger and baby finger.

Posted by Art (California) on 04/08/2022 2165 posts


The Borax being referred to is the Borax found in the laundry aisle in most markets across the US and it is called 20 Mule Team Borax. Here is a link to what the box looks like :

If it is just one shoulder that is causing pain, Deirdre's new topical formula will likely be the quickest way compared to the oral route. Here is a link to her method :

Keep in mind that this is for arthritis and if your pain is caused by something else it may not help.


Posted by Ken west (Atlanta) on 04/07/2022

Can you tell me is this borax the same as borax footwash that you all are referring to and are y'all taking this internally or topically just want clarification please. I'm in great pain in my left shoulder, thanks.
